I saw The Passion . . .


Rest in peace Kurt...
Registered Senior Member
I had promised an ex-step-cousin, a devout Christian, back in July that I would watch The Passion of the Christ. I think by then the theaters stopped playing it, so I waited until it came out on video.

Today, I borrowed the DVD from a friend of mine, another devout Christian. When I got home from school, I turned the computer on, popped the DVD into the drive, sat back, and watched.

Now, that being said, I'll need to reflect some more on the movie and think about what I thought about it. I only got done watching it a couple of hours ago. When I have my thoughts all organized, I shall post them here. But until then . . .

Who else has seen The Passion of the Christ? What did ya think of it?

I'll close with a quote that'll make RubiksMaster laugh . . . "But wasn't He celebate?"

. . . :p

- Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness to all! Âðelwulf.
I saw the movie in the theatre with a couple of friends mostly to see what all the 'fuss' was about. It was an odd situation since one of the teachers from my high school (whom we all thought was an odd christian lady) sat in front of us and broke out into tears by the end of the flick. I didn't find the movie particularly inspirational or horrifying. It was simply telling the story of Jesus they way we were taught is children except I learned what the real meaning of flogging meant which was unfortunately not explained in great detail to us as children.
Watching secularists and anti-Christians cringe in horror, convulse and babble in tongues over the film before it was released was so enjoyable, I haven't wanted to be distracted from the pleasant memories by seeing the movie.
Sacrafice. That's what I saw...in essence, and maybe that was the message of the film. Damned if I would let them nail me to the cross for you all.
Muhlenberg said:
Watching secularists and anti-Christians cringe in horror, convulse and babble in tongues over the film before it was released was so enjoyable, I haven't wanted to be distracted from the pleasant memories by seeing the movie.

When did this happen? If I recall correctly, it was the Jewish concern with possible anti-semitism that made the most noise out of this.

That is, unless you're calling Jews "anti-Christians." But it seems that the secularists were fairly civil and unroused by it--unlike you, who is obviously attempting to troll the secularists here.

I saw the film and thought it had good cinematography, but Gibson pretty much copied everything from the book "The Dolorious Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Bowser said:
Sacrafice. That's what I saw...in essence, and maybe that was the message of the film. Damned if I would let them nail me to the cross for you all.

What was sacrificed? If Jesus was resurrected, there really wasn't any loss on God's part at all. Any human sacrifice for some sort of cause is infinitely the nobler one, because humans do not get resurrected three days later.
TheERK . . .OK..I should have said "some" secularists. We saw Christians claim others, who identified themselves as Christian, were not "real" Christians and we saw some Jews claim other Jews were not "real" Jews over the movie. We also saw academics go after Mel on secular grounds while they may have been actually opposing him on religious grounds. I have no interest in untangling all that. I'll take people for what they say they are.

I'm not about to bite on your suggestion that "the Jews" are to blame for widespread opposition to the movie either . Talk about trolling....
there's much better fantasy films out there, Mel can be a good director.
but there's much more content in the lord of the rings, and or star wars.
much, much more, entertaining.
a good drama, would be good, but the passion was'nt even that, so as fantasy films go a big thumbs down.
stick to films like the patriot and braveheart Mel, a thousand times better.
oh and dont do another film like signs(terrible).
<i>"What was sacrificed? If Jesus was resurrected, there really wasn't any loss on God's part at all. Any human sacrifice for some sort of cause is infinitely the nobler one, because humans do not get resurrected three days later."</i>

Interesting point. But according to Christian theory, you can make the same journey with far less suffering. He could have said, "To Hell with you people! I aint goin' through that." He had nothing to lose...right? The guy was a god, correct?

Pain... I suppose he did it for us, according to christian theology.
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bowser then it did'nt hurt did it so he did'nt suffer.according to you the guy was a god.

but now you'll say, a god in human form, well I say that if that was the case, you would of thought that its father god would have had second thoughts about smiting people, hell, suffering for you faith, once he new how it felt.

so it's a pretty callous bastard if he did'nt.(if someone cut and scratched and caused as much pain as possible, would you let anybody else suffer the same.)no, but people still do suffer..

I think Mel had a better wank with "The Passion" than he did with "Mad Max". But they are both kinda apocalyptic. Mad Max has the more realistic outcome thought.

You're taking this too serious. It seems that there was pain and, wow, doubt. I would say that he had a very human experience.

