I protest to a thread lock...

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though it's not pc, there are more similartiies between whites, black, hispanic, arab reflected worldwide as they are caucasoid mix beween primarily white/black around the globe.
So, we can assume you're racist and you think you're special.
So, we can assume you're racist and you think you're special.

you missed the point altogether because you are an annoying, hard-headed piece. it was just the opposite point actually and that caucasoids view themselves similar whether they are scottish or middle-eastern. both are caucasians bottomline. notice whites, hispanics, middle-eastern are all caucasian and then blacks are pretty much accepted in mainstream america because they are perceived as physically stronger/masculine and not pushovers. stay with me: notice the social media racist mocking of asian jay park is a reflection of those same attitudes and mindset in real life etc. it's not rocket science to figure out and it's pretty nasty of you to purposefully twist it around when it's exactly that caucasians believe they are more entiitled and special!!

my pop psychology analysis of your brain:

beer/w straw's reaction and consider even his/her chosen name and it's connotations with that thread's op link also an nba page which is as mainstream as you can get and being social media is a pretty accurate raw reflection/snapshot of general society.

so beer/w straw most likely identifies with the mainstream public and also given the vapid posts on this forum so was more perturbed by the calling out of the beer gushing general public. that hit an unconscious nerve. first of all, it's unprecedented for an asian to be on the page like that and to put an asian up is a revelation of how the society perceives asians as a whole.

her lame brain couldn't help but react to defend what she unconsciously considers the masses of her like kindred of lame-brain, beer-slugging, sports-loving, chest-beating ignoramuses.

what else could it have been? that she protests the closing of a thread that she didn't even start or even specifically targeting whites.

also, she called it the masturbation thread which must be a projection of herself or it's an nba page, the sentiment they are allowed to be irreverent asses mentality. simply, you are being too sensitive is the idea behind that as well there is resentment that an asian would complain about racism because they percieve themselves (white) or their race not getting enough attention to their own issues regarding race so it's a passive-aggressive anger. mix it all in a bowl and stir. end of analysis.

it was very clear that thread brought out the nasty in you and relentlessly. the above analysis that you identify with losers must be the reason because nothing else is rational. you are canadian, not american, the op wasn't specifically about whites, you identify as white etc. there wasn't any rational reason for you to react so viciously to that thread except to identify with nba meathead types and to accuse an asian of being overly sensitive which is why you called it masturbation. though that's revealing your ugly white side to be completely frank.
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you missed the point altogether because you are an annoying, hard-headed piece. it was just the opposite point actually and that caucasoids view themselves similar whether they are scottish or middle-eastern. both are caucasians bottomline.

my pop psychology analysis of your brain:

beer/w straw's reaction and consider even his/her chosen name and it's connotations with that thread's op link also an nba page which is as mainstream as you can get and being social media is a pretty accurate raw reflection/snapshot of general society.

so beer/w straw most likely identifies with the mainstream public and also given the vapid posts on this forum so was more perturbed by the calling out of the beer gushing general public. that hit an unconscious nerve. first of all, it's unprecedented for an asian to be on the page like that and to put an asian up is a revelation of how the society perceives asians as a whole.

her lame brain couldn't help but react to defend what she unconsciously considers the masses of her like kindred of lame-brain, beer-slugging, sports-loving, chest-beating ignoramuses.

what else could it have been? that she protests the closing of a thread that she didn't even start or even specifically targeting whites.

also, she called it the masturbation thread which must be a projection of herself or it's an nba page, the sentiment they are allowed to be irreverent asses mentality. simply, you are being too sensitive is the idea behind that as well there is resentment that an asian would complain about racism because they percieve themselves (white) or their race not getting enough attention to their own issues regarding race so it's a passive-aggressive anger. mix it all in a bowl and stir. end of analysis.

it was very clear that thread brought out the nasty in you and relentlessly. the above analysis that you identify with losers must be the reason because nothing else is rational. you are canadian, not american, the op wasn't specifically about whites, you identify as white etc. there wasn't any rational reason for you to react so viciously to that thread except to identify with nba meathead types and to accuse an asian of being overly sensitive which is why you called it masturbation. though that's revealing your ugly white side though to be completely frank.
But, you don't deny you're racist.


