I need to clear my head re: past memories

Kind of sounds like it, or someone very close to them.

It’s not what you know or don’t know, but what you know that isn’t so, that will hurt you.
you can of course message me and ill give you my take on it. im not an experience abductee though, but i can relate with information i have.

oh yea and im sure i dont have to warn you against phlog who thinks he knows everyone's lives for some strange reason.
zonabi said:
oh yea and im sure i dont have to warn you against phlog who thinks he knows everyone's lives for some strange reason.

Nope, that's not what I said, if you comprehend what you read, I made it clear that I had a personal experience with all the facets of an abduction, but know I wasn't. I went further to postulate that people who do not have an external viewpoint from a third party witnessing their night terrors may believe the experience was real.

NONE of you pseuds has offered any decent discussion on that thread.

It's amazing Zonabi, you seem to be able to believe in everything, apart from the reasonable, which ou ignore.
Phidaux, anything else to add to these stories, because so far, there's absolutely no reason to think anything other than you had a few bad dreams as a child.

You never discuss this with your parents? I mean, maybe they weer awake in another room when you were having your dream. If you never told them about this stuff, you wasted the opportunity to get third party perspective, which is greatly needed.
phidaux said:
-deep breath-

Ha! Did you, by any chance, Google this site up with "UFO discussion board"? That's how I stumbled into the Sciforums. Two years ago. But one glimpse at the their UFO board, and I instantly saw that I had been deceived. But not really. I liked their Philosophy board then, including Xev; the reasons why I hung around. But things have changed and I'm wondering if, if...

: : deep breath : :

Yeah, I too have had flashbacks involving ufo's landing in the countryside where I spent my summer holidays as a boy. I remember watching these exquisitely bejewelled flying ships sweeping into view and how my cousins around me were stricken with unimaginable terror while plunging for the nearest cover. I remember finding a corner somewhere and abandoning myself to the fantastic panorama... until I turned like molasses and the atmosphere thickened.

There's a perfectly circular patch of dead grass some twenty feet across behind the Old House where the grass never rejuvenates...
an>roid.v2 said:
There's a perfectly circular patch of dead grass some twenty feet across behind the Old House where the grass never rejuvenates...

Well, that alone is enough to seed the imagination of an impressionable young boy.

Ever discuss these events with your cousins since, as an adult?
The patch, actually, now that I've raked-up the memory, had a radius of about 20 feet, hence more of a 40-foot area.

No, these dreams, or perhaps flashbacks, involving visiting alien aircraft occurred decades later from my boyhood holidays. Simply out of the blue these dreams befell me, without any psychological connection of any sort to my current state of mind, AND during a time before I took an active interest in UFOs and aliens. But why not also dream about mundane things that occurred in the country then? And why were my dreams sparkling, literally sparkling with detail that I could never, to this day, have imagined from anywhere -- long before I even saw alleged drawings of UFOs or knew anything about Betty and Barney Hill, and long before famous SciFi movies such as Close Encounters and Fire in the Sky hit the mainstream? Where could my mind have picked up such detail?

Ever discuss this with my cousins? Unfortunately our family is severed of social relations (family politics). But as kids, under a star-lit night, we would sometimes enjoy spooking ourselves silly about "flying saucers" and "extraterrestrials". But I never dreamt of flying saucers then. There have been other instances of anomalies that I recall. But anyway, for me now, all of that belongs to a different era: I have moved on.
I had a weird grass circle occurance follow me about for a bit, it was if someone had sprayed weedkiller in a circle, when I say circle I don't mean like a corn one where the full bodied circle, but one thats a bit like a letter "O". (where the line around the edge was the only area altered)

The numbers of circles differed at the locations I was at, Four circles when I was in Hospital, 2 Circles at my Grandparents, 1 Circle at my home at the time. (I always wondered where a third must have been just to make it organised).

I did also see a "H" that appeared to be dug into the turf one moment, and then gone the next. That was pretty bizarre, however I don't place it down to aliens, just a bunch of pranksters using particular equipment to make things look different from a persons perspective.

[I could explain in detail if I really tried, but as I mentioned in another post it's on of those things that "no-one" no matter what side of the pseudoscience fence they are on... believes.]
it's on of those things that "no-one" no matter what side of the pseudoscience fence they are on... believes

oh man, try us !!


It's amazing Zonabi, you seem to be able to believe in everything, apart from the reasonable, which ou ignore

i have this strange feeling that everything is connected, like the universe works in such a complex network of physical, metaphysical and spiritual things. therefore i keep an open mind to most things, and i combine all data from seemingly opposite sources, and find relevance between it all.

but what makes your fingers type out that i believe everything ?

again you are speaking for someone else... u do that alot
So are you suggesting that my circular patch of dead grass (solid, BTW) is a con job put on by a prankster? Impossible. That patch, mysteriously enough, had always been noticed and even pointed out on occasion, in passing, as though an after-thought. We never seemed "interested" enough to discuss it, as though the subject belonged on the back burner. In fact, I'm getting a "blank" look in my mind as I try to recall how I use to focus on it. Yes, I remember looking at it and not reacting. Oh! I now remember how we would always avoid it! Yes, we would walk around it! Anyways, we rarely wandered in that particular spot of the field. Lilies grew in the surrounding grass.

And the Old House, as we called the family's old home, is located inside an enclave from the main road (where strangers could not possibly guess that a house there stood) in a district far removed from civilization -- neighbours there are practically miles apart, and everyone knows everyone else. Indeed, decorum wouldn't even think of trespassing without first having a cup of tea.
zonabi said:
but what makes your fingers type out that i believe everything ?

again you are speaking for someone else... u do that alot

The qualifying part in my sentence zonabie was that you 'seem' to believe in everything. I wasn't saying you do, just that it seems that way. Get the subtle difference?

So far, you've inferred you believe in aliens, alien abductions, souls, magic and re-incarnation. All we need to add is big foot and the Loch Ness monster, and I think that's most of it covered. Hence, you 'seem' to believe in everything, got it?
an>roid.v2 said:
No, these dreams, or perhaps flashbacks, involving visiting alien aircraft occurred decades later from my boyhood holidays. ..., AND during a time before I took an active interest in UFOs and aliens....

... But as kids, under a star-lit night, we would sometimes enjoy spooking ourselves silly about "flying saucers" and "extraterrestrials". But I never dreamt of flying saucers then. There have been other instances of anomalies that I recall. But anyway, for me now, all of that belongs to a different era: I have moved on.

So, you used to sit around talking about flaying saucers at that location when you were a child, but the dreams didn't start until later?

Sounds like your mind is just reminiscing over lost youth.
Sounds like your mind is just reminiscing over lost youth.

Bullshit. We also enjoyed ghost stories and murder stories around a cosy campfire. And we gossiped endlessly!

"Flying saucers" and "little green men" were all the rage then, but nothing was explicitly illustrated since there was no material to feed our imaginations as we have today on the internet: it was all stereotyped, vague, blunt and without much sense. Indeed, information on abductions then was a distant oddity that barely even registered. And, to equate perhaps three or four good evenings of an entire two-month holiday of spooking ourselves with stories of flying saucers and extraterrestrials (we had sense not to over-indulge on a good thing if we wanted to extend the "excitement" for later-on), as the only memorabilia worth dreaming about later on in my young adulthood... then, you certainly don't know what a good two-month holiday in the country is all about!