I need info on Bermuda Triangle!!

It would appear that "spatial disorientation" is what Arthur C. Clarke described in his short story Summertime on Icarus as "space vertigo". It is a disorientation caused when the brain suddenly decides that it can't figure out the actual orientation, direction and speed of the body, which can, according to the link, cause pilots to react instinctively in the wrong way. In the link, the pilot was suddenly convinced that he was plummetting when in fact he wasn't. In Clarke's story the situation occurs because of the almost total absence of gravity, which led the astronaut in the story to lose his natural sense of "up" and "down" - although on a flat surface he suddenly feels that he's climbing up a vertical cliff, then that he's hanging onto a ceiling and finally that he's facing down a vertical cliff - with concomitant effects on the astronaut's well being. It seems the same effect can occur in high speed military jets, probably due to the high-G manoevering that those planes are capable of.

Of course, there is absolutely no reason for spatial disorientation to occur in the Bermuda Triangle more than anywhere else on the world's seaways.
hP18 said:
I'm doing a huge paper on the Bermuda Triangle, and I need to know about the magnetic feild theory. Is that why the plane's and ship's compasses go crazy when they enter the triangle? Is that why the planes have inability to maintain altitude? I need some kind of theory that almost logically explains the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, or a theory that is convincing enough to persuade my teacher that i know what im talking about! i would really appreciate your help, thanks! :) -Hannah

hi hannah nice name. my daughter too.
i dont know about the odd effects of the bermuda triangle altho ive flown over it 10 times. it was just water. who was it that fell into the triangles weirdness and lived to tell the story? military aircraft maybe? its possible that the military had secret ops down there in the triangle area and used the stories to dissuade people from.. especially boating there. i wouldnt put it beyong those guys to shoot down a plane or sink a boat to keep their bullshit secretive. just a guess. i know this isnt help and yet i still ramble on. aug