I saw The Passion . . .

Bowser said:
Pain... I suppose he did it for us, according to christian theology.
that story just doesnt make any sense,
Jesus was suposedly God
sent down to earth to sacrifice God/Jesus
to God to save us from the wrath
of God,
while God created us with sin in the first place,

can you say contradiction? :rolleyes:

the bible god is just too contradictory to be real
RubiksMaster said:
You spelled celibate wrong.

Did I?

*Looks at post*

*Gasps* I did! Shit.

RubiksMaster said:
The Passion of the Christ wasn't a fantasy movie. It was a telling of real events.

I disagree . . . But let's not bring a religious argument into the thread . . .

RubiksMaster said:
It makes you think about how loving God is . . .

Must . . . resist . . . the urge . . . to rebutt!!!!!
TheERK...thanks for the benefit of the doubt. There are writers, Frank Rich at the New York Times for instance, who are obviously hostile to Christianity. No point in saying he represented anyone but himself and his paper. Not that it did any good, but Rabbi Lapin, Michael Medved and others suggested he and others just knock it off.
Q25 said:
that story just doesnt make any sense,
Jesus was suposedly God
sent down to earth to sacrifice God/Jesus
to God to save us from the wrath
of God,
while God created us with sin in the first place,

can you say contradiction? :rolleyes:

the bible god is just too contradictory to be real

like ppl aren't contradictory? dose that make us not real? is it that whole god's dreaming us and we're dreaming him, thing? so who dreamed first, the ppl or the God?

what i wanted to say any way is that God did not make us with sin. nor did he make us sin. we were made with the ability to think for ourselves...it's called free will. we make the choices to sin or not.
What about everyone else who died the same way?
Jesus' death wouldn't even have stood out as unusual when it happened.
Now we look back like "damn, that was intense, he must be the most tortured guy ever" but he just recieved an adequate punishment for being such a rebel. It really was no big deal.
Sometimes random people were "made an example of" killed in exactly the same way as jesus, for no reason, just to intimidate other people standing around.
Jesus actually was a badass, he pushed his luck and broke the law and was executed thusly.
Why is his death apparently worth so much? While "god" sentenced hundreds of thousands of people to the same fate before and after jesus' life, no reward for humanity came from those cases, none of them are revered for dieing such horrible deaths.
Why is jesus considered to be such a hero for getting tortured and crucified when really he's just a grain of sand on an expansive beach of pain and suffering?
In the bible context read today, or in a movie made by a perverted sadist, it seems pretty intense. But in the context of that culture at that time is was a run of the mill execution in accordance with the law.
What makes Jesus' death unusual is the circumstances surrounding it... the once scared and even betraying disciples, boldly declaring his resurrection. Not to mention the perspective from which Jesus himself approached his life.
I got reaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyy stoned with some friends to watch it hoping I would find some humor in it...

We had to turn it off after about 20 minutes.
RubiksMaster said:
fahrenheit 451 said:
"there's much better fantasy films out there, Mel can be a good director.
but there's much more content in the lord of the rings, and or star wars.
much, much more, entertaining.
a good drama, would be good, but the passion was'nt even that, so as fantasy films go a big thumbs down."

The Passion of the Christ wasn't a fantasy movie. It was a telling of real events.

well you do surprise me, so the jason and the argonauts movies, and this latest one troy, are real "and there I thought they were fantasy", just stories told from one person to the other, and later in book form.
so there is a sky daddy, can you set up a meeting for me.
are there also pink unicorns, and dragons, and talking serpants.

How can it be a telling of real events? It happened almost 2000 years ago, and we do not have an accurate record of what happened. The ONLY "record" is the Bible, and as many have said on these forums, we cannot take the Bible literally. Personally, going through 4 years of a Catholic high school (of which I entered Cathlolic and left atheist), I think the Bible is a book of stories, and it should not be taken literally, or at least as far as people take it today, who beleive that every word presented in the Bible is fact.

The Passion is purely fiction. It is one man's take on what happened many years ago. People are taking it way too seriously, crying and whatnot in theaters because they think it really happened to someone. Pathetic.
Aborted_Fetus: How can it be a telling of real events? It happened almost 2000 years ago, and we do not have an accurate record of what happened. The ONLY "record" is the Bible, and as many have said on these forums, we cannot take the Bible literally. Personally, going through 4 years of a Catholic high school (of which I entered Cathlolic and left atheist), I think the Bible is a book of stories, and it should not be taken literally, or at least as far as people take it today, who beleive that every word presented in the Bible is fact.

The Passion is purely fiction. It is one man's take on what happened many years ago. People are taking it way too seriously, crying and whatnot in theaters because they think it really happened to someone. Pathetic.
M*W: I refused to see the movie. I don't like violence and pain, and I don't watch movies that portray anykind of violence or with the motive of bearing guilt on the audience. As far as I am concerned, I will refuse to see any films of or by Mel Gibson. I used to like him in the Road Warrior films, but he's dead as far as I am concerned. (I'm sure this will have no negative affect on him). I'm tempted to assign the same fate on Jim Conveisel(sp) as well but, after all, he is just another actor who did it for the money. I can accept that.

I ditto your 'pathetic.'
I think its funny that the movie was made to show jesus getting mauled and ripped apart in horrible manners.... to try to promote christianity.

Mel Gibson couldnt get anyone to record his movie, so he goes and makes it himself... and it works.

Thats like making a movie about einstein! Only the movie is about the time that he shits on the toilet... And then all the science finatics go and watch it, and it become a multi-million dollar movie (got that off of a comedy show)

The movie was good if you are christian to show that Jesus went through a lot just to save his own people. He stood up to the evil and promoted the good.

To others though... its... ridiculous. Why would "god" allow this to go on? And why try to show this in the first place? I dont enjoy seeing a person being mauled to death.

Anyways... TOO... MUCH... VIOLENCE...

Why does a person need to place all this violence in a film? Make your religious movie about peace and love... Isnt that what your religion is based on anyways? :D
TheMatrixIsReal said:
Weird, I downloaded the movie and turned it off after 20 minutes also, but I was laughing practically the whole time (no I wasn't stoned). The trick to it's hilariousness is keeping in mind the fact that a lot of people take this shit deathly serious. You can only laugh at idiocy so long, though, before it turns from funny to pathetic (20 minutes was the limit in this case). By the way RubiksMaster, saying Passion is a telling of real events is like saying Harry Potter is a real wizard, I mean if we're going off the "evidence" (a book).
That book comment was great.