I love cops

Ad hoc fallacy is a bad argument. Try not undermining the American Constitution in your argument, unless you are intentionally stating that you are against the American Constitution. Otherwise, remember we are all easy subjects to stereotypes. What will we believe in? If you do not believe that there are actually members of law enforcement who adhere to the laws of the country above power, then why not outright state that you advocate anarchy?
Ad hoc fallacy.... character assassination vs. addressing the argument...

You're not black are you? Unless the stereotypes of black males are true and then I might be willing to further discuss this topic in person ;)
Check out this heartwarming story.

I really wish killing cops was not only legal, but encouraged. Pigs are fucking scum.
Asset forfeiture laws should all be ruled unconstitutional. How can this meet the due process requirement? Just going out and taking shit from people without even charging or convicting them of a crime. Complete crap. But I don't blame the cops, I blame the legislature for passing the law in the first place. Suppose a law were passed that made if legal for you to take anything you wanted, would you take advantage of it? Cops are only human.
my my my why now aren't cops just a lovely example of humanity

Cops are human & they're responsible for their actions. They are stealing from people in the name of the law.
Will they carry out anything the law says regardless of right & wrong?
Is there any limit to what the police will do because it's the law?
I blame the legislature & I blame the police. They're both arrogant immoral bullies committing crimes under the guise of law.
From your link:
"Linda Dorman, a great-grandmother from Akron, Ohio, had $4,000 in cash taken from her by local authorities when she was stopped while driving through town after visiting Houston in April 2007. Court records make no mention that anything illegal was found in her van and show no criminal charges filed in the case. She is still waiting for the return of what she calls “her life savings.” "

So she is waiting to get the money returned, what's the big deal with that? It isn't everyday that police stop a person with 4,000.00 cash in their car is it? Did she have any reasons why she was carrying that much with her? Why didn't she just leave it in her home or better yet a bank? True, the police shouldn't have taken the money IF she could prove it was actually hers somehow because today as you well know drug dealers use grand moms to transport stuff for them occasionally since it is hard for the police to watch older people thinking they are not a real threat because of their age.

And another from your link:

"Guillory alleges in the lawsuit that while his clients were detained, they were presented with an ultimatum: waive your rights to your property in exchange for a promise to be released and not be criminally charged. Guillory said most did as Dorman did, signing the waiver to avoid jail."

So these people were all found with something that they had on them that they could have been arrested for that was illegal. Could that have been small amounts of drugs? Perhaps but as most of the time we don't get the entire story do we? Why is that I'd be asking? Why do we only get the spin that a very wrong thing was done when we never know the whole story about why these [people were stopped or what they had confiscated? :shrug:
Police and criminals are two sides of the same coin.

Sometimes but many times they are on different coins completly. True, there's some police that are true assholes, but most are just decent folks trying to do a job and get home to their families. I'd say about 5 percent are very "untrustworthy" and another 5 percent are "borderline" but the vasr majority don't want problems, they want to do what their jobs are meant to be there for, helping others whenever possible.
My biggest problem with public law enforcement is the entire lack of accountability they have for their actions. There are always douchebags like cosmictraveler out there, willing to excuse anything bad a cop does, while they shout for blood if a private citizen were to do the same. When cops fuck up, they should hang.

Giving anyone the sort of power cops get is stupid; giving it to cops is even stupider.
My biggest problem with public law enforcement is the entire lack of accountability they have for their actions. There are always douchebags like cosmictraveler out there, willing to excuse anything bad a cop does, while they shout for blood if a private citizen were to do the same. When cops fuck up, they should hang.

Giving anyone the sort of power cops get is stupid; giving it to cops is even stupider.

Unfortunately there's always bad apples in life everywhere we go. The police are no exception and I don't make excuses for those that are the bad assholes that work in the the department. They do try to get rid of them but sometimes it takes a situation to find out who's the bad cop and who's not. I wish you would re read my posts for I have agreed with you , in part, that there are very bad cops.
The existence of the cop niche in the American ecosystem encourages very bad behavior, though. Sort of like how the existence of dead meat and decaying animals made the vulture a bald, grotesque scavenger.
The existence of the cop niche in the American ecosystem encourages very bad behavior, though. Sort of like how the existence of dead meat and decaying animals made the vulture a bald, grotesque scavenger.

But that is a problem that humans will always be afflicted with unless you can remove emotions from everyone.
Why is it that the MEDIA doesn't explain EVERYTHING when it spins a story about stuff? The MEDIA only tells a part of the story to make everyone upset not to inform them of what the whole truth is but only a part of it. DAMN THE MEDIA, they are worse than any bad cops.:mad: :mad:
Sometimes but many times they are on different coins completly. True, there's some police that are true assholes, but most are just decent folks trying to do a job and get home to their families.

you could say the same for burglars. are we expected to treat them with respect when they steal from us? after all, its just their job.
you could say the same for burglars. are we expected to treat them with respect when they steal from us? after all, its just their job.

But they work against society not for it. Their real job isn't to steal from others but to work together with others in society so as to have a better society for everyone. If everyone thought that they can get away with stealing from everyone else imagine what kind of society would develop.:eek:
From your link:
"Linda Dorman, a great-grandmother from Akron, Ohio, had $4,000 in cash taken from her by local authorities when she was stopped while driving through town after visiting Houston in April 2007. Court records make no mention that anything illegal was found in her van and show no criminal charges filed in the case. She is still waiting for the return of what she calls “her life savings.” "

So she is waiting to get the money returned, what's the big deal with that? It isn't everyday that police stop a person with 4,000.00 cash in their car is it? Did she have any reasons why she was carrying that much with her? Why didn't she just leave it in her home or better yet a bank? True, the police shouldn't have taken the money IF she could prove it was actually hers somehow because today as you well know drug dealers use grand moms to transport stuff for them occasionally since it is hard for the police to watch older people thinking they are not a real threat because of their age.

And another from your link:

"Guillory alleges in the lawsuit that while his clients were detained, they were presented with an ultimatum: waive your rights to your property in exchange for a promise to be released and not be criminally charged. Guillory said most did as Dorman did, signing the waiver to avoid jail."

So these people were all found with something that they had on them that they could have been arrested for that was illegal. Could that have been small amounts of drugs? Perhaps but as most of the time we don't get the entire story do we? Why is that I'd be asking? Why do we only get the spin that a very wrong thing was done when we never know the whole story about why these [people were stopped or what they had confiscated?

But they work against society not for it. Their real job isn't to steal from others but to work together with others in society so as to have a better society for everyone. If everyone thought that they can get away with stealing from everyone else imagine what kind of society would develop.


People should be allowed to carry money with them without having to prove it's theirs. It's SUPPOSED to be INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!! The burden should be on police, etc to prove the money doesn't belong to the person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i just point out for the people in this thread what the victorian police are currently doing?

Roman for you especially, would you like to take over for them dredging through the remains of houses and cars to find the dead bodies of WHOLE FAMILIES and then trying to indentify them from almost nothing in some cases so that whatever family is remaining can have some sort of closure?

And we arnt talking about 1 or 2 people here, the death toll is already up to 181 with only 20 dead at marysvill so far. The police, corronor and premure are all expecting the death toll there ALONE to rise by another 80 or so