I want to kill these punks


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
From http://www.news.com.au and it was on TV here last night. Story at http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,4471682%5E2,00.html

Teens guilty of kidnap, gang rape

DAY after day a young woman sat in a witness box and told a room of strangers about the night she was gang raped.

Yesterday, she sat in the court as the jury foreman announced four of her attackers were guilty of involvement in her six-hour ordeal.

On the 25th day of the trial the jury reached a unanimous verdict on all but one charge. On that charge the foreman told Judge Finnane the jury could not agree and never would.

The jury of six men and six women found the four men, now aged 19 and 20 years, guilty of a total of 15 charges relating to kidnap and aggravated sexual intercourse without consent relating to oral and vaginal sex. On one sexual assault charge, relating to one man, they could not agree on a verdict.

The four men, referred to in the trial as X, Y, Z and X1, were part of a group of 14 men accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting the young woman, who can only be known as C, over 6 1/2 hours at three western Sydney locations on August 30, 2000.

For two of the men, X and Y, it was their second gang rape conviction.

With Salvation Army Major Joyce Harmer and her father there for support, the young woman cried quiet tears of relief -- vindicated that her decision to give evidence had been worthwhile.

Her mother, who supported her during her evidence, was unable to be at court yesterday.

Outside court and away from the eyes of her attackers she cried again, out loud. She had never wanted to cry in front of the men who subjected her to such degradation.

The stress of the 2 1/2 days she spent waiting for the jury's verdict had been a trying time for the 20-year-old.

But in the words of the Crown Prosecutor Margaret Cunneen she was an extraordinarily good witness.

Tensions and security were high in the packed courtroom as C and her family and police from Strike Force Sayda listened as Judge Michael Finnane announced that, after 2 1/2 days of deliberations during which they had been sequestered overnight, the jury had sent him two notes.

The four men showed little emotion as the verdicts were read out, then they waved and smiled to their families. But as they were being led away a brawl broke out between two of the men. One called to the other then punched him in the face and officers restrained them.

The court heard in this trial how one of C's attackers, X1, told her "I'm going to f... you Leb-style" and another demanded that she perform oral sex upon him, calling her an "Aussie pig".

Midway through the ordeal, when C tried to escape at a service station, she had what she believed was a gun held at her head and was told "Don't move bitch or you're dead".

And, in a final act of degradation, she was hosed down by her attackers at the scene of the last assault.

Ms Cunneen submitted that C's ordeal "would to decent and civilised people be almost inconceivable".

The four young men, who were aged 17 and 18 at the time of the rapes, all knew each other, having attended the same schools and lived in the same western Sydney suburbs.

Two of them, X and X1, are brothers. Their father supported them at court, as did their mother. X's girlfriend was often at court.

Y was supported in court by his brother and other family members. Y had worked in a paving business for two years since leaving school at 16. Z had worked with a bricklaying business for about four years. His girlfriend supported him in court for much of the trial.

X1, together with Y and Z, had gone to the same school. Y and Z had gone to school together from kindergarten to Year 10.

Two of the men, Z and X1, admitted having sex with C but claimed it was consensual. The other two claimed they were not there and C's identification of them, from police photo boards, was mistaken.

The jury disagreed.

Judge Finnane remanded the men for mention next Friday and remanded X to be retried on the one count on which the jury found they could not agree.

Daily Telegraph

On the TV news report, they said the punks sat together in court and were laughing and joking about it. A couple of them have been done for gang rape before. While they sat there laughing and joking about it, the girl they did this to say behind a screen only a few metres away, listening. They messed her up for life. I don't like violence, and I abhor the idea of killing people, but for these little punks I'd definitely make an exception.

People suck. I hate people.

EDIT to add:

For those who don't know, certain areas of Sydney have had great problems lately with these gang rapes. In certain suburbs there is a culture developing of Middle-Eastern gangs of "homeys" or "home-boys". Thus the reference "Leb-style", meaning Lebanese style. This is such a large problem now that I believe a special police unit has been established specifically to deal with Middle-Eastern gangs and gang rape in that area. These gangs mainly target young white women, as indicated by what one of the rapists said in that article. Not only are they the scum of the Earth, they are racist little fncks.
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And to all of you who cry so loudly about immigration, and how these people are so badly treated at home and how they should be allowed to stay in Australia, DESPITE the fact they never really assimliate with mainstream Australian culture... I say fuck you.

I'm tired of this. I'm tired of racially motivated attacks, and power trips, and people who come here and then form their own little communities, based in OUR peaceful (relatively) homeland, and then bring THIS here. Everything they have run here to escape, they then bring with them and start the while stupid vicious cycle all over again.

