I love cops

can i just point out for the people in this thread what the victorian police are currently doing?

Roman for you especially, would you like to take over for them dredging through the remains of houses and cars to find the dead bodies of WHOLE FAMILIES and then trying to indentify them from almost nothing in some cases so that whatever family is remaining can have some sort of closure?

And we arnt talking about 1 or 2 people here, the death toll is already up to 181 with only 20 dead at marysvill so far. The police, corronor and premure are all expecting the death toll there ALONE to rise by another 80 or so

so the firefighters recover the bodies and take them to the morgue, the morgue take dna samples and dental x-rays, then the pigs sit there and play pin the name on the corpse, yea, they sure do have it rough. the real heroes are out there dealing the the fires.
A right & a wrong don't make 2 rights.

No shit. Asguard never said that, though.

May I just ask: Is it within the rules of me to start a thread where I post about an atrocity committed by a Muslim, and then say:
"I really wish killing Muslims was not only legal, but encouraged. Those rag-head's are fucking scum."
vslayer you really have no idea. Its the chief commisioner of the police who is running the WHOLE STATE at the moment. Thats how the state disaster plan works. as far as the indervidual police's jobs in the fires and afterwards dont sprout what you have no clue about. Its the POLICE who go into towns with fires comming baring down on them to warn residents, evacuate the disabled and unable through illness or injury or age along with the ambo's. The cops work on the front lines of the fire and alot of the time they end up IN the fires. As far as disaster victom identification goes you have no idea what your talking about. its NOT the job of the CFA to find the bodies or to move them. That roll is squarly on the police force. One paticular police officer i herd about ended up investigating HIS OWN HOUSE because his was one of the properties destroyed in the fires.

Im tired of watching people like you try manipulate facts to suit your own hatred. Get over yourself. 99% of police are in it to serve the community, just the same as the ambo's, the fire fighters, the SES, the army ect
Anyone who is in a position of power is prone to abuse it, that's just a fact of life. In any such group of privileged or authority figures, there will be some who flaunt said power and piss off the plebs. There is also a tendency to close ranks and cover each others ass when the shit hits the fan. But you can't extrapolate the bad behaviour of some individuals to an entire group. Police officers are public servants, and many serve the public sufficiently (some admirably). Some are dickheads. Welcome to humanity.
Im tired of watching people like you try manipulate facts to suit your own hatred. Get over yourself. 99% of police are in it to serve the community, just the same as the ambo's, the fire fighters, the SES, the army ect

NO. 99% are not in it to serve the community.

Anyone who is in a position of power is prone to abuse it, that's just a fact of life. In any such group of privileged or authority figures, there will be some who flaunt said power and piss off the plebs. There is also a tendency to close ranks and cover each others ass when the shit hits the fan. But you can't extrapolate the bad behaviour of some individuals to an entire group. Police officers are public servants, and many serve the public sufficiently (some admirably). Some are dickheads. Welcome to humanity.

Much unfortunate truth there.
However, it's not only a matter of the bad behavior of a few. Any & all police who follow bad laws are bad. Any & all police who steal are thieves.
of course and thats why we have organisations like IKAC who deal with coruption in state goverment departments, local goverment and the police. Irionically the state departments seem to be reasonably free of this sort of coruption and cases against minsters, back benchers (these are generally handled by the privlages commities and the police) and goverment departments are quite rare. The largest workload by far comes from local councils who are in charge of town planning ect.

That being said the DPP and the IKAC's are VERY willing to procute police who abuse there authority. Even high command arent immune, the former victorian deputy chief commisioner was charged for leaking infomation about a investigation of an officer to the police association. He was fired from the police force as well i might add.

However the rest of the emergency services maintain a reasonably good name even with there own bad eggs yet people always seem to want to dump on the police. These same people are VERY quick to phone them when they need help though. Its time people like roman and even vslayer grew up and actually apreaciated the work the police do. They put there own lives on the line on a daily basis wether the country is in a disaster, at war or running normally and yet they dont recive one tenth the recognition of solders who might actually exercise there trainning once if ever
For everyones infomation this is DISPLAN, the victorian disaster management plan (all states will be similar but the SA one goes on to list the types of MCIs and which agency has the primary responcablity to deal with them though again its the police who are in charge followed by the specified agency)


for Vslayer i will especially point out this section:

In the initial period the Co-ordinator has a dual role as Co-ordinator / Police Commander,
ie. as the senior Police Officer on site he is also responsible for the command for Police
As such he directs:–
a) Isolation of the scene, including crowd control, security.
b) Traffic diversions away from the scene.
c) Provision of emergency routes.
d) Decision to evacuate a community (in consultation with the combating
e) Preservation of exhibits, property, etc.
f) Investigation into the cause of the incident (where another Authority is responsible
for the investigation, Police give assistance as required).
D05 07/93
Page 2
g) If a fatality has occurred, act on the instructions of the Coroner, take charge of
the body, property etc., and subsequently prepare an inquest brief for the
Coroner also the notification of relatives of death or serious injury.

Alot more than sit around and releace press releaces isnt it?
Bloody police are useless in my lookout.

I've called them out twice regarding car breakins in different cars. Both times, some vegetable-brained pipsqueak (who would've gotten a smack if he weren't hiding behind his badge) tried to make out that I'd broken into my own bloody vehicle. I'll never forget the Holmesque conclusion of the first idiot:

Constable R: "Mr P., we noticed that the suspect on the film had glasses."