I dunno, what's a lifetime here on earth compared with eternity? What's several weeks of hell on earth compared with eternity? I'm just looking at this logically. You are comparing a skinned knee to an eternity in heaven.

I'm just looking at it as thought we were making comparisons.
bow said:
You are comparing a skinned knee to an eternity in heaven.

no I'm not comparing anything, i'm asking (again)if god knew how pain felt though his son then why would he let anyone else suffer, especially in hell.
it would have to be a pretty callous bastard to do that.

oh and logic and religion, cant go together.
"why would he let anyone else suffer, especially in hell. It would have to be a pretty callous bastard to do that."

Are you comparing him with the capacity of the human heart, or something that we don't understand or have no comprehension? If man was created in God's image, than are the mirror of the heart of a God?

Yes, in my opinion, that would be pretty callous. But I'm a very compassionate guy.
Heh, my expectations about this thread were difinitely on target. I myself was quite pleased with the film. As expected, those who are well-versed with the Bible and Christian theology caught all the spiritual undertones, which were, IMHO, nicely portrayed, while those who were not well-versed didn't catch them. As a result, for the religious, and deeply religious, the movie was far more efficacious than for those elsewise. And that is to be expected. Anyone who has knowledge in music can enjoy music more than those who do not, and anyone who has knowledge in painting can enjoy a work of painted art much more than one who does not. While I will not comment on the filmography of the movie, I can easily say that for the religious, it was a fantastic and deeply moving film. Indeed, most was taken from the "Dolorous Passion," but that wasn't any secret.
Gospel of john (2003) was better... passion was bloody.... i wonder what jesus meant by "If you do not eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourself"... He said his body was the bread from heaven. Maybe he meant that if we see him suffer we see the suffering of the flesh and we "drink the blood, we are given life.
Yorda: Gospel of john (2003) was better... passion was bloody... i wonder what jesus meant by "If you do not eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourself"... He said his body was the bread from heaven. Maybe he meant that if we see him suffer we see the suffering of the flesh and we "drink the blood, we are given life.
M*W: This was an ancient practice by the Essenes of which Jesus was a member. It has cannabilistic overtones as well as is cultish of vampires. Who knows if Jesus ever said this? It was written by Paul.
Muhlenberg said:
I'm not about to bite on your suggestion that "the Jews" are to blame for widespread opposition to the movie either . Talk about trolling....

Oh, I didn't mean that as trolling. I was just suggesting that maybe you were implying that "anti-Christian", in context, meant non-Christian; which, in this case, would include Jewish people.
TheERK said:
What was sacrificed? If Jesus was resurrected, there really wasn't any loss on God's part at all. Any human sacrifice for some sort of cause is infinitely the nobler one, because humans do not get resurrected three days later.

just 'cause he resurected doesn't mean there was no sacrifice...would you have come down from heaven, into some smelly flesh, live here being tempted for 30 odd yrs. then go to a torturous bloody (earthly) end? would any of us been able to show such compassion to a world out to get us?
i doubt it.
also, he was sinless, what human can make that claim.
an impure sacrifice wouldn't have the same symbolic potency as something unblemished and pure. so for the ppl of that time and further back, who related strongly to symbols and thier meanings, how could an impure sacrifice, like a regular human suffice?
"But wasn't He celebate?"
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Nice inside joke there. . . You spelled celibate wrong.

from farenheit451:
"there's much better fantasy films out there, Mel can be a good director.
but there's much more content in the lord of the rings, and or star wars.
much, much more, entertaining.
a good drama, would be good, but the passion was'nt even that, so as fantasy films go a big thumbs down."

The Passion of the Christ wasn't a fantasy movie. It was a telling of real events. Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings SUCK!!! Somehow I don't think The Passion was supposed to be "entertaining" per se. It was supposed to show people how much Jesus actually suffered, and how great a gift it was.

Sacrafice. That's what I saw...in essence, and maybe that was the message of the film. Damned if I would let them nail me to the cross for you all.
Yeah, it was about sacrifice. It makes you think about how loving God is, and how we need to remember that. I don't think I would let them crucify me either. I'm not proud to admit it, but it's true. Jesus' death really was the ultimate sacrifice.

I saw the movie when it came out in theaters. I thought it was very powerful and inspirational. A lot of people cried. I didn't, but I still thought it was a good movie. The loud sound effects and big screen definetely enhanced my viewing pleasure.

Peace out!