I'm heavily into online gaming. The Lebanese in particular seem to be inordinately proud of being such... which is not so bad in itself, but they REFUSE to say they are Australian, despite the fact they live here and have a far better life as a result. I encounter this every day, while playing against them online, with their anonymous nicknames and such. Surprising how the truth comes out when they know there is no way we can identify them. They vilify us, run us down, describe how much they hate us and are TOO BLOODY STUPID to realise they are better off here than they ever were over there. And then wonder why nobody wants them. They have no basic understanding of what it is that makes (or made) Australia somewhere they want to go in the FIRST PLACE.

Fuck them. Send the boat people straight back. You others of a more moderate nature here, tell me how much I'm wrong, tell me that they are in the minority, these ones who do all the damage. And then I'll tell you where to shove it. The whole bloody lot of them can go straight back where they came from, and murder each other, persecute each other, do everything they want... and I WON'T CARE. Until these monkeys learn what it is to be a civilised human being, they can rot.
I agree 110% with both of you. We see the same thing happening in the United States (not the gang rape problems). It pisses me off that these people come to my country, get pampered and treated like they are something special, then they form there own little communitys and treat native born americans like damn outsiders in our own country. They make no attempts to learn english or to fit into the american culture. I can understand wanting to hang onto your traditions and heritage, but makeing american citizens feel like outsiders is a bit to much. If you wanna live in this country, learn the damn language and fit in.
I have been against immigration as it is right now for a number of years. I would like to see a scaled down and more controlled immigration policy where these people would be tracked a little better and see more controls in place.
Originally posted by Azrael
I agree 110% with both of you. We see the same thing happening in the United States (not the gang rape problems). It pisses me off that these people come to my country, get pampered and treated like they are something special, then they form there own little communitys and treat native born americans like damn outsiders in our own country. They make no attempts to learn english or to fit into the american culture. I can understand wanting to hang onto your traditions and heritage, but makeing american citizens feel like outsiders is a bit to much. If you wanna live in this country, learn the damn language and fit in.
I have been against immigration as it is right now for a number of years. I would like to see a scaled down and more controlled immigration policy where these people would be tracked a little better and see more controls in place.
"native born american"? What is that?
Gosh.. practically your whole population is based on immigration... Why should it be stopped now?
This is off-topic btw, but why do you think a chinese person has to be worse off than you, just because he was born in China? Do you understand that one of the reasons of American wealth is that they used slaves from Africa?
I think you need to learn some more history before you go asking what a native born american is and stateing that our whole economic wealth is based on african slaves.
1. Why am I not allowed to ask??? :bugeye:
2. I never said whole economic system.. I said one of the reasons...
i have 3 questions for you adam and squid (i THINK squid lives in sydny not melborne but i think the same thing aplies)


i am REALLY getting sick of people who think because someone lives here they have to live like us, we are indviduals and we PRIDE ourselves and our conutry on its diversity of people, culturs and belifs

Do you not LIKE having different cultures celibrated in Australia?
i most critanly do, i love seeing the varitaty of culturs in Melborne

lastly, if you ansered no to the first 2, have you ever eaten chinese, italian, greek, meditaranian, cornish (i can keep listing them) food?

this all dose NOT exscuse the rape which is APALING and every efferet should be made to wipe it out, but every culture has its bagage and we must aecept that there WILL be some bad that comes with it

B\W do you think all anglo saxan males who were BORN here should be deported because SOME of them rape, murder, steal?

In each state we have specific Asian Crime Units in the polcie force. Now in Sydney we have a specific police unit for dealing with these Middle-Eastern rape gangs. We also have units for dealing with biker gangs, and units for dealing with other specific areas of crime. The fact that such units exist is a clear indication that we need them to exist. After all, the reason police exist at all is because we need them to. I don't care which culture you're from, you don't rape people.
you are right

and there are task forces to deal with those things

the reason there is an asian squad is not because its a hard problem in its self but because the countrys these people come from makes them fearful of talking to the police

that is the reason its not jus major crime which deals with it
Originally posted by Asguard
i have 3 questions for you adam and squid (i THINK squid lives in sydny not melborne but i think the same thing aplies)


i am REALLY getting sick of people who think because someone lives here they have to live like us, we are indviduals and we PRIDE ourselves and our conutry on its diversity of people, culturs and belifs

Do you not LIKE having different cultures celibrated in Australia?
i most critanly do, i love seeing the varitaty of culturs in Melborne

lastly, if you ansered no to the first 2, have you ever eaten chinese, italian, greek, meditaranian, cornish (i can keep listing them) food?

this all dose NOT exscuse the rape which is APALING and every efferet should be made to wipe it out, but every culture has its bagage and we must aecept that there WILL be some bad that comes with it

B\W do you think all anglo saxan males who were BORN here should be deported because SOME of them rape, murder, steal?

