I Sense Things B4 they happen!


Registered Member
I can sense things a few seconds before they happen. Its not like premanitions or anythin' I don't see visions in My head or anything I just sense when things are going to happen. :)
OK, I'm going to give you another chance. I am going to post the address of a website here, later today. What will you see on that website?
OK, I guess you didn't predict anyone would answer today, so I'll wait until tomorrow.
Sadiddy, I sense events before they happen, sometimes. I have sensed major social trends and been very accurate nearly all the time--often I'm off by a year or two, but that's the nature of an amorphous phenomenon.

I sense there may be something strange going on with time and thought transferance, (backward and forward in time). I sense the powers that be may sense this too. I sense they see it as a real problem. I sense this is part of what the war on consciousness is about. I sense the universe is far more amorphous than is presently thought, but that we are going to see a big change in attitude in the next few years, with quantum science leading the way.

Destiny or telepathy? Do great men and women know beforehand they are destined to be great and move toward this kind of psychic impression?
Spidergoat, I said I can sense things b4 they happen I didnt say that I can sense things whenever I want It just comes to me.
I can sense things a few seconds before they happen. Its not like premanitions or anythin' I don't see visions in My head or anything I just sense when things are going to happen. :)

Congratulations, you can learn and predict outcomes based on your learned
knowledge. It's a good survival mechanism and comes handy in sports when
playing against noobs.
OK are u lot jealous of other peoples special abilities or what? God, people come in here thinking that they can share their special abilities with others but then the other people are obviously jealous because they deny everyone elses abilities except their own, if u have any. I don't need to give anyone proof of My ability, I don't even care if u believe Me.
P.S - That was to all the people who diss other peoples beliafs and abilities eg. Spidergoat. Not to the people who believe.
Las night I had a premanition, and it happened today. My mom woke me up, and i asked to sleep for another 10 minutes. So in those extra 10 minutes I had a short dream of seeing my friend, and you know we did the little ghetto hand shake cuz he's black. Well, this morning it happened to me in the place of the dream in school, and our meeting was as brief as my dream. Take what you want from this, but I believe this was no coincidence because I had not seen him in forever and never even thought nething about him in the day or the previous ones.
I don't need to give anyone proof of My ability, I don't even care if u believe Me
I thought I already posted this, but: why is it that the grammatically challenged appear to be the ones who most frequently have "special abilities?"
OK are u lot jealous of other peoples special abilities or what?

I saw a claim of 'something' and no evidence to back it up. Not much
to be jealous over really...

God, people come in here thinking that they can share their special abilities with others...

They can... and as this is a science forum, it would be unrealistic to expect
that extraordinary claims would be accepted as true without evidence.

but then the other people are obviously jealous because they deny everyone elses abilities except their own, if u have any.

Make a demo. Maybe carry a media recorder around and express 'whats
going to happen' the moment you know. I honestly think what you're talking
about is valid for many people. It's a good predictive ability... I'm telling you
that 2-seconds is alot of time in sports. Make a killing.

I don't need to give anyone proof of My ability,...

It's your credibility...

I don't even care if u believe Me.

Then you're a liar... if you didn't care then you would not have even bothered
making the above statement.
I think its rare to get such premonitions about mundane everyday things that truely is something special. More offen premonitions kick in when one is in danger or when a loved one is in danger. The whole phenomenon is alot like ghosts, many more people than youd think have these experiences they just arnt regularly talked about as most wouldnt want to be tarred with the 'crazy brush'. So id say youre in good company, but just be careful who you choose to share your experiences with. : )
I can sense things a few seconds before they happen. Its not like premanitions or anythin' I don't see visions in My head or anything I just sense when things are going to happen. :)

Everyone does that. The thing is, have you ever bothered to see how many actually came true as opposed to how many didn't?

Practically everyone quickly forgets the hundreds that didn't and only remembers the one or two that did.

Nothing at all new here since we ALL have that in common.

Can you give us some examples of when this has happened to you?

Is your power at all reproducible or reliable, or does it only work at random times?
I can sense things a few seconds before they happen. Its not like premanitions or anythin' I don't see visions in My head or anything I just sense when things are going to happen. :)

No you can't.
lets remember, folks....to debunk something without evidence contrary to a claim, is just as un-scientific as what you have accused sadiddy of.

im not saying you arent correct, but if you paint yourself up like a dog, dont walk around meow-ing all the time.

stick to your principles!

ps: crunchy cat...respond?
I can sense things a few seconds before they happen. Its not like premanitions or anythin' I don't see visions in My head or anything I just sense when things are going to happen. :)
Something similar happens to me too. When I'm dreaming, I just barely see something happening, usually just something random or irrelevant, really, and usually just not care.
Several weeks afterwards, it happens, and I'm like "Whoah! Holy Frikkin' Shit!"