I May Be Banned But Can't Resist


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
To all with an open mind and without prejudice please have a larf and goto www.jesusdressup.com it's a riot!! :D I don't mean to cause offence to any peeps out there. I just found this the most amusing thing in ages.
As a mentally ill person I claim immunity and if you can't have a larf wot can ya do?

Humans bless you all !
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Hey Beb will they shout at me I feel so naughty.
Aw fuck 'em I didn't take a happy pil today :p
Aphrodite ...

That's all this forum needs: A nutso female who thinks she's a goddess!

Oh well, as Supreme Planetary Dictator I do hereby welcome you!

Take care ;)

I don't think I'm a goddess....I KNOW I'm a goddess!
I guess I´m insane too then( no surprise I guess? ), started laughing before I even knew what I was looking at.

Aphrodite, that´s the spirit! :D

Bbc, no pill? Naughty...:p

I'm still laughing now!
It's getting harder to stop!

I must by really whacko!

Nice one :)
I made raver jesus ... fun stuff.

I also think anyone would be insane based on that test. Though I was listening to some reggae on my computer and at first was confused thinking the sound was some ambient vocals I hadn't noticed on that track before. That alone would have made me fail ...

I actually think though that you have a better chance for being banned by cursing. Who can blame you for posting a link to something that's clearly intended to be all in good fun?

Aphrodite, if you're a goddess you should post a pic:


EDIT: everyone should post a pic regardless of their level of godhood ...

I took two pills to compensate and am so happy I could just poo.

(See no cussing)

As to the brrring bam banna bam bumbum... I didn't laugh at all. I'm right on the phone to that shrink.

So long ya bunch of screwballs

(Only kiddin)

Human bless you
bbcboy ...

Re. "Human bless you"

For a poof, ya seem a right sort of bloke,
so I'll give ya fair warning, matey:

Screwballs are one thing, but golden
showers are quite another.

Take care ;)
I'm strictly no christian, but I see no humor in this. What's the use of making fun of a long dead person, one of the great phylosophers of the last days of the ancient world. I would understand if you placed some bishop or smth, but why the person tht was not even christian.
I wouldn't like if I was put in the place of Yeshua and being put on a bra. it's not a humor.

*Aphrodite, if you're a goddess you should post a pic: *

Just because I'm a goddess doesn't mean that I look the part...:rolleyes:
The exact form doesn't matter so much, Athena at least took on many guises, if you have the power and confidence of a god you would post your pic anyway. I'm a mere mortal and I summoned up the courage to post first, and it wasn't even a great pic ...

Personally, I wouldn't mind if people wanted to dress my picture up in silly ways if they wanted. Jesus preached lot's of forgiveness too so even if it bothered him, if you didn't mean it in a mean way I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

He might even agree that people have sometimes been to militant about his image while not holding so much to the sentiments he really stood for. I'm sure he would appreciate the respect you are suggesting we show him, but I think he could probably take a joke.
Aphrodite, being a goddess, you should be aware that whatever physical form you may have, others will perceive you as stunning, it´s one of the advantages that comes with the goddesshood.


I don't do the golden shower thing. In fact most fetishs are out the game for me. Espescially S&M you have to send away for too much acoutrement. Anyhoo, thank you for the vote of confidence. for a hetty you have a rair flare for intelligence. Maybe we should have you stuffed :rolleyes:

Big Jobs
To the right sort of poofy bloke...

Yes, you do get fewer of the "UG! (Knuckles Dragging) Big Ones!" mentality here.

BTW I told you that iit was Chagur who posted the link. :D