I woke up in pain!!

Oh give it up! I'll give you Hitler but the USSR fell on its own much to America's surprise and you guys LOVED those damn teletubbies, you ate up those bubbywubbies.

And what's with the baby in the sun? :confused:

Actually, a big source of the USSR's problems were due to military spending to keep up with America. And some people hated the Teletubbies; particularly that religious guy who hated the "gay" one.
Sometimes when people dream of falling, it can actually be down to their Cortisol levels. After all a fall will actually induce a state of alert. It's possible that your ache could of been caused by your body producing the chemistry that would of been associated with dealing with the specific trauma from the dream as if it were something physically real... It's also possible that since the body has a natural defensive way of stopping you lashing out in a panic that you had slept in the same position too long.

Either way I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless of course those pains continue. (If that's the case you might consider your mattress to be the cause)
Last night i had this really weird dream where i was climbing a grass hill with my boyfriend and a lot of other people. The hill was very straight like very vertical i slipped half way down and the crowd of people below me broke my fall and i think i fell on my side, my boyfriend got to the top but fell striaght onto his back and this was a big fall i ran over and he got up but then fell on top of me dead. When i woke up i had a very excruciating pain in my side whats that all about x

I had a dream where I didn't fall, didn't get hurt, no one fell & died on top of me, then the next morning I felt fine. Weird huh?
You're demon-deficient: see a doctor now!

Are there any available over-the-counter? Because I had another strange dream last nite...

I dreamed I was on an airplane that flew to Vancouver, then flew me back. The airplane didn't crash and a taxi picked me up and took me home from the airport. I woke up in my bed...... Weird or what?
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For a second I thought the thread title read "I woke up in paint," well you shouldn't be stealing money from my paint spray protected cash box.... in your sleep!

Sleep Klepto!
You probably had muscle cramp from tensing your side muscles during the dream.
straining them in this way would make them sore for any number of days maybe even a week depending on how strong some are and how weak some others are.
there is apart of the brain that switches off the body's ability to move during sleep which stops us from killing ourselves in our sleep and walking off out of bed etc...
this malfunction is said to lead to what is called "night terrors" where the brain and body get confused as the brain immobilisers the body but does not get into a deep enough sleep etc...(read a little on it).

now as for meanings in your dream, that is different.
meanings of dreams can sometimes be very simple and sometimes very highly complex.
obviousely you have some issues with your boyfriend which is coming out in your dream.
maybe explore some intimacy issues and sexual issues with him for starters after some trust exercises and development.

dynamically your dream is very correct men have no one to support their fall yet women have a community.
this is very A typical of the basic male and female gender stereo typing in society.
you may be exploring this as a social construct in your subconsciousness and be running up against it as a problem in your personal development.
Last night i had this really weird dream where i was climbing a grass hill with my boyfriend and a lot of other people. The hill was very straight like very vertical i slipped half way down and the crowd of people below me broke my fall and i think i fell on my side, my boyfriend got to the top but fell striaght onto his back and this was a big fall i ran over and he got up but then fell on top of me dead. When i woke up i had a very excruciating pain in my side whats that all about x

i agree with drqon. to add to that was the pain from a muscle? i am wondering if the pain began from something you did in your sleep and this influenced the direction of your dream. like waking up with a stiff neck, obviously the pain and stiffness is there while you are sleeping but we remian asleep anyway.:cool: