I need to clear my head re: past memories

Stryderunknown said:
I had a weird grass circle occurance follow me about for a bit, it was if someone had sprayed weedkiller in a circle, when I say circle I don't mean like a corn one where the full bodied circle, but one thats a bit like a letter "O". (where the line around the edge was the only area altered)

The numbers of circles differed at the locations I was at, Four circles when I was in Hospital, 2 Circles at my Grandparents, 1 Circle at my home at the time. (I always wondered where a third must have been just to make it organised).

I did also see a "H" that appeared to be dug into the turf one moment, and then gone the next. That was pretty bizarre, however I don't place it down to aliens, just a bunch of pranksters using particular equipment to make things look different from a persons perspective.

[I could explain in detail if I really tried, but as I mentioned in another post it's on of those things that "no-one" no matter what side of the pseudoscience fence they are on... believes.]

Hehe...;) Oh,BTW! i have a patch of such 'O' on my backyard grass,Nothing grows in it too...Does that qualify me as a CEIII witness? gee... come on fellas...

Hehe... Oh,BTW! i have a patch of such 'O' on my backyard grass,Nothing grows in it too...Does that qualify me as a CEIII witness? gee... come on fellas...

You see, that's another point (hehe...).

There's a "problem" (or an anomaly, a strangeness, a mystery, etc.) One tries to deliberate upon it and resolve it. One doesn't invent the problem: one witness's it. So, the initial stage of a response to the problem is to A) acknowledge the problem and to move on from there, or, B) reject the problem and close the discussion. "A" will lead to exploring the context of the problem, the nature of the problem, and "B" will promise itself a good night's sleep.

Sooo -- I really don't care how you sleep: I only care why I can't sleep. Get my drift? And on that point... good night!

Oh... and don't let the bed bugs bite. But I'm sure they don't exist, right?