I May Be Banned But Can't Resist

Aphro, well it was sort of meant to encourage you, not to make you suspicious. :)
bbcboy ...

Re. "for a hetty you have a rair flare for intelligence. Maybe we should have you stuffed"

Hmmm ... But as a hetty, I'd prefer it postmortum. No fun for y'all :D

Take care ;)

Curious ... what's with the 'we'?
woot thx for posting that car thing i heard it before and wondered where i could find it again. :)


oh kontrere re post mortem.
I've attended a few and apart from the smell it's a hoot!!
Did you know the hollow you out from tongue to bumhole? Excellent!!
The 'we' refers to us lesser mortals who need the approval of others to further our humble existence. :bugeye: (Apparently??)

No offence chag' baby
Love yourself every day!!
bbcboy ...

Many years ago, thanks to being a service tech. for an office equipment
manufacturer, I had a couple of occassions to observe complete post-
mortems at Western State Psychiatric Hospital in Virginia. And you're
right, they are a hoot ... except for the smell.

And ... No offence taken, poof baby.

Take care ;)


If I was operating on sound only, I'd swear you were blowing me!You dawg!!!
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bbcboy ...

Damn, never though I could excite someone enough at my age to have
them screw up their post!

Or did you read my post on another thread, I think, where I referred
to having dentures?

Take care ;)
well i finaly got on a computer that could show the insantity test and i was laughing the second it loaded (have u ever herd that ovelaying LIVE god thats wird):D