i saw one Continued !!!

well since we are pulling out our little boxes to sit in
may i please be directed to the one labelled
"polite openminded intellegent communication facilitator"
or more commonly called "label free"

groove on :)
AleinAllei is right phlogistician. If you have troubles reading it, then just skip it.

Can you go back to the topic at hand now or shall I close this thread too because you are arguing like little children about some spelling issues.
Just for the sake....

Just for the sake of the people I will stop writing like me and write proper although my spelling isnt to great in certian words okay?! So I want to apoligize to all of you for making you struggle to read my posts. Im very and deeply sorry.
i saw....

What I saw was nothing like a military aircraft, or anyother human controlled craft. Atleast, nothing I have seen in the skys before. It was moving really slow at first and then it kind of got larger . Then all of a sudden it started to get smaller and it flew of and disapeared. Thats all I can remember .

So what ..........no comments ?! Well I was very frightened . What if they decide to come back ?! What should I do?
OK, more info. Don't say what it didn't look like, just concentrate on what it did look like.

What time was it when you saw it, and where were you? What was the weather like, and was it dark or light? How high off the ground was it, and how far away? How bright, and what colour? Any noise? Just the one single object? Could you make out it's shape? Did anybody else see it? What direction did it disappear? Did you check local news sources to see if anybody else saw the object? How come your memory of this is foggy? I would have thought such an experience would remain crystal clear?

maybe you could start with what shape it looked like
and how long you were able to see if for
seconds of a couple of minutes
okay here we go.....

I didnt really see a shape . See it was pitch dark outside , like around 12pm. And no, there was no noise . it was there for like 1minute. I cant exactly say how high or low it was. It dissapeared to the right ! And i dont know why my memory is foggy , but it is maybe something happened and i dont remember ?! :(
You know what? I'm wondering what a 13 year old girl was doing wandering around alone outside at midnight.

Taken alongside the vague reporting of this incident, and the lack of a decent description, I have to come to the conclusion it's a great big lie.

If it really happened, the description would be more fleshed out.

Reasons for being where she was, what she did afterwards, none of which is forthcoming.
You know what...

You know what you may actually think you know everything , but you dont . Okay I dont remember every single detail about the incident , but who remembers much these days anyway . And it wasnt a lie. I thought I could tell the people of sicforums about my experience . But I guess I forgot about the people who like to bring negativaty to where its just not needed . I know you thrive for all the attention. But hey you dont always get what you want. So like ripple said you could've done it the easy way and just of skipped the thread !!! okay ! FOR EVERYONE ELSE THIS IS ANYTHING BUT A LIE !!!!
How come you don't remember? How long ago did this happen for christ's sake?

If I had seen what I thought was a UFO, that would be profoundly important, and I'd remember the details. Events like that, if they really happen, stick in your memory.

"I thought I could tell the people of sicforums about my experience . "

What have you told us, exactly? You don't know why you were outside, what you were doing there, what date this took place, or answered any of the other questions I put to you satisfactorily.

All you've said is that you saw 'it' (although in the other thread you said it was a 'bright light'), it had no shape, no colour, and made no sound (a star, perhaps, a meteorite?) and sped off. You didn't describe how it flew. And how things FLY, ie, demonstrate controlled flight, is particularly important when claiming something is a UFO, them being Unidentified FLYING Objects.

Mind you, you haven't even claimed to see a UFO, you just said 'I saw one' and left us to imply that.

I'm not being negative, btw. I'm quite positive you are lying!
Now, returning a lifted phrase is pretty childish, and in this case, rather inappropriate. I'm not a pseudo skeptic. I'm a skeptic.

Your original statement was childish to begin with, so what's yout point aside hippocracy?

Taken alongside the vague reporting of this incident, and the lack of a decent description, I have to come to the conclusion it's a great big lie.

Ahhh yes... the character assassination ploy. You are right to press for information but you have no proof she is deliberatly lying other than how you feel about what she has said. As a "skeptic" all you can say is "I have no data to prove your claim." But, now you make the claim she is a liar? PROVE IT definitively or get off the floor.
Originally posted by Xevious
Your original statement was childish to begin with, so what's yout point aside hippocracy?

You're just sore because I called you childish. Go read it all again. If you don't understand it, read it until you do.

Ahhh yes... the character assassination ploy. You are right to press for information but you have no proof she is deliberatly lying other than how you feel about what she has said. As a "skeptic" all you can say is "I have no data to prove your claim." But, now you make the claim she is a liar? PROVE IT definitively or get off the floor.

Not character assassination at all. Just my personal conclusion, and it's a fair conclusion given the, for want of a better word, evidence, offered by aleinallei. I didn't say deliberate lie, did I, that's your inflection. I suspect she saw nothing out of the ordinary, which makes her claims false, and that makes her a liar. I didn't say she was deliberately attempting to mislead. In fact, I think I covered the aspect of her being an unreliable witness previously. She stated in one post that she wanted to believe, so it's hardly an unbiased position she's coming from now, is it?

As to the part about being a skeptic, well, I think you are confusing skepticism with liberalism, with agnosticism, or rather, blending the three. I am allowed to draw conclusions as a skeptic. I don't have to have such an open mind my brains fall out!

