I invented a space propellant. Are you interested?

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Help me, finding a person who works at NASA or another aerospace company. Thank you.

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Help me, finding a person who works at NASA or another aerospace company. Thank you.

I suggest you go for a patent for your invention. After obtaining patent, you will be in a better position to claim for your inventor-ship. See in the patent websites whether your design is already existing or not. Without patent your case will not be very strong.

Through Google search you can find all aerospace company information.
Might be a language issue, but