You're sick of people who think they have to live like us when they come here? I'm sick of people defending these apes. The answer is YES, to a certain extent they do. I, and many others, do NOT want all the crap they're running here to escape from to surface HERE. Remember the Croatian/Serbian thing some months back? there were demonstrations in the streets, riots between members of both communities, and then they FIREBOMBED our police when they trid to intervene. FIREBOMBED???? WE don't do that. We demonstrate, yes, and occasionally it gets a little ugly, but we do NOT act like that. They do. And if so, they can go back wherever the hell they came from.

You're completely missing the point asguard. It's not so much this rape which is the issue here. The issue is that these people are coming here to escape whatever stupid shitty "culture" they have wherever else, and then displaying a complete lack of human decency or respect towards the very people who give them somewhere to live. They are racist, they are monkeys, and have in my opinion foregone ANY right to live in this country.

They have been given a second chance to live in some form of peace, and choose to shit on our front lawn instead.

Screw them.

I am also getting sick of people asking what is our culture. It's mostly only young people ever ask that... mostly because they are slowly forgetting what it was made this country worth living in in the first place. They watch american TV, make excuses for people like this, wear their caps on backwards and say "Like, you know" all the time, wear long baggy trousers and identify with rap music in which american blacks complain a lot about how hard done by they all are and shoot each other, and then ask why they dont feel Australian. Well, DUH.

I may sound like an old guy, but if you could only SEE the difference between them and american kids (there basically isn't one) then you might see where I'm coming from.

I'm getting quite glad I'll be dead in 50 years or a hundred, because I envisage Australia becoming a large, multicultural, diverse.... and spiritually dead.... place in a short space of time. We used to know who we were, but we don't anymore.
I'm glad I don't live in Australia

I'm really glad I don't live in Australia. Sounds like a fucked up place.

--Tiassa :cool:
Yep, Australia has many, many totally screwy things about it. Lots of BIG screwy problems. But, given what's going on elsewhere, it's still one of the best places on Earth.

REALLY *sarcasam*

for you info i lission to live, creed and the living end, NOT rap

i wear mostly black because i look good in it

Black business shoes
black jeans or bussiness pants
black button up shirt
and a black sweid jacket

not "homy clothes"

the point is if you knew ONE thing about the country you live in you would know how wrong you are

we started with irish convicts
then recived british setlers
then during the gold rush we gained HEEPS of chinesse
strange that the chinesse have been here almost from the begining but old people like YOU are STILL calling them outsiders who need to learn to live like us

i can probably go on to point out when the greeks and itlians came in but i won't

multicultrisiam is NOT something that came from the US it is OUR cultrue

or are you sugesting that we should go back to Aborigional culture? thats the one that was here FIRST, strange that no one sugests we go bact to it
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I dont give a flying fuck what YOU listen to Asguard... have a look at the music charts. See if you can handle a little maths, and figure out what most people are buying.

Go back to the Aborignal culture? Why? I didnt say go back to who was here first, I said go back to where WE came from culturally speaking.

Quote :

"we started with irish convicts
then recived british setlers
then during the gold rush we gained HEEPS of chinesse
strange that the chinesse have been here almost from the begining but old people like YOU are STILL calling them outsiders who need to learn to live like us

i can probably go on to point out when the greeks and itlians came in but i won't

multicultrisiam is NOT something that came from the US it is OUR cultrue "

Actually most of the first settlers were British. The chinese never amounted to anything more than a very small percentage of our total population (although recently thats been changing). The greeks and italians mostly arrived after WWII in the 50's...

Multiculturalism, if you STOP AND THINK once in a while, never existed as a concept or an issue until we were TOLD it was. Now its a big issue. Dont you get it? You're a drone, soaking up any idea thrown at you because its "popular" thought. we have it rammed down our throats so often its difficult to imagine any other way to think. Step outside the box for 2 seconds and THINK about where its leading us.

The only person who knows very little about australia here Asguard is YOU - you're so full of idealistic notions you can't see reality anymore. And then you have the gall to ask "why why why" its all going so wrong. Have you ever stopped to think it might be YOUR beliefs (and everyone else who thinks like you) causing all these problems? YOU appear to be the one having problems with who you are my friend... NOT me. Try a little self analysis sometime.

I can just imagine an Indonesian invasion... and there's Asguard, the leader of the Popular Front, waving an Indonesian flag and chanting "they come in peace.. dont shoot! Please, we're all human... let them in! They think the same way we do! Can't we all just get along?"
Welcome to the Dead Zone

You can talk Tiassa...
Actually, I can. It has been pointed out by an Australian in other topics that there exists no guaranteed freedom of speech in Australia. I have been unable to find a speech protection in the Australian constitution.

