I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

First: People must recognize that this quote is irrefutable.

Candide. "It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise, than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”


Jihadists are bringing liberal and conservatives who dislike war and terrorism together.

Jihadists, like the older fundamental right wings of Christianity, are teaching wiser and more moral secular forces that we need to control our love of drama and war as the epitome of evil. History shows that secular forces had to bring Christianity to heel, and learning from history, secular forces know that Islam, like Christianity was, must also be brought to heel.


War is God. To conquer our love of drama and war, secular forces must conquer Allah just as we did Yahweh. Jihadists are teaching us this valuable lesson.

Jihadist are inadvertently sowing the seeds of thought that will, perhaps for the final time, awaken in secular hearts, the reality of the fact that religions must never rule and that only secular forces can bring the world to any lasting peace. Jihadists are thus, in the longer range picture, going to destroy all the war mongering religions that follow imaginary gods that have plagued freedom loving people forever.

For this great service to mankind, I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

Do you see the longer range picture of Jihadists helping secular forces solve the problem of war by ending the world’s belief in imaginary gods?

Do you, in light of this valuable lesson, also thank all the imaginary gods for hateful Jihadists?

Jihadist are inadvertently sowing the seeds of thought that will, perhaps for the final time, awaken in secular hearts, the reality of the fact that religions must never rule and that only secular forces can bring the world to any lasting peace.
Jihandists are convincing people that the WRONG religion must never rule. They're creating anti-Jihadist Jihadists. They're reinforcing the view that too many people have always had, that violence is the only solution to problems.
Jihandists are convincing people that the WRONG religion must never rule. They're creating anti-Jihadist Jihadists. They're reinforcing the view that too many people have always had, that violence is the only solution to problems.

I only know of one right religion. My own. Gnostic Christianity.

It produces esoteric ecumenists and if all were that, there would be no cause for war.

There would also be no cause for war if everyone was a Jihadist. No, I disagree completely. They are teaching us how to kill with robots, and not much more.
There would also be no cause for war if everyone was a Jihadist. No, I disagree completely. They are teaching us how to kill with robots, and not much more.

That was bound to happen regardless of an enemy. Have you not seen the original Star Trek series.

Your first sentence was quite correct yet you ignore that if we rid ourselves of the many factions and whittled our world down to fewer factions, there would be fewer wars.

With all the weird names and twisted affiliations of the Muslim factions today, it is almost impossible, without a menu, to know what factions belong to which religious factions.

Secularism isn't the narrowing down of factions, but rather the separation of secular and religious functions of society. If anything it creates the freedom for more variation in religious thought.

"It is demonstrable," said he, "that things cannot be otherwise than they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe, for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles; therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings; accordingly we wear stockings. Stones were made to be hewn and to construct castles; therefore my lord has a magnificent castle; for the greatest baron in the province ought to be the best lodged. Swine were intended to be eaten; therefore we eat pork all year round. And they who assert that everything is right, do not express themselves correctly; they should say that everything is best."
First: People must recognize that this quote is irrefutable.

Candide. "It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise, than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

Why must we recognize that? Why do you think that it's irrefutable?

It seems to me to be more of a pious hope than a fact.

Jihadists are bringing liberal and conservatives who dislike war and terrorism together.

Salafism, jihadism and legalistic Islamic fundamentalism are growing explosively in the Islamic world. That ideology occupies the place the communism took in much of the world previously, it's a way for alienated people to imagine overturning the world around them and creating a utopian future, while getting a lot of payback against perceived enemies in the process.

Jihadists, like the older fundamental right wings of Christianity, are teaching wiser and more moral secular forces that we need to control our love of drama and war as the epitome of evil. History shows that secular forces had to bring Christianity to heel, and learning from history, secular forces know that Islam, like Christianity was, must also be brought to heel.

I think that secularism in the West and in East Asia is the result of a long and at times tumultuous cultural evolution in both places. That illustrates that it isn't impossible for the Islamic world either, but it doesn't guarantee that secularization is going to happen. It certainly isn't an historical inevitability.
Secularism isn't the narrowing down of factions, but rather the separation of secular and religious functions of society. If anything it creates the freedom for more variation in religious thought.


That extra variation in religious thought does not seem to bring benefits in the E.U. at present. It is bringing rape gangs, ghettoes and no-go zones though.

Why must we recognize that? Why do you think that it's irrefutable?

It seems to me to be more of a pious hope than a fact.

Salafism, jihadism and legalistic Islamic fundamentalism are growing explosively in the Islamic world. That ideology occupies the place the communism took in much of the world previously, it's a way for alienated people to imagine overturning the world around them and creating a utopian future, while getting a lot of payback against perceived enemies in the process.

I think that secularism in the West and in East Asia is the result of a long and at times tumultuous cultural evolution in both places. That illustrates that it isn't impossible for the Islamic world either, but it doesn't guarantee that secularization is going to happen. It certainly isn't an historical inevitability.

Some do think it an historical inevitability. Note all the trade agreements between most major countries as well as the E.U., the Commonwealth Club. the G 8 going to the G 20.



To your first.
I think that statement to be irrefutable because I cannot form an argument to refute it and no one else has offered any in all the years that I have been looking for one.

I only know of one right religion. My own.
That's what every religionist says.

You can't get everybody to agree on a flavour of ice cream, much less a religion. You might as well say, "If pigs could fly it would be a perfect world."
That's what every religionist says.

You can't get everybody to agree on a flavour of ice cream, much less a religion. You might as well say, "If pigs could fly it would be a perfect world."

True that all favor their own creeds. Gnostic Christianity was not designed to change a persons religion. It was designed to created esoteric ecumenists and that is good for all religionists as it helps them understand their own religions and point to flaws in all religions that all people should recognize.

You have read many who excuse bad religionist behavior by saying that they are not real Christians or real Muslims etc.

Gnostic Christianity is designed to create good people so that they can practice the better behaviours that their own religions preach. We are Universalists and have to think in those terms.

That is why we focus on morals and ethics and empowerment of individuals over the tribe of religious group.

That extra variation in religious thought does not seem to bring benefits in the E.U. at present. It is bringing rape gangs, ghettoes and no-go zones though.

As opposed to the pogroms, violent colonialism, witch burnings, Catholic/ Christian wars, and religious Nazis that it's used to?
As opposed to the pogroms, violent colonialism, witch burnings, Catholic/ Christian wars, and religious Nazis that it's used to?

Secular forces can progress. Religious forces are stuck with their ancient and barbaric creeds.

Note how the E.U. will not allow any of it's signatories to have the death penalty and demand that democracy and the rule of law be followed.

That sure beats religions that kill and ignore though shalt not kill.

Which system do you think is better, the rule of law or the rule of gods?

Religious freedom is a secular value.

Yes and we also put limits on that freedom just as we do our own.

It is mostly religions that try to refuse freedom of religions. Constantine's church did when he bought Christianity and Islam follows that thinking even today.

If secular forces had not brought Christianity to heel, there would not likely be freedom of religion in the West.

Freedom is an overused word and cannot really exist for humans as we have to rely on others for our existence.

We should all spell that word as free-dumb.

Actually, freedom of religion in the USA was mostly the product of different sects of Christianity wanting freedom from each other.
Actually, freedom of religion in the USA was mostly the product of different sects of Christianity wanting freedom from each other.

Not too surprising given the fact that in the older world, Christians fought Christians often times more than they fought other competing religions.

I see all the different Christian sects that you speak of as a secular coalition more than a religious one since it was the old orthodox Christianity that denied freedom of religion right from the time that Constantine bought the church and sent it out to grow by murder instead of good deeds.

Why must we recognize that? Why do you think that it's irrefutable?
It seems to me to be more of a pious hope than a fact.
The moment you wiegh down your pious hopes with criticial thinking, is the moment they stop being hopes.

Note how the E.U. will not allow any of it's signatories to have the death penalty and demand that democracy and the rule of law be followed.
What use is the no death penalty clause, wheren there are so many alternatives with the same goal available?
You can kill a man's body, or his reputation: the end result is the same.