I Need Some Idea's: Pros and Cons Welcomed

If there was a mistake, it wasn't mine. Only mine to the respect i qouted what he says. This was not my own words, and that is where you lot of got this misunderstanding from. I personally state the memory is stored in the vacuum, and somehow transferred through matter into the self-reflective psyche we call consciousness.

Answer me. Is that psuedoscientific?
Why are you all lynching me through what he said? Why not contact him for yourself, and ask him for references, for i have none.

But my theory holds, because it doesn't require the complete removal of the rats brain.
Your theory is based on a model thought up by some quack.

You have provided no evidence for your assertion that vacuum can store data, let alone that the brain can access and manipulate it.
You people gotta understand that there is no such as true vacuum...there are some atoms in it though extremely diffused.

In addition to ever-presence of radiation all over space as well as neutrinos and other quantum "massless" particles

What about the space between the atoms ?
And Draq is right, since is physicists consider time as ethereal, and relativity makes time, spacetime, then space is also ethereal, and if consciousness is ethereal, then these three things can essentially be the same.

It was even speculated by Dirac, and Shiuji Inomata that consciousness seeps out of the Dirac Sea, a negative subspace.
In this universe everything interacts with everything else...the interaction intensity varies in logarithmic magnitudes. So a brain that has neurons and electrons flowing through them is still affected by the quantum particles flowing through space, Earth, and us.
What about the space between the atoms ?

what about it? :bugeye: You see...even though that space "exists", its dimensions constantly change as said by Heindebergh uncertaintity principle for electrons...same thing happens with atoms...yes there are vast space in between...but next moment that vast space is filled and the next moment it is empty
In this universe everything interacts with everything else...the interaction intensity varies in logarithmic magnitudes. So a brain that has neurons and electrons flowing through them is still affected by the quantum particles flowing through space, Earth, and us.

Sage words.

Relativity states that everything is frozen in time, and meaning that if we took all these frames and alined in a numerological from Alpha Point to Omega Point, then in a quantum sense, all actions, and all physical events, happen relative reference with zero-distance.
And Draq is right, since is physicists consider time as ethereal, and relativity makes time, spacetime, then space is also ethereal, and if consciousness is ethereal, then these three things can essentially be the same.

It was even speculated by Dirac, and Shiuji Inomata that consciousness seeps out of the Dirac Sea, a negative subspace.

Why do you assume that consciousness is some sort of universal attribute of the universe, such as light and space ?
Do you think the brain has evolved to tap into this mysterious universal power we call consciousness ?
Well, its a quantum physical fact, there is no such thing as ''empty space.''

So rethink that one.

You do understand you are contradicting your own theory here, right ?
If there is no vacuum, how can the brain access and manipulate data stored in vacuums ?
Time is relevant thought, through the observer, which was a point i was making in the physics thread.
If there was a mistake, it wasn't mine. Only mine to the respect i qouted what he says. This was not my own words, and that is where you lot of got this misunderstanding from. I personally state the memory is stored in the vacuum, and somehow transferred through matter into the self-reflective psyche we call consciousness.

Answer me. Is that psuedoscientific?

It's pseudoscientific because we don't have a reliable way to test it. What do you propose we do? Kill someone, mash their brain up, then miraculously somehow revive them to see if they still have all their memories? That certainly won't work, but it's a good way to tie up the court system with murder charges ;)
Why do you assume that consciousness is some sort of universal attribute of the universe, such as light and space ?
Do you think the brain has evolved to tap into this mysterious universal power we call consciousness ?

Good questions.

1) ''Why do you assume that consciousness is some sort of universal attribute of the universe, such as light and space ?''

>When a photon moves nowhere through spacetime, at around, 186,850 miles per sec, and doesn't even reach earth, but still nontheless, may [[pass]] a leaf of a tree. If light doesn't really move anywhere, or even past the tree, or a position of combined definate trajectory, then how can it be a constant at all?

cont/. In fact, the tree cannot be used EVER AT ALL as a real time reference, because the photon, which experiences no existence at all from its frame of reference (since it is a zero-time particle), how can it ever possibly have some kind of constancy about it

>Not only that, the 'Conscious-Collapse Model' comes alive, and only when a homosapian observes this zero-time particle pass the leaf of a tree, does it in fact to some respect of an Observer-Effect, give it an aritrarily small value decrease in the wave function, and essentially reduce variables in the state value.

*Threrefore, consciousness, the one conscious mind of universal Mind of God, has a constant value (whatever it may be), plays a role in the triad nature of the three ethereal constants of spacetime and consciousness.(1)(2)

(1) Mind is not only a material phenomena, but also one that resides as an ethereal complex minkowski spacetime reflection
(2)Time is probably the most ethereal to that of space, since we can observe a space. Time is something quite subliminal. In fact, momenta of physical objects may not be complimentary to time itself.
It's pseudoscientific because we don't have a reliable way to test it. What do you propose we do? Kill someone, mash their brain up, then miraculously somehow revive them to see if they still have all their memories? That certainly won't work, but it's a good way to tie up the court system with murder charges ;)

Oh... there is a way to test it.
Not only are there ways to test this, but i am working on a mathmetical design to unify the lot together.