Proof, ah, that old chestnut. Nope, I don't have to prove she's a liar, she has to prove her credibility alongside her claim. It's that simple.

But this begs an interesting question. considering the absolute lack of any credible evidence offered, why are you so quick to champion her? Martyr for lost causes? Taste for jail bait? Desperate for support from other believers?
If I had seen what I thought was a UFO, that would be profoundly important, and I'd remember the details. Events like that, if they really happen, stick in your memory
i think you raise a very good point here!
the reality seems that different things are of different importance to different people at different levels.

you importance lyes in the ability to prove or more possibly disprove the existance of such things like the all incompassing U.F.O

however to some people and cultures it has been documented for many thousands of years that such things are of fairly normal
commonality and have very little need to be factualised in a form of binary data equative analysis

i have met people who have claimed to see things that some would discribe as devine encounters and some as alien and some as U.F.O
and they all place different importance to these events from person to person
and some people who have not seen any but have huge sway to one beliefe inspite of never having any such personal encounter

the true facts about eye witness data is quite astounding when based on scientific analysis yet it is still used to convict people in a court of law... often
with evidence that is scientific in nature and supports things or events to suport the theory rather then to prove the assocication of the reality of actual events
(acorrding to some scientists that performed actual tests and documented them for a T.V program)
blah blah blah

it did not sound from the outset of the post to be one that was screaming for scientific analysis ..
just open discusion in a genral format
maybe phlogistician....
you are leaning to much of your personal values into the provability of the event rather than the discusion of it

just a thought :)

you dont have to make your mind up one way or the other based on this one example

groove on all :)
riple, I get what you're saying, that different people place different emphasis on these phenomena, and I agree. If I saw them all the time I'd get blasé about them, or if people I knew said they saw them all the time, I'd attach less significance.

But AleinAllei says she is a beleiver, and has wanted to see one for ages. And when she does, well, the reporting doesn't do that expectation justice.

Putting too much of myself into proving the event, ... given the scant description, that's not possible. I can't envisage what she saw, the description is so patchy. Once I can do that, put myself in her situation, you could be right, it's possible to use my opinions to interpret the experience, rightly or wrongly. First though, I need to understand the experience.
You're just sore because I called you childish.

You're just upset that I pointed out you're a hippocrit. YOU go read it all again and realize that your own conduct is far worse than mine.

But this begs an interesting question. considering the absolute lack of any credible evidence offered, why are you so quick to champion her? Martyr for lost causes? Taste for jail bait? Desperate for support from other believers?

Nope, I just notice you seem to love beating up on people and attacking other peoples character while yourself behave far worse than you accuse others. Martyer for lost cause? Hardly... Taste for jail bait? Nope but hhere you go... you've shown again how you resort character assination, insults, and slander. If you were really a "skeptic" you would say very distinctly and in ONE statement "I cannot confirm AlienAlli's claim" and leave, and NONE of those kinds of statements would be nesassary. But, that isn't what you're doing. You're showing high levels of emotionalism and thus displaying that your thought process no matter how you claim to be "skeptical" is in fact filled with emotional reactions.

If you want to keep the opinion Allie is a liar that's fine, but if you are presenting that opinion AS FACT, which is what you are doing, then you bear a burdon of proof in your own right. You are going to say "But I SAID it was an opinion", and that's true, but you are not PRESENTING it as an opinion. Rather, you are still here trying to convince everyone else that she is a liar. You wouldn't need to continue posting if you had made your opinion and left it at that.
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i was ..

I was outside b/c I was over a friends house. and we were outside by her house ! And i dont know why i dont remember ! i am a big believer, but maybe something happened that cant be explained ! i dont know but all I know was I saw a ufo !
Okay... everyone just settle down here.

AleinAllei - we've got a trick for dealing with problems like this. I'll tell ya whatcha do.

First, start sometime before you saw the thing. Tell us what you were doing that evening, where you were, if you were eating something, whatever. Start two hours before, just so it's not too difficult to recall.

Usually when something happened a while ago it takes a few tries to get the whole story out, but it's definitely easier if you remember the circumstances around what happened.

Some simple circumstances:
- How long ago was it?
- What day of the week/month was it?
- Where were you?
- What was the weather like?
- Was anyone else with you, person/animal?
- What were you doing?
- Were you doing anything that would affect your memory, vision or anything else like that?

You don't have to give any personal information, you can change the names so it's not a problem. Try to describe everything in the order that it happened.

Write as many words as you need. Don't worry too much about spelling, as long as it's readable. If you remember a detail halfway through, include it as well. Try to get down as much as you can.

So far I've got
- you were outside, and it was dark
- you were at a friend's house, with your friend, who also saw whatever you saw
- there was an object that you couldn't see very well/couldn't see at all, which didn't make any noise
- it approached you (and your friend) and stayed relatively still for about a minute, and then moved away quickly or disappeared

That's good so far. Now what you want to think about is:

- Was it totally silent or just not very loud?
- Could you see it at all, or was it totally hidden?
- Was it up high or near the ground?
- How big did you think it was?
- Did your friend say anything about it, during or after the event?

Speaking of the which, if you haven't talked to your friend about it you probably should, to see if they remember things differently from you.

So go ahead! Write! It'll probably help you remember.