Me (excited, thinking he was consulting some excellent list of suspects in a database of some kind and waiting for some heroically clever deduction to be pulled out of an arse): "Yes, yes that's right! We saw that too! What did you find?" (Considering role in exciting field of police work; detective? Chief detective??)

Constable R: "And we couldn't help noticing that you, Mr. P., also had glasses."

Me (sinks in): "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have.....oh, for Christ's sake. This is what you're running with? Excellent conclusion, Columbo. You've successfully narrowed it to about 1/3 of the population. Does it say in your cop book to watch out for the suspiciously weak-eyed?"

Constable R: "Hey, you watch your mouth."

Me: "Look, if you don't want to bother with the break-in, find a reasonable excuse, and don't be an ass. Thanks for nothing." (Hung up.)

The old man had a theory about them: that anyone too useless or too stupid to be anything else slid into being a cop. He was probably right. They accused him of being in a big city one time nearby and doing a hit-and-run. Except that he never went there in his entire frigging life. Ever. And the tiny detail that the vehicle make reported was a fucking station wagon, not a van, which is what the license plate reported matched to: our van. Now, he told them this and most reasonable people would have said (especially considering the possible fall-out in the situation): "Oh, Christ. Sorry. Our bad, mate." What was the response of the copper in charge? "Well, looks like you got off the hook for this then."

The old man didn't take it well. "Off the hook? I was never bloody on the hook."

Cop (funny congruence of sociality here): "Hey! You watch it or I'll come down there and take you in!"

Old man (grizzled bastard, mind like trap, heart like iron, tact like empty seat in concert): "Oh, yeah? Well you just come on down and try it, jackass. I'll have your bloody badge for wrongful prosecution. I'll be waiting outside for your wagon."

...really admired him just then. Then he yelled at me for something and the moment was gone. Ah well.

Cops: better off having nothing to do with the useless fucks.
vslayer you really have no idea. Its the chief commisioner of the police who is running the WHOLE STATE at the moment. Thats how the state disaster plan works. as far as the indervidual police's jobs in the fires and afterwards dont sprout what you have no clue about. Its the POLICE who go into towns with fires comming baring down on them to warn residents, evacuate the disabled and unable through illness or injury or age along with the ambo's. The cops work on the front lines of the fire and alot of the time they end up IN the fires. As far as disaster victom identification goes you have no idea what your talking about. its NOT the job of the CFA to find the bodies or to move them. That roll is squarly on the police force. One paticular police officer i herd about ended up investigating HIS OWN HOUSE because his was one of the properties destroyed in the fires.

Im tired of watching people like you try manipulate facts to suit your own hatred. Get over yourself. 99% of police are in it to serve the community, just the same as the ambo's, the fire fighters, the SES, the army ect

clearly you have a different system over there then, but a have a lot of mates in the local VFBs and ive heard from every one of them that the only things the pigs do after a car crash or a house fire is turn up and dick over not only the victims, but also the fire crew. "what do you mean half of you came straight from the pub? the law is far more important than saving someones life!"

ambos and firefighters, i completely agree with you, because they are VOLUNTEERS who give up their own time to help others. the pigs(as proved by their own fucking recruitment ads) are in it for the money, and they dont care who they fuck over in the process.
Police are an essential instrument in unity of a government and an essential function within control of the implementation of the law.

Without police there will be chaos. Police should be honored and loved, for their duty to the world is unprecedented in usefulness.

I always wanted to become a policeman, to punish all who dare step beyond the line of the law, to protect those who serve and abide by the law, to act in accordance of the protocol for the greater good of society.
ambos and firefighters, i completely agree with you, because they are VOLUNTEERS who give up their own time to help others. the pigs(as proved by their own fucking recruitment ads) are in it for the money, and they dont care who they fuck over in the process.
In the U.S. most firefighters and paramedics are paid, at least in the cities. And even though they aren't volunteers, they're still usually much more pleasant and helpful than police. Most police seem to have the attitude that EVERYONE is a criminal, and if you seem to be law-abiding they assume that they just haven't figured out exactly what you're doing wrong yet.
May I just ask: Is it within the rules of me to start a thread where I post about an atrocity committed by a Muslim, and then say:
"I really wish killing Muslims was not only legal, but encouraged. Those rag-head's are fucking scum."

I note that Roman has been banned for 1 month (not just for this thread).
fuck you james. just because you enjoy it when the pigs fuck us in the arse doesnt mean they are in any way justified.
fuck you james. just because you enjoy it when the pigs fuck us in the arse doesnt mean they are in any way justified.

I find that other humans fuck me more than the cops ever do. I've been scammed by con artists out of thousands of dollars during my lifetime but have never been hurt once by the cops. That doesn't mean they are all good but it does say something about the other assholes who screw over people to take advantage of them every day! :mad:
I find that other humans fuck me more than the cops ever do. I've been scammed by con artists out of thousands of dollars during my lifetime but have never been hurt once by the cops. That doesn't mean they are all good but it does say something about the other assholes who screw over people to take advantage of them every day! :mad:

Imagine what it would be like without police.
It just warms my heart that cops don't screw you as much as others.
If everyone's experiences were the same as yours, perhaps everyone would love cops.
But now the thieves are taking away what people worked hard for. They are removing the money and taking it elesewhere. The thieves are only looking out for themselves and their friends and screwing everyone else...LEGALLY!:mad: