I see un-dead people


Registered Senior Member
Recently, I've been seeing/hallucinating people that I know and are still alive in places where they can't actually be at. I'll see someone like my sister waving at me and I can spend a few minutes looking at her, but when I actually start to think,"What in the world is she doing here?",she disappears completely. These aren't like memories or anything, the images are very real and only disappear when I start to to think about it. Is there some kind of medical condition behind this? I don't see anything abnormal like pink elephants doing the cha-cha. Is there anyother explanation? Could the people I'm seeing in my visions be trying to tell me something?
The non-spiritual explanation would most likely be "Your a schizo, take these twice a day and sleep well." My opinion is that something might be trying to be told to you, and that the spirits are trying to get your attention somehow.:D
You probably should speak with a doctor if you're really seeing people you know who aren't really there. It could be schizophrenia or any other number of mental disorders developing.

Also, I'd note that just because they aren't realy there, doesn't exactly make them Undead, just hallusinations. . . unless these people you happen to know are also zombies, which would certainly add a new twist to the whole situation.
I really hope I'm not mentally deranged. I know my sister is not dead, I'm not sure about the other peoples' status though.
Oh God, why do you always have to tell people "go and see a doctor", go and see one yourself, and complain about the limited thoughtpatterns in your brain! Sorry, I'm a bit angry that people immediately gets labeled as insane as soon as they show some perceptual sensitivity that reflectsa bit more than the physical reality.

Valentino, there is nothing wrong with you, maybe you just see peoples projections when they are thinking about you, I knew a woman who did this too. She also could sense her sister most of the time, like where she was, what she was feeling and thinking.
It's a gift, be happy. :)

beb come play in religion for a while:p

im sick of tyler and the other athiests in there

you would think someone with a science background would have an open mind and the ability to say MAYBE im wrong

I would love that to be the reason why I'm seeing these people! I'm glad they're thinking about me.:)
I don't know Asguard, I've had my share of those atheists, and realized that there is no hope for them. They are better left alone, the poor bastards.
Well, I will come and take a peek anyway..:)
Originally posted by Bebelina
Oh God, why do you always have to tell people "go and see a doctor", go and see one yourself, and complain about the limited thoughtpatterns in your brain! Sorry, I'm a bit angry that people immediately gets labeled as insane as soon as they show some perceptual sensitivity that reflectsa bit more than the physical reality.

Beb, if it ain’t time to go see a doctor when you begin having disturbing hallucinations, then when IS the correct time to go see one?
Originally posted by valentino
Recently, I've been seeing/hallucinating people that I know and are still alive in places where they can't actually be at...
What kind of state are you in when this happens? Are you busily working or are you relaxing with your brain 'shut off'. It's possible you were in a semi-sleep state at the time. I've only heard of it happening right after waking though (currently this is science's explanation for alien abductions, OBEs, and sleep paralysis). Regardless, there may be a subconscuis reason you are seeing your sister. You may be trying to tell yourself something.

Now if you start to talk to these visions, or they disturb you... it's time to see a doctor.
No, I'm pretty much awake when I see them, and they aren't disturbing at all. I'm seeing people that I know and love, not spooky clownns or anything. I'm not going to worry about it unless I see decapitated people walkign around or something equally grotesque.
Originally posted by valentino
No, I'm pretty much awake when I see them, and they aren't disturbing at all. I'm seeing people that I know and love, not spooky clownns or anything. I'm not going to worry about it unless I see decapitated people walkign around or something equally grotesque.
Man, that is really wierd. As long as it doesn't impact your life don't worry about it... no reason to take medicine for something you don't think is a problem. However, I'd suggest you talk to one of your better friends (that you can trust) about this and see if hey noticed any 'change' in your behavior. Some people don't realize that they are acting 'crazy' when they do.

That said it doesn't sound liek you fall into the 'crazy' category... just delusional:D
the undead

Does this happen in a particular area? Or could it happen say in another city? What you are talking about does exist but usually in one area. This happens with some vortex energies.

heyya all :)

dont pay any attention to mystech...
just think about the name!!!

mys = miss /// tech = technology

to miss inform about technology

sad but ??? umm ok just sad...

you need to do a detox on your body with herbal stuff or just start eating ginger beetroot and increase you vitamins for 1-2 weeks.
do not drink any ahcohol for that time and no medication unless from a doctor for a pre-existing condition.
that is the retarding path.
start working on your family relationships...
look to see how you can help them with any concerns or problems.
good luck and above all stay happy!
and listen to music you like, regardless of others opinions.

groove on all :)
peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.

Sounds to me like another "APA" test subject.

Tell those Psychiatric doctors that are targetting you to piss off.

The reason I mention the two lines above is simple, I believe I've discovered the reality behind such events that occur. The reality is that certain doctors tend to play a variation of "Wigners Friend" on people, where they stay hidden and observe a person while inputting a homeopathic effect.

In this particular instance their most favoured projected homeopathic state is schizophrenia. (There are a lot of neurological papers released each year, although they never seem to mention the plagurism from the studying of their victims.)

There is a treatment I think they have been testing for some time, it originated from the second world war when the Axis failed, and had to hand over any new technology they had to the Allies.

The Nazi's had alot of support from the Psychiatric's, since doctors carry political clout. Which meant during the Nazi regime of Eugenics (the purification of a race), they used such equipment and technology.

So you could find this if you looked deep enough a form of "birth control", afterall how many people are willing to get involved with a Schizophrenic.
of coarse you are normal
you just have a gift that SOME PEOPLE
but do not let people tell you that you are going crazzy!!!
they will most likely be some form of hardcore religouse organisation.
so dont go talking to people who have no emotional investment in your life!!!

and keep grooving
everyone could benefit by going to a counselor but how do you know if they are just projecting thier own fears or miss beliefes.
A trusted friend is cheaper and gives greater reward to both parties.
hence the generation of love in your life through friendships based on mutual trust and respect.

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
Do not heed the words of those who type in all caps.
-Psalms 4:20

Find someone you know and can trust. Knowing you, they'd be better off helping you decide what to do.