I saw something strange. Has anyone else?


horseman with a banner
Registered Senior Member
I have never been one that pays much attention to the subject of UFO's. But I saw something one time. It was in 1993. I was driving a company truck in rural South Georgia at night. I saw something in the sky - it was a line of about 5 lights that started at the horizon and were positioned along a diagonal line that stretched to encompass about 45 degrees of the sky. They were evenly spaced apart and looked like stars, only larger. I think they were satellites. The did not move across the sky. They moved with me, like the moon - implying that they were in orbit? Any ideas? (And no, I was not under the influence.)
Highly possible they were satellites, What time of day did you happen to spot them? If you question where they were located in regards to the direction of the sun, could they have been reflections from Solar panels?

I find that if you look up at a clear night sky filled with stars and little light pollution, if you stare long enough you can occasionally glimpse satellites moving past with some lights flashing. In fact if you wanted to you could probably find out the mathematics to work out when satellites that are in a Low Orbit are within the shroud of the earths shadow, as at certain times such satellites that can orbit the earth many times a day could be visable due to light from the sun.
It was a few hours after sunset. But I do not remember the exact time.

I was trying to keep things short. Here is some more information - the lights quickly flashed in rapid sequence, one at a time. It did this multiple times. Perhaps it was multiple satellites that worked together - for what purpose, I have not idea. The event remained visible for a long time. Other cars were on the road. I am sure others saw the same thing. I did not hear about it being reported. But I was passing through the area to make an out of town delivery and was unable to check with that area’s media outlets.
It was a few hours after sunset. But I do not remember the exact time.

I was trying to keep things short. Here is some more information - the lights quickly flashed in rapid sequence, one at a time. It did this multiple times. Perhaps it was multiple satellites that worked together - for what purpose, I have not idea. The event remained visible for a long time. Other cars were on the road. I am sure others saw the same thing. I did not hear about it being reported. But I was passing through the area to make an out of town delivery and was unable to check with that area’s media outlets.

There are lots of LEO (low earth orbit) communication networks (and probably alot more defense/spy sats) that could have reflected light from the setting sun to the area on earth where you were located. This is probably the most likely scenario.

Pokets of air from solar storms/magentic interfearence can bend light from the sun like a lens, but to do so in a line like you mentioned would be very unlikely.
I was standing outside a mates house in the Eastern Cape in South Africa, it was pretty rural so the night sky is very clear. We saw a light moving across the sky pretty quickly, then it slowed down and accelerated upwards at a breathtaking velocity that I am pretty sure no missile is capable.

My friend and I have no idea what it was. It seems unlikely that a civilization advanced enough to get here would leave their "head lights" on while snooping around.
I've seen swamp gas.

Sometimes, after Taco Bell, I've made some.

I hope that doesn't affect global warming.
Clear night over London, the light seemed to be very high up in the atmosphere travelling quite fast south to north. I was able to observe it for at least 2-3 minutes when suddenly it made an instant right angle turn and shot off into space at a blinding velocity. That is the nearest thing to an ET UFO that I've ever seen.

On another two separate occassions in Cyprus I observed a single light travelling quite fast at a high altitude from south to north from one end of the horizon to the other. I'm pretty certain that it wouldn't have been aircraft, because no airplanes are allowed to fly south to north over Cyprus but I'm not sure if it might have been satellites. Do satellites travel south to north?
My friends and I were really young. We were outside one summer night playing flashlight tag when someone pointed at something in the sky. It was a pinpoint of green light. It didn't flash or blink like most sattelites I have seen, but just burned steadily. At first we thought it must be a star or an airplane, but then it started bouncing all over the sky in odd patterns and then took off and just disappeared. Don't know what it was, but me and my friends still joke about the "UFO" we saw.
You know, everyone has their own opinion about UFO's and where they came from. But it seems a little strange that if in fact UFO's come from other star systems in our galaxy and they have travelled for maybe hundreds of light years to get here, only to buzz a few house tops, make some crop circles (if that is where crop circles come from) and then just disappear? It just doesn't seem logical that they wouldn't want to land and say hello? Someone have a better idea?
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You know, everyone has their own opinion about UFO's and where they came from. But it seems a little strange that if in fact UFO's come from other star systems in our galaxy and they have travelled for maybe hundreds of light years to get here, only to buzz a few house tops, make some crop circles (if that is where crop circles come form) and then just disappear? It just doesn't seem logical that they wouldn't want to land and say hello? Someone have a better idea?

there's no indication to assume they ''just'' buzz a few house tops. and to land and say ''hello'' is for the community class.
there's no indication to assume they ''just'' buzz a few house tops. and to land and say ''hello'' is for the community class.

That depends on where you live. If you lived in Mexico City, I think there is some UFO film footage shot (circa: 1991) to show that they did (UFO's) infact buzzed few house tops and some buildings too.



Saying 'Hello' in Zeta2 Reticulian tongue for example (if in fact they are out there), is probably a little different that just saying the English (or whatever language it's in) the word for 'Hello'. Maybe it would be closer to saying: 'Gort Klitwo Burada Niktoe' or something like that. Wouldn't you agree?
Saying 'Hello' in Zeta2 Reticulian tongue for example
Why the need to say hello in the first place? It might be an interesting deduction, though, to ask why greetings are not being accommodated. Could it be that there's no desire to exhibit a friendliness not shared? And what would the significance of that be, I wonder? Also interesting to note is that in all supposed illustrations involving close encounters people have not especially introduced (or especially invented) the idea of hospitable ETs landing and saying hello. You would think that with such an obvious tradition among the masses here that a '"hello" story isn't already a precedence only to be repeated ad nauseam.
Why the need to say hello in the first place? It might be an interesting deduction, though, to ask why greetings are not being accommodated. Could it be that there's no desire to exhibit a friendliness not shared? And what would the significance of that be, I wonder? Also interesting to note is that in all supposed illustrations involving close encounters people have not especially introduced (or especially invented) the idea of hospitable ETs landing and saying hello. You would think that with such an obvious tradition among the masses here that a '"hello" story isn't already a precedence only to be repeated ad nauseam.

You're working on a different wavelength. Try 108.64MGz for starters.
I have one wierd experience to share. I don't remember the exact date, but I do remember I was a teenager in highschool since I was seated in my Thunderbird, my first car, so it had to have been somewhere in between 1996 and 2000. Back then I was living at home and we lived in a mountainous region of northern New Jersey, so we were driving uphill and had a relatively clear view of the sky away from city lights. I remember my Dad was driving and I was looking out the car window behind us. It was at night, during the summer so it had to have been around 9 or 10. I saw orange lights, they seemed to be undulating like a wave across the sky. It was kind of like the color of mellow candelight. There was only about a dozen of them and making a V type formation- not 100% sure about that though, but I do have a hazy recollection of there being two lines at least - not sure if they converged at one point. I couldn't see anything behind or between these round orange lights so I really don't think it was one massive object like a plane since it was so wavy. It was the wierdest thing I've ever seen - I don't believe in UFOs and at times I think my brain must have been playing with me, that maybe I really didn't see anything. But I think I have a semi-photographic memory. I can see what I saw in my mind quite well even after all these years and the orange undulating lines of points of lights stick with me. o_0
Hmm just the other day I looked into the sky and saw a little white circle

Then I saw another, but this one was slowly switching between black and white.

Was pretty odd... a few minutes later the first was gone, and then the second

I had never wanted a telescope more in my life