I want a "baby girl"


Valued Senior Member
I have 2 boys and I want a girl.
There is a company which claims that it can help couples to choose the sex of baby.
Is it true?
I am afraid to be cheated.

Do you know medically how can we choose our baby's sex?
There is a company in USA somewhere that currently chooses the gender of babies. There have been 1000s of babies so far.

The technology is there to choose eye colour, height, etc etc...but they do not currently offer that option.

Simply put, it's done with knowing what genes relate to certain characteristics, and adding/removing them as desired. it was featured in this documentary the other week.

There is a link to The Fertility Institutes in there too.
It the doc I linked to, the guy there basically said the technology is there to alter and choose any physical traits, and they are only a few years from determining the genes for things like intelligence and personalities.

It most likely won't be publicly available though. At least not in our lifetimes.
Gynosperm and androsperm are differing in size-the gynosperm are bigger...so yes, they can be sorted under microscopy and inseminated.
Why not adopt a boy then? That way you will get exactly who you want and help a child in need of a good parent for theirs gave them away.
There is a company in USA somewhere that currently chooses the gender of babies. There have been 1000s of babies so far.

The technology is there to choose eye colour, height, etc etc...but they do not currently offer that option.


It would be very expensive, you would need to have multiple embryos and do genetyping on a cell taken from each embryo to determine eye color, a gross estimate on final height, etc, technically and horrifically it might be cheaper to do the genotyping mid pregnancy and abort if the fetus is not up to standard, now I might find that acceptable if the fetus has some kind of condition that will greatly reduce it quality of life, but technically the latter has been already happening in many places in the world, heck with a simple ultrasound girl fetuses are being dropped like bloody tampons!

More so genetically modifying a human embryo is even less tried.
If you want to concieve a child artificially using new and novel methods, go ahead.

Me? I prefer medical interventions with long term data that shows their efficacy.
Dee Cee
The problem is that these systems work on probabilities - not certainties. You could pay $$$ to get a girl and wind up with a boy anyway. Nothing is certain - at least not yet.

Personally, I think the natural way is better, and lots of fun!
In Australia its illegal to use IVF for sex selection except to eliminate a genetic disease, if we alow people to play with the sex of there children we risk the problems that china faces. The one child policy lead to families killing females because they cost to much. This has in tern lead not only to a horendus series of crimes in the deaths themselves, but also a massive shortage of female mates for the males. In Australia there was a family pertitioning the victorian human rights board to use IVF to have a girl, personally i think they should have been banned from using IVF period insted. The women had 3 abortions in a row because the fetuses were male.
In Australia its illegal to use IVF for sex selection except to eliminate a genetic disease, if we alow people to play with the sex of there children we risk the problems that china faces. The one child policy lead to families killing females because they cost to much. This has in tern lead not only to a horendus series of crimes in the deaths themselves, but also a massive shortage of female mates for the males. In Australia there was a family pertitioning the victorian human rights board to use IVF to have a girl, personally i think they should have been banned from using IVF period insted. The women had 3 abortions in a row because the fetuses were male.
One of the pregnancies she aborted were twin boys because they she was adamant she wanted a little girl.

Her case was interesting however. She had lost a baby girl soon after her birth and it seems she and in some ways, her husband, never got over it. But she continues to grieve and from all reports, she was intent on having another girl. They have 3 sons. They went for IVF (public funded I believe) in the hope of having a girl and soon after discovered she was carrying twin boys. She then elected to abort the twin boys. They have since applied for IVF again and have requested sex selection. Since it is not legal except on grounds of a genetic abnormality that requires sex selection, their application was rejected, they then went to court and have threatened to keep aborting until she has her long for daughter.

She has admitted to being obsessed with having a daughter and has claimed that it is vital to her psychological health. Which leads to some disturbing questions.. For obvious reasons.

At the very basic level, people have to consider what IVF is meant to be. Is it meant to allow people who could not naturally conceive to conceive and help remove the risk of genetic conditions? Or is it also a tool for parent(s) to shop for the sex and genetic make up of the child they want? Ms Wilson brings up some very good points.
[China's] one child policy lead to families killing females because they cost to much.
Well ... there's a perceived loss on the "investment" of raising a girl.

This has in tern lead [to] a massive shortage of female mates for the males.
And it's the women who have the advantage in selecting mates. Such shortsightedness, such a waste.

3 abortions in a row because the fetuses were male.
It's hard for me to say they love children.
I have 2 boys and I want a girl.
There is a company which claims that it can help couples to choose the sex of baby.
Is it true?
I am afraid to be cheated.

Do you know medically how can we choose our baby's sex?

The rhythm method has worked for Me . You have to know when the woman in the relationship ovulates . Have sex 2 to 3 days before the egg drops chances are good you will have a girl . Have sex on the day the egg drops or after and chances are you will have a boy. Might be mythology , but it has been 100% accurate for my father and for Me. I think veterinarians use the method on farm animals with great success too? That is were my dad claimed to learn the method .
Or just hope that the baby you have, regardless of sex, is healthy.

Like saying you don't want to feel cheated if you have a boy. I guess I don't understand that kind of reasoning. I would have liked to have had a girl, but ended up having two little boys. I don't feel cheated. Quite the contrary. If I had had more boys, I still wouldn't feel cheated.

Like the mother who said she would suffer psychologically if she did not have a little girl because they refuse to do sex selection in her case - since there are no genetic abnormalities that would require it. And so, because her subsequent pregnancies have been male offspring, she has simply aborted them - even though she has been going for IVF to fall pregnant each time. There have been some in the medical profession who have said that she should just get what she wants. But will that satisfy her? Or is her need to have another little girl, to the point where she is aborting healthy fetus because they are male, stemming from grief and there is no guarantee that she won't suffer a mental breakdown. As it stands, it seems she and her husband have said they will go elsewhere to get what they want so that she does not have a breakdown.

I don't get it. I don't understand how some can be that obsessed.
I have 2 boys and I want a girl.
There is a company which claims that it can help couples to choose the sex of baby.
Is it true?
I am afraid to be cheated.

Do you know medically how can we choose our baby's sex?

yes they can even determine the color of the babies eyes if you wanted.. its all in gene


scary thought but you cane sit down with your spouse and chose what your child will look like...