You want to talk about global warming next?
But, you don't deny you're racist.

nope. your reaction just proved the op correct because you just resorted to calling someone a loser for bringing up racism itself because it was an asian which reflects that racism against asians which incidently has also been noted by other asians if you read comments by others and their experiences. it's easy to single out one when alone, but would you dare if we were in a group because they bring it up or have the audacity to ignore it in favor of focusing and judging like a white supremacist whether they are doing what you think they should be doing or they are a loser? i don't think so britney. most people in the west know that is taboo to do so to anyone tan to darker minorities and believe they somehow deserve more 'racial' entitlement than others as well as this belief they are always worse off than another due to their color or race when it's a case by case basis.

but at the same time, it's not that doom and gloom because the west is not collectively the home of the majority of asians and the world is becoming more intercontinental/international as people travel including westerners who work and live abroad in asia and elsewhere too.
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nope. your reaction just proved the op correct because you just resorted to calling someone a loser for bringing up racism itself because it was an asian which reflects that racism against asians which incidently has also been noted by other asians if you read comments by others and their experiences. it's easy to single out one when alone, but would you dare if we were in a group because they bring it up or have the audacity to ignore it in favor of focusing and judging like a white supremacist whether they are doing what you think they should be doing or they are a loser? i don't think so britney. most people in the west know that is taboo to do so to anyone tan to darker minorities and believe they somehow deserve more 'racial' entitlement than others as well as this belief they are always worse off than another due to their color or race when it's a case by case basis.

but at the same time, it's not that doom and gloom because the west is not collectively the home of the majority of asians and the world is becoming more intercontinental/international as people travel including westerners who work and live abroad in asia and elsewhere too.
So, you're racist.


Or, you're a racist and you don't even know it?
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So, you're racist.

lol. you don't even know what a real racist does or how they think. i sure as hell never was the one to swing first but there sure are a hell of a lot of people out there that do and for no legitimate reason. that's what racists do and i sure as hell am not a racist or discriminate against others to prevent their livelihood that i've seen people do that i would never do. it really makes me angry when there are so many racist people who get into positions of power but you get the pigeonhole of racism? is this some kind of fuking joke? i've been fighting racism all my life and i sure as hell wasn't one of those types who just are racist just because they can.

but since america is mostly white, black and hispanic in population, i will leave these comments to chew on and they were not by me. what's funny is the idea that only white nationalists or kkk are racist is so far away from reality that you would have to been living under a rock or out in the boonies to not know how racist the majority of the population is, including the very people the media tries to paint as innocent angels who must be oppressed by their skin color or whatever fairytale ideas they have about certain minorities. that's all you hear about constantly over and over and over how big bad whites are against browns and blacks like it's the only formula while they ignore their racist asses like they are all innocent. absolute bullshit. same idea that all whites who are racist are clan members. there are white bigots who are choosey in who they are racist towards. i had a white and mexican couple who were racist towards me once and it was bizarre because i didn't know them or did anything to them. do you think they are trump voters? of course not. but they are still bigots and racist. racism isn't just between white and brown/black people only that the media tries to portray redundantly. lmao.

do you know there are white people discriminated against by blacks or hispanics or asians (probably more in asia as they are few) because of race when they get into positions of power or decision making just like whites do? or blacks and hispanics that do that to asians when they can make decisions? just like there are whites that do that to any other race they personally dislike or whatever their bias is? hell, that's common.

for instance, just a tidbit and enjoy since african-americans and race are opined on so much, here is some views on hispanics in america regarding their racist experiences with them:

by a black person:
People don't realize Hispanics are very racist toward people as well. I live in a majority latino neighborhood now since they are flooding in Maryland. They are inconsiderate, loud and very racist. Most of them have an issue with given people personal space. It's their behavior and no they are less friendly toward blacks. They kiss white peoples ass even though they can't stand them. There will never be unity between blacks and latino's that's why I never understand why we get classified with them it's insulting. But it's a cultural distance I do plan on moving but it's the truth they are just as hateful as the rest of us. Look at their programming you never see black latinos represented in their programs. They are just as worst as white people but they don't control anything.

by a fellow hispanic but not mexican:
Haha... Really .. Mexicans are the most racist people in the Western Hemisphere--- They will pretend that they are not racist, they are on the same level of the skinheads... Most of their population are brainwashed in thinking that they are caucasion... Their indian and Afro-mexicans population in Mexico are routinely discriminated against horribly... Nothing new, business as usual...

by a white:
Spanish here are highly racist. They won't pay taxes on Spanish land Grant land and think they still own it. They say they are not Mexicans but Spanish. Actually they are Texans. Texas Republic owned Colorado and New Mexico before they were states. If you want to piss off local Spanish in Colorado call them a Texan.

by a indian:
I'm surprised this didn't happen in Texas. A lot of Tex Mex Mexicans look down their noses at Mexican born Mexicans as well as African Americans. Mainly in Texas and Arizona.

by a hispanic or so they say:
It's funny how Mexicans yell "La Raza es unita" or "El pueblo no sera vencido", this let's be a family, a united community. Behind that is just a bunch racist people, I'm Hispanic and I've been called a Pineapple, Beaner, and a Racetraitor. They're racists against White people, Black people, and others. They remind me of BLM/NBPP and the Alt-Right/Neo Nazis.