In that sense, restricting what a person can say restricts the possible solutions to any given problem.
The USA is in fact the Dead Zone I had in mind when I wrote what I was afraid australia is becoming.
Yes, and among those attributes is something which I see in this thread. The exaggeration of any problem based on ethnicity.

To wit:

Wilding: We suffered a similar problem among minority urban gangs in the 1980s. "Wilding" referred to a general rowdiness that would culminate in the arbitrary assault of a person. It came to light when a jogger was gang raped in Central Park. We might also, then, call gang rape "Nigger style"?

Child rape: Should I call child rape "Christian style"? Or, perhaps, I should call it "Aussie style"?

Date rape: After watching the flesh frenzy at my Catholic high school, should I call date rape "Catholic style"?

Child rape II: Having watched a court rule that having sex with your 8 year-old daughter is not rape because the "victim didn't scream loudly enough", and considering a 1985 Wisconsin acquittal of a child rapist on the grounds that the 3 year-old victim "behaved in a promiscuous manner", should we call having sex with your own children "Justice style"?

By and large, I find it quite interesting when reading this topic that at least one of our anti-death penalty posters (Australian) is moved to wish murder.

Furthermore, pretending that only one ethnicity ever commits a given crime is absolutely stupid.

What part of the "Dead Zone" did you not want to come about? The part where you merely look like it? Or the part where you put effort into acting like it?

Welcome to it.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Welcome to the Dead Zone

Originally posted by tiassa

Furthermore, pretending that only one ethnicity ever commits a given crime is absolutely stupid.
Absolutely. However, in western Sydney, in this particular example, these gangs do it so often that the police had to set up a crime unit to deal specifically with Middle-Eastern rape gangs. It may not apply generally throughout the world, but there it does. But then, in many Middle-Eastern cultures, women are treated like absolute crap; this is all likely stemming from remnants of those cultures brought over to Australia. No doubt the same occurs among white-fellas like me, Chinese, Catholics, Republicans, or any other group you'd care to name. But within that particular class or division of humanity in Sydney, it has grown so bad that a special unit had to be set up to deal specifically with them.
You cant seriously tell me that the US has less problems than Australia, Tiassa... I mean come on, really? :rolleyes:

As to crimes being based on ethnicity... If you take off the rose tinted goggles for a bit and have a look around you might see some of it. I did not state that some crimes were ONLY committed by ethnic groups, so please do not attempt to make it sound that way.

What I DID say is that some groups are more prone to such behaviour. I gave the example of the police firebombing during a demonstration some months back, here in Australia. This was HIGHLY unusual, and as far as I'm aware, this scale of demonstration has hitherto not been seen here. I don't give a tinker's fart whether their behaviour is learned culturally or not... I'll leave that for the behavioural psychiatrists to argue about for the next 300 years or however long its going to take them to work it out. What I DO care about is that they're doing things that we see very very rarely in our own culture. Not only that, they're doing it here, and now. To that girl. It may have been someone I knew.

You're like Asguard... you'll sit there for another 15 years and argue about whether its the whole lot or a few, and how, and why, and point to theoretical solutions and educational programs and lord knows what else... and meantime, another hundred girls get gang raped and the cops go on getting firebombed, and the triads go about their merry way in the city. They're laughing at people like you. You want to educate them in how to be civilised? Fine... we'll send them all to you, see how you deal with it. Maybe you'll come up with a wonderful solution and settle the whole problem, and then I'll apologise for my apelike behaviour.

Meanwhile, there will be a pile of young women in your town, previously at least somewhat safe, now living in fear, while you indulge yourself in theory and human philosophy. Go on, complete the picture for me... smoke a pipe, wear glasses and adopt an educated oxford accent while you're at it. Spout theory every time a girl gets raped, and state how its really not the rapist's fault, they were born into poverty feel isolated in this country and... blah blah blah. You're a living example of my sig.
Re: Welcome to the Dead Zone

Originally posted by tiassa

What part of the "Dead Zone" did you not want to come about? The part where you merely look like it? Or the part where you put effort into acting like it?

Nearly all of that Tiassa. As I mentioned, very little of that goes on here... although it seems to be heading down that path. Hence my not wanting to be here to see Australia complete it's languid slide into Americanism.... Which I also clearly stated in my reply to you. Dunno what you're trying to achieve here.

As for the last bit.. Yeah, I talk hard. But I dont rape girls, I dont rob anyone, I dont steal, or lie (much) and I sure as hell don't go throwing bricks into asian shopkeepers windows (or go around in gangs looking for young asian girls to rape). I'm also very vocal about not liking this behaviour from ANYONE.

And yet, according to you, I'm more of an monkey than the guys doing the rapes, and forming the gangs in the first place, because I have an opinion and I'm vocal about it, whereas all they do is go around in gangs and rape girls. My god I'm the antichrist.

Take a perspective pill boyo.