I would just like to thank god.


seriously it kind of annoys me when people say this, mostly when somebody is up on stage and has just won an award. they step up for the winning speech and it always starts with.

"i would just like to thank god" what an insult to the people of the world who are dying, the little babies dying of aids, the people getting shot in the face, the little markets of iraq being bombed. the list goes on.

yeah god helped you win the MTV awards, he actualy gives a damn and helped you win that award. never mind the millions of starving children in africa, he dont give a shit about those losers. never mind the war torn middle east, god says screw those guys. its you who he cares about my RnB artist, the almighty lord of existence has chosen you. he got you that bently and the mansion. while lettign others live in a mud hut infected with aids.

and not to mnetion the regular folk who always say, "thank god" for stupid little reasons. and i dont mean the english expression of language "oh thank god" i mean people who actualy thank the lord for getting a new job, or winning the lottery, or passing a doctors test with good health.

then when you get gunned down in a drive by, you look up and say "why god why"

True, just by the way they think we know they are not the moral image they preach regarding thier religion and god.

They always thank god for being "blessed" as if they are special and others are not as worthy and god is following their behind making sure that life goes well for them. If something bad happens to others it was god's plan like masses in starvation.

What a nice god, eh.
True, just by the way they think we know they are not the moral image they preach regarding thier religion and god.

They always thank god for being "blessed" as if they are special and others are not as worthy and god is following their behind making sure that life goes well for them. If something bad happens to others it was god's plan like masses in starvation.

What a nice god, eh.

yeah its stupid, i mean how can you believe that god works this way?. im not trying to dispute the existence of a god. because i dont stand on either side of this debate im an agnostic daoist. (aka just very confused).

i just dont understand how people can believe that god will bless them with some money, yet let another little kid die a horrible death. i mean it cant just be stupidity. is it the ego? are they pretending to believe? what is it?

ofcourse plain stupidness is an option, but thats to easy.

In the WW2 the German soldiers had, something like "God is with us" embeded on every belt buckle. So what happened with their God, it seems it wasn't around at the time they needed it does it. Then again the allies also believed in their God and prayed to it to be with them.
In the WW2 the German soldiers had, something like "God is with us" embeded on every belt buckle. So what happened with their God, it seems it wasn't around at the time they needed it does it. Then again the allies also believed in their God and prayed to it to be with them.

different God...
i just dont understand how people can believe that god will bless them with some money, yet let another little kid die a horrible death. i mean it cant just be stupidity. is it the ego? are they pretending to believe? what is it?

Well, EFC, perhaps for a little bit of pain, the little kid goes on to an eternal life of bliss and happiness. Would you deny the little kid such a glorious existence just for your own selfish desires and needs (and ignorance)?

It's not much different to something like our medical treatments, is it? I mean, people endure great pain and agony in cancer treatments, for the hope of living a longer life free of cancer.

The problem here is the limited knowledge that we have. We look at the little kids death in such short-term views, without the certain knowledge of the eternal life of bliss.

Baron Max
What bothers me most is the people with broken hearts. The ones who have been traumatized especially children who have witnessed parents killed or parents losing thier kids in horrific ways.

This is beyond sad but terribly heartbreaking. If I could hug them and give them all my love to heal them I would.
What bothers me most is the people with broken hearts. The ones who have been traumatized especially children who have witnessed parents killed or parents losing thier kids in horrific ways.

This is beyond sad but terribly heartbreaking. If I could hug them and give them all my love to heal them I would.

You are a very kind hearted person and my admiration goes out to you. I feel the way you do to. :)
seriously it kind of annoys me when people say this, mostly when somebody is up on stage and has just won an award. they step up for the winning speech and it always starts with.

"i would just like to thank god" what an insult to the people of the world who are dying, the little babies dying of aids, the people getting shot in the face, the little markets of iraq being bombed. the list goes on.
the notion of suffering in the material world gives rise to the philosophical inquiry what is our relationship with this world etc etc
yeah god helped you win the MTV awards, he actualy gives a damn and helped you win that award. never mind the millions of starving children in africa, he dont give a shit about those losers.
are more equipoised theist thanks god even in times of suffering - theists who have their notions mixed with material desires tend to only thank god in times of material prosperity (and get bitter in the absence of such things)
never mind the war torn middle east, god says screw those guys. its you who he cares about my RnB artist, the almighty lord of existence has chosen you. he got you that bently and the mansion. while lettign others live in a mud hut infected with aids.
to find out what god actually says, its better to approach scripture or a saintly person - whether certain persons in the enetertainment industry fulfill such requirements is debatable ...

and not to mnetion the regular folk who always say, "thank god" for stupid little reasons. and i dont mean the english expression of language "oh thank god" i mean people who actualy thank the lord for getting a new job, or winning the lottery, or passing a doctors test with good health.

then when you get gunned down in a drive by, you look up and say "why god why"

yeah god helped you win the MTV awards, he actualy gives a damn and helped you win that award. never mind the millions of starving children in africa, he dont give a shit about those losers.

God cares about everyone.
Death is not necessarily something bad...
Someone who wins an award on MTV might be more miserable than the starving children in Africa.
God cares about everyone.
Death is not necessarily something bad...
Someone who wins an award on MTV might be more miserable than the starving children in Africa.

If so then why doesn't ir stop all the problems that cause the starving children in africa and give them food?
seriously it kind of annoys me when people say this, mostly when somebody is up on stage and has just won an award. they step up for the winning speech and it always starts with.
Isn't it a type II error?

Oh please God let it be me ... me ... me ...
You won

Oh please God I promise no more hookers, just let me pass this one last time...
You're fine

Someone started a thread on here about religious people really worshiping themselves in stead of God (subconsciously), maybe it was Snakelord I don't remember. This thread makes me think of that.
I agree with your opening statement, its just pure ignorant arrogance to think they deserve bless and others (for instance starving kids in Africa), apparently, not.
"thank god my ass is american, i love only myself"

Ooh, this is very interesting stupidamite. How does being "american" make you special or more important or worthy than someone else's life on another soil?

Because you reek of it, it's usual and typical and completely erroneous. It's contrived and artificial. If you like where you live and you enjoy the benefits of it, then that is one thing. Beyond that, any other ego-connected identification is arbitrary, dishonest and false. And how does the people who came before you and set up the groundwork from which you are able to leap off of have anything to do with you or any other individual? They don't, only individuals can claim that and it's false to do otherwise. But it's accepted to promote unity though thinking individuals know the real truth and you should never lose sight of the truth. Keeps things in perspective and you honestly humble.

No different than the woman who took the supremacist stance of telling that woman to go back to where she came from because she believed she was simply "better" due to simply taking on the success of a country currently from which she may have not contributed at all in the positive or made a difference. This is typical egoistic thinking.

As far as other people, they also could be in yours or anyone else's shoes in america and claim the same "we are better, therefore i am better" bullshit. Because however you dissect it, it's motivation is inherently wrong. And if you want to even get more honest, not all success was the outcome of morality or without exploitation or contributions from outside an artificial and conceptual distinction such as 'my' country versus yours as sweat shops and people in other countries also are working to contributing to your success and welfare as well. So the credit goes to them as well.

You've got a lot to learn, like having some real integrity.