Right, because just by being brown or darker whatever your race or ethnicity, you are automatically exempt from the racism check box and just victims? lmao.

And this is just one ethnicity as there is middle-eastern (comprised of multiple nationalities), african-americans and blacks (don't hear much about them in media) as well as south and east asians. i just brought up the topic because the trend was that east asians are picked out for open racism much more than other races or ethnicities to be mocked, stereotypes and ridiculed and neither was it new. i'm so sick and tired of having to repeat that point because anyone who has lived in america knows that and feigning stupid or are unable to understand or pick up a general social climate or mindset at any given time of a society.
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So, you're racist.

no, you're racist for not acknowledging the vast amount of racists that are not asian. you are even disingenuous enough to play the victim when many minorities will not even admit that they can be racists toward whites but only going one way which is the stereotypical light to dark. if you want to defend your white guilt, go ahead by all means. when asians collectively start acting as racist and rude as others in the west, then i will concede. until then, i'm not taking the load when there are huge elephants in the room as well as asians being the target of most offensive stereotyping and ridicule in the west even by other minorities. the end.
no, you're racist for not acknowledging the vast amount of racists that are not asian. you are even disingenuous enough to play the victim when many minorities will not even admit that they can be racists toward whites but only going one way which is the stereotypical light to dark. if you want to defend your white guilt, go ahead by all means. when asians collectively start acting as racist and rude as others in the west, then i will concede. until then, i'm not taking the load when there are huge elephants in the room as well as asians being the target of most offensive stereotyping and ridicule in the west even by other minorities. the end.
Ah, yes.


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Ah, yes.


what's amazing is even for a white person or people, you are amazingly easily deluded or brainwashed yourself when faced or even regards current reality.

people of color are not anymore subject to racism or oppression than anyone even as far away as china. but especially in america where people of color or mixed are predominant so the idea that an asian brought up racism and you are such an ignoramus to not understand the op, and even worse, to denigrate the entire premise and thread on the false but ingrained assumption that people of darker complexion are still or must by default experienced or have harder lives is not only insulting but stupendously retarded. there are plenty of people of color who have had normal lives. it is not the same as before!! no matter how the media tries to paint ghetto culture as mainstream black culture or how all blacks live or hispanics as poor oppressed refugees. there are plenty of them who have normal lives or good families and they are not being oppressed like portrayed in some hyped film. it is not even unusual in my generation, even if they grew up poor (so do poor whites or any poor person) or lower to middle-class america.

it has nothing to do with being hispanic, middle-eastern or black. everyone's situation is different and for you to trash a thread on your stupid ass assumption and ignorance that asians don't experience a hell of a lot of discrimination because of attitudes like yours that renders them obscure indicates how much asians try not to complain and then you have the nerve to call me a loser for even bringing it up as if asians don't have hardships or their parents before they came west but automatically those who are darker must have had it worse. hell no!! here is the litmus test: hispanics get lumped in with blacks and middle-east because they are darker!! some of them didn't go through anything more than what asian immigrants recent or past did!! asians face discrimination in the workplace, horribly discriminated in lower to middle-class sector where they face the most grievous/illegal racism where they are literally often not hired due to racism which is reminiscent of why they opened laundromats and their own businesses. it's the 21st century and that attitude of marginalizing or forcing them into tight corners so they have little room is prevailing even by other minorities against asians because they feel believe they are more american or more caucasian or native etc, though getting better. i was like, wow, this country is damn racist against asians.

social services is often denied them with hostile resentment, on top of that they face the most racism in media and public generally more than any other race as well as this undercurrent of hostility or unwelcome as being less american or a foreign enemy.
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people of color are not anymore subject to racism or oppression than anyone even as far away as china. but especially in america where people of color or mixed are predominant so the idea that an asian brought up racism and you are such an ignoramus to not understand the op, and even worse, to denigrate the entire premise and thread on the false but ingrained assumption that people of darker complexion are still or must by default experienced or have harder lives is not only insulting but stupendously retarded. there are plenty of people of color who have had normal lives. it is not the same as before!! no matter how the media tries to paint ghetto culture as mainstream black culture or how all blacks live or hispanics as poor oppressed refugees. there are plenty of them who have normal lives or good families and they are not being oppressed like portrayed in some hyped film. it is not even unusual in my generation, even if they grew up poor (so do poor whites or any poor person) or lower to middle-class america.
Oh yeah.

Asians face more discrimination than African Americans in America.

For example, as linked, 27% of Asians reported discrimination in applying for jobs in the US. I mean, that smashes the African Americans out of the ballpark, 56% of whom surveyed reported facing discrimination when applying for jobs in the US.

I guess if we live in upside down and backwards land, 27% is higher than 56%, yes?

