I see murders before they happen. Anyone know the technical term for that??


Registered Member
Ever since I can remember, I've had this gift. I can see murders of the past, present, and the future. They just come to me, mostly, although I could control it to focus on a specific murder. It's kind of like the precogs in the movie Minority Report, if anyone's seen that. I've been searching for the name of this for quite some time, but I can't find any information on it anywhere! Can somebody help me???

Oh, and if anybody has a clue why I might not see these things on days that I talk to a "certain someone," I'd like to hear it. Some people think he's my guardian, but he has a girlfriend, and the chances of us ever being together are slim...

Some help, please????? :confused:
Do you let the murders happen or do you try to stop them?
I can't stop them, they just come. I see them mostly through the eyes of the victim. They come in extremely vivid visions. I can't exactly do anything with the visions because they just ARE. Or have been. Or will be.
Then, if they are through the eyes of the victims, you should be able to report to the police. Have you done so? How many murderers have you put behind bars?
I don't know what the victims or the murderers look like. I just recently discovered that these things were actually happening. Also, I'm only 15. And as if the police would believe some insane 15-year-old who says she can see murders....
And as if the police would believe some insane 15-year-old who says she can see murders....

Or the members of this forum.
The term for seeing events before they happen is precognition. When you see it from the perspective of the victim it is referred to as an empathic conection.
Do you ever read about those people that you see after they were murdered?

How do you know who they are if you can't see them?

Could it be yourself that commits these murders or wants to commit them?

Just curious.
candy: thank you for this piece of information, it is much appreciated.

cosmictraveler: yes, I have read about these people being murdered. Sometimes I do see them, but at night I usually play the part of the victim, in which I can only see the murderer. I guess I don't really know what they look like, but I could tell you exactly how they were killed, every detail. I can also usually tell the environment that this is happening in. No, it's not me who wants to commit these murders. First of all, if it was I would play the part of the murderer if it was, and second, I've been having these since I was about three, and I wasn't exposed to violence until I was at least 11. And I'm a perfectly innocent child. :p
mushroomheadluver, this is not precognition, it is creative visualization. Experts know that successful people visualize their success before they achieve it. If you stop committing murders, you will stop visualizing them beforehand, and vice versa.
There are no "experts" in psi phenomenon only people who have experienced it have any idea of what it is like.
i personally think that you are just having strange visions and are matching up your visions to actual murders incorrectly

to try to prove whether your right, talk to a policeman and see if you can get access to pictures of murderers, make up some excuse about being interested in forensics or whatever, see if you can match faces.
1) How long does it take before u see the vision and read about it?
2) How accurate are the visions?
3) What time of the day do u have them? Does it stay the same?
Isn’t there like 5 movies made about this subject, most popular and recent one is "minority report"
Honestly.... I don’t believe someone can predict MURDERS....
Anyone can predict a murder thru a dream or premonition... but to be so accurate as to know where, when, why and how.... unreasonable

I am not into parapsychology as much as some matters of the unknown, but I am convinced that premonitions or dreams cannot be accurate 100%

For all we know, what you are "seeing" could be from a movie and anything you see on the news about a murder or death, you may want to believe it was what you "saw"

I used to think about a episode of "the Simpson" before I went to bed, and it would be the repeat of one of the shows in the next week or so on the CBC cannel in Canada.... even if one of the repeated episodes showed up at a different time than when I thought about it in the week.

I guess you could call it "random time/space permeations"
I predicted a show, you claim your predicted deaths.... but I hardly think you are as accurate about it as you seem

I think 90% of everyone has premonitions... just some don’t understand them, or realize them, or even care about them

Some of us get reoccurring ones, and we think it about it so much that we start to link ALL OF THEM to something....

As open minded as I am, I believed that all humans have predictions, weather in thought, or dreams, or premonitions... but can we accurately link each of them....

Just cause we get them does it means it’s happening within our area... State/province... country... or even content.... or... even time and/or space....

It’s all SO COMPLEX.... everyone has ESP I believe, just in their own form and how they believe it.... but nothing is 100% accurate or even 10% accurate
It’s just the mystery of life....

There is too much weirdness with the human brain, just some people think “they got it all”, like scammer psychologists or future predicting tellers, but nothing is accurate…

I could say someone will die tomorrow… and it will happen
I could say someone will die tomorrow… wearing a red shirt… and it will happen
I could say someone will die tomorrow… wearing a red shirt… and he will die in North America
I could say someone will die tomorrow… wearing a red shirt… and he will die in North America… In the USA
I could say someone will die tomorrow… wearing a red shirt… and he will die in North America… In the USA… in the western side of USA…

95% probability ill will be RIGHT? Wont It?

I’m not saying your premitions are at all false…. Just… do you really have that good of accuracy??
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When I read the title of the thread, my first thought was "premeditation". :D

Try posting one of your visions on here and give all of the details you possibly can. Nail one at 100% and maybe that'll impress a few people.
Oxygen said:
When I read the title of the thread, my first thought was "premeditation". :D

Try posting one of your visions on here and give all of the details you possibly can. Nail one at 100% and maybe that'll impress a few people.

techicaly... my post in shorter words
Hello all, I am new here and my name is Lucidity. I couldn't find the thread to introduce myself, if there is one.

This post is interesting to me, because I also deal with murders, but only serial killers, and in a different realm, while sleeping. I try to intervene the act.

I was later told that this could be what my "work" in the astral was.
John Connellan said:
Or even just try answering the 3 questions I've outlined above

Hehehe, oh dear. Thats not how this forum works John. People making crazy claims don't answer questions. Why, if they did that then the game might be up!