I see un-dead people

The ability to hallucinate friends and loved ones, at random times outside of your own control? Certainly this would cause much envy among religious sorts. . . no. . .wait, I don't understand what exactly you're trying to say Ripple of Death.

I can't speak for the religious, but I'm not exactly sure that hallucinations are welcomed by much of anyone.
I can't speak for the religious, but I'm not exactly sure that hallucinations are welcomed by much of anyone.
funny thing is most people like to be able to hallucinate...
i.e womens magazines about royalty(shining white knight).
mens mags about the ultimate (female) sexual athlete.
books/movies/day dreams/dreams/reinactment games/computer games/sexual role plays/ drug use during sex.
the list is huge... the vision is narrow.

if you are running just as fast and in the same direction as the majority it takes great inner strength to stop and use the compass...
just like children on holiday camp following the loadest person regardles of what they have been told or taught by the tutor.

in such instance the parent has already instilled the fear of the unkown (in fear of fear) into the child and most people are still children!

what is the definition of a child...?
sexual maturity???
isnt that now about 10 years old for women???
from where do you mesure????????????????????????
Huge sigh :rolleyes:

values people ... please!

how do you raise your children???
such a tangled web thow art to weave to deceive the conseus of what is most often an un-adressed need for help.

hence your scream with such diverse diction and self denial it
sounds like an argument....
allass the intelect of fools in debate.
or children arguing...???

groove on all
peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
start calling them visions, be vague, and try getting a few deciples to do your dirty work.
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
funny thing is most people like to be able to hallucinate...
i.e womens magazines about royalty(shining white knight).
mens mags about the ultimate (female) sexual athlete.
books/movies/day dreams/dreams/reinactment games/computer games/sexual role plays/ drug use during sex.
the list is huge... the vision is narrow.

Ripple of Death, if you are honestly trying to qualify these things as hallucinations, I suggest you break out your dictionary, or perhaps go take a course or two on abnormal psychology, so that you can better understand what a hallucination is.

Simple time: Perception without stimulus.

All of the things you listed are simply forms of stimulus, that's what media is.

As for the rest of your post, I'll have to admit that I've got no idea what you're trying to say, you went off on what seemed like a wild tangent, and ended up with no discernable relevant point at all. I'd ask for clarification, but I don't think I'll get much better from you.
i honestly pitty your retrograde relationships!
i unfortunately realised that you are almost bound by your materialism.
you shake it every now and then and as the real world comes into view your wounded child screams in terror then runs in the opersite direction.
what a great experience you will have if you find out how to make love in sex....
you have made selfishness your quiet friend.
*unless your are A.I which would explain allot.
if i was rich i would offer to fly to your home and help you
find love...
(after doing an isp check to see if you are a living animal)
but im just a poor little knowbody, and so you may continue to think; if it makes you feel better.

oh-well ive had about enough from such communication,
good luck and i sign you over to the fates.
and so shall they be your teacher.
you think you can bate me but i pass the torch of your heart to
those who might have endless patience.

keep grooving all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above....
(up the corprate ladder?) :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Mystech
I'd ask for clarification, but I don't think I'll get much better from you.

Behold, I can predict the future! Mayhap I should start my own fortune telling thread, so that I may exploit this mystic power of mine. :D
"un-dead" people??

I'm kind of confused about your description. You use the term "un-dead". Do you see visions of living people that are physically not in your presence or are you seeing deceased people?

If you are seeing people that are living as visions, I would say that your mind is having what some call 'mental reflections'. Some people have them so vividly that they look real. This is the power of the mind to take what is in your thoughts and actually present a very real picture before your eyes.

I would say that as long as these visions are not placing you in danger, like causing you to steer off the road while driving or walking over a cliff there is no problem...you have a very active and powerful mind that is all.

However, if these visions are violent and you feel threatened then I'd be wary and seek some professional help.
nice tone :)

regardles of whether that is the activator or not
its nice to see a non abusive address to pose a possble solution.
devoid of nasty bits.
a lesson to all i would suggest...

the "re-animation" in the visual cortex mixed with cerebal
interface correlating to frontal fluid superiority through???
...stuff... im not giving everything for free!
so some freaks can profit from it.
(greed mongers/power mongers)

can lead to confusion in percieved reality.
the real nasty bit is to worry to much and create
endorphine imbalance/drug use.

chocolate :)

and some damn good regae should fix almost everything :D :D :D

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
I would be the most worried when you start seeing people who have never been alive, or your making frineds with new people that no one else knows... then you might be heading on to a true mental disorder.

Right now it just sounds like you have the ability to project yout thoughts into your vison! ouh, the mental power of it all. I think your fine considering you still have the capacity to recognize a hallucination when you see one with logic. Don't worry about it. Accept is. Remain aware of it. And don't let doctors mess with your head and cash book when you can still take care of yourself.
whats wrong with seeing a doctor? What if he has a tumor? what if something is wrong?! Why dont you try to figure out what the physical cause is and if there isnt one, you are safe so you can go for whatever groovy reasoning you want. If it was me, I would be concerned because the media tells me to be :rolleyes:
sometimes people see random people or relatives in such a mannor just before that person passes away. your sister might be saying bye. is she ill or anything? or another explination might be that there is some un solved issues with them people or loss of contact, in wich case your subcouncious is letting you know you must adress the issue. good luck x
Recently, I've been seeing/hallucinating people that I know and are still alive in places where they can't actually be at. I'll see someone like my sister waving at me and I can spend a few minutes looking at her, but when I actually start to think,"What in the world is she doing here?",she disappears completely. These aren't like memories or anything, the images are very real and only disappear when I start to to think about it. Is there some kind of medical condition behind this? I don't see anything abnormal like pink elephants doing the cha-cha. Is there anyother explanation? Could the people I'm seeing in my visions be trying to tell me something?

That happened to me after tripping on magicmushrooms in amsterdam.