How about interaction with police? 18% of Asians reported being discriminated against when interacting with police. Meanwhile, 50% of African Americans reported being discriminated against when interacting with the police. Sheesh, African Americans should not be complaining, since Asians face such worse discrimination...

Discrimination with being paid and promoted equally..

Asians: 25%
African Americans: 57%

Discrimination with trying to rent or buy housing:

Asians: 25%
African Americans: 45%

Discrimination with applying or attending college:

Asians: 19%
African American: 36%

Discrimination from going to the doctor or health clinic:

Asians: 13%
African Americans: 32%

Trying to vote or participate in politics:

Asians: 7%
African Americans: 19%

I'll repeat, no one is saying that Asians do not face discrimination.

However, you seem to be arguing that they face worse discrimination and racism than other ethnic groups in the US. The facts, studies, statistics, do not support your contention or argument. The insulting and frankly downright stupid way you have gone about this argument, not to mention the revolting racism you espoused in doing so, has been quite a display. If one can call walking into a busy mall, dropping one's pants and urinating on oneself a display. Which is essentially what you have done in this and the other thread.

I'll repeat, one more time. Not a single person has argued that Asians do not face racism and discrimination. But their experiences, while appalling, cannot be compared to what other ethnic minorities suffered and suffer in the US. Can you understand the distinction? Do you understand how and why, historically and how history plays a lot in the discussion of racism and discrimination in the US? Do you understand this?
Oh yeah.

Asians face more discrimination than African Americans in America.

For example, as linked, 27% of Asians reported discrimination in applying for jobs in the US. I mean, that smashes the African Americans out of the ballpark, 56% of whom surveyed reported facing discrimination when applying for jobs in the US.

I guess if we live in upside down and backwards land, 27% is higher than 56%, yes?

How about interaction with police? 18% of Asians reported being discriminated against when interacting with police. Meanwhile, 50% of African Americans reported being discriminated against when interacting with the police. Sheesh, African Americans should not be complaining, since Asians face such worse discrimination...

Discrimination with being paid and promoted equally..

Asians: 25%
African Americans: 57%

Discrimination with trying to rent or buy housing:

Asians: 25%
African Americans: 45%

Discrimination with applying or attending college:

Asians: 19%
African American: 36%

Discrimination from going to the doctor or health clinic:

Asians: 13%
African Americans: 32%

Trying to vote or participate in politics:

Asians: 7%
African Americans: 19%

I'll repeat, no one is saying that Asians do not face discrimination.

However, you seem to be arguing that they face worse discrimination and racism than other ethnic groups in the US. The facts, studies, statistics, do not support your contention or argument. The insulting and frankly downright stupid way you have gone about this argument, not to mention the revolting racism you espoused in doing so, has been quite a display. If one can call walking into a busy mall, dropping one's pants and urinating on oneself a display. Which is essentially what you have done in this and the other thread.

I'll repeat, one more time. Not a single person has argued that Asians do not face racism and discrimination. But their experiences, while appalling, cannot be compared to what other ethnic minorities suffered and suffer in the US. Can you understand the distinction? Do you understand how and why, historically and how history plays a lot in the discussion of racism and discrimination in the US? Do you understand this?
Bells, it looks as though whatever it is that goes FUNG! in Birch's brain from time to time has gone FUNG! again. See also her bizarre resurrection of a 1oyr old thread about paedophiles, in order to have a foul-mouthed rant about that as well.

I wonder if there may be a medical issue here.
i just brought up the topic because the trend was that east asians are picked out for open racism much more than other races or ethnicities to be mocked, stereotypes and ridiculed and neither was it new. i'm so sick and tired of having to repeat that point because anyone who has lived in america knows that and feigning stupid or are unable to understand or pick up a general social climate or mindset at any given time of a society.
The reason you are "sick and tired of having to repeat that point" is because it is factually, fundamentally and utterly wrong.

If you went around claiming that the Earth was really a turtle, and we all live on its back, you would probably also get "sick and tired of having to repeat that point" too.
The reason you are "sick and tired of having to repeat that point" is because it is factually, fundamentally and utterly wrong.

If you went around claiming that the Earth was really a turtle, and we all live on its back, you would probably also get "sick and tired of having to repeat that point" too.


Sorry birch, but what you've expressed is a personal opinion. And, while you're entitled to it, if you wish to have people take notice of it, you'll have to provide a more compelling argument than because you think so.
Asians: 25%
African Americans: 57%
Except in basketball and American football. Don't see many Asians becoming millionaires in those sports. But that has nothing to do with skin color, in basketball and football height is the major factor of discrimination against Asians, don't see many 6'9" Asians....:eek:
Except in basketball and American football. Don't see many Asians becoming millionaires in those sports. But that has nothing to do with skin color, in basketball and football height is the major factor of discrimination against Asians, don't see many 6'9" Asians....:eek:


I meant to say Asians can be that big...
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