I want sciforums to be hexadecimal

What do you mean Fen when you say "Yes, I want to force the users here to learn and understand hexadecimal"?

Is this some kind of freak hexadecimal crusade? Will I be joining a freaky hexadecimal cult where I will have to cut off my... The red flags are up Fen. Explain yourself.
Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Oh, I see a financing possibility coming up. Since Porfiry is the only one who can bring this about, his bargaining position is absolutely tops. Fen, all you have to think about is, what is this worth to you: 3E8 bucks? 1388 bucks? 2710 bucks?

Why do you want hex, btw? Whats wrong with octal??


Wrong. Dead wrong. There's a lot of message boards out there, and Porfiry is running out of money. I'm the one dictating the bid here. Hasn't anyone heard how the internet advertising market has collapsed? Eh?
Originally posted by Fen
There's a lot of message boards out there, and Porfiry is running out of money. I'm the one dictating the bid here.
At the moment, but it could all well change; it's already been shown that if Porfiry were to ask for money, there would be a lot of donations, subscriptions etc.
There's a lot of message boards out there, and Porfiry is running out of money. I'm the one dictating the bid here.

Who the hell do you think you are? Your bids are a joke and you have the business sense of a child. I'm not even considering your offer anymore.
Porfiry is a computer person and has business sense??? It's supposed to be one or the other, not both. That's unnatural...
He's going to whip out his spandex superheroe costume any second. avert your eyes!:D
Who the hell do you think you are? Your bids are a joke and you have the business sense of a child. I'm not even considering your offer anymore.

I started reading at page one, and I was so happy when I got to this post! :) :)
What?! I don't have time to explain it to you!! :mad:

:rolleyes: :p

(Sorry, that was just crying out to be said :p)
Originally posted by Porfiry

Who the hell do you think you are? Your bids are a joke and you have the business sense of a child. I'm not even considering your offer anymore.

The last message you gave me indicated you were very much considering the offer, and at a very low price indeed. You need the money. I have it.
Originally posted by Firefly

At the moment, but it could all well change; it's already been shown that if Porfiry were to ask for money, there would be a lot of donations, subscriptions etc.

And there could have been a donation from me. Not now. But look for $2.56 in your coffers if you set up donations (not subscriptions).
The last message you gave me indicated you were very much considering the offer, and at a very low price indeed.

At first I thought you were insane, but possibly wealthy. I now realize you are insane and only have delusions of wealth.
Originally posted by Porfiry

At first I thought you were insane, but possibly wealthy. I now realize you are insane and only have delusions of wealth.

Was it the small figure I offered to show I'm serious? You were the one who gave me a very low figure first. I don't want to buy the site. I want something very simple and am willing to pay for it. What else do you want?
Wouldn't it be cheaper for Fen to start up his own hex site?

Some business mind.