I Sense Things B4 they happen!

The Devil Inside said:
lets remember, folks....to debunk something without evidence contrary to a claim, is just as un-scientific as what you have accused sadiddy of.

im not saying you arent correct, but if you paint yourself up like a dog, dont walk around meow-ing all the time.

stick to your principles!

ps: crunchy cat...respond?

Wrong. He has something to prove, it is widely accepted that he is wrong so HE has to provide evidence to the contrary.
The Devil Inside said:
lets remember, folks....to debunk something without evidence contrary to a claim, is just as un-scientific as what you have accused sadiddy of.

im not saying you arent correct, but if you paint yourself up like a dog, dont walk around meow-ing all the time.

stick to your principles!

ps: crunchy cat...respond?

To take up the position of a debuker implies the claim is already false before
it's ever made and I personally disagree with that philosophy. In this
particular case, it's my opinion that Sadiddy could very well have good
outcome prediction mechanism and isn't mature enough to realize it's not a
super power.

I have simultaneously seen behavioral evidence to suggest Sadiddy is simply
'playing fantasy'. Comments like:

...P.S - That was to all the people who diss other peoples... Not to the people who believe.

basically say 'fuck you people whom don't accept assertions as true without
It seems some write to share experiences and others write to assess.
I guess the latter feel they're helping lesser minds.

Dear phsycics: please don't let the skeptics discourage you from sharing. They are always here . . . . it gives them purpose.
Saddidy I've gotten the same exact feeling your talking about, although I view it a bit differently. My explanation is a simple one, your subconcious is more aware and can absorb, sort out and analyze information from around you faster than your concious can. Think back to times you've made these predictions and try to think of ways you could have sensed the future from things happening around you.

For example: One day during class I was taking my usual nap when I suddenly jerked awake in time for a test, without being told the test was about be given, I knew to get prepared. How is this? While I was sleeping I could have subconciously picked up things such as, the class becoming a little more frantic as they try to cram in a few more things, the shuffling of paper and books as people clear their desks or even my internal clock recognizing the usual time elapsed before the teacher gives out the exams.

Most time I could figure out how I made these "predictions" just by thinking over the situation later on. There have been times I couldn't but then again the subconcious is a powerful thing
I totally believe this guy is genuine, it is because it happened to me plenty of times before. When I was younger, I often have dreams that would come true. I have those dreams that will come true in between 2 weeks - few months. So its way ahead in advance.
Ok, some examples are, I dreamt I was having a tea at this cafe in front of a cinema I know of. A few months later, the empty building started its construction for an upcoming cafe!
And, there are many many more dreams I now get used to it. I am currently not getting as many dreams as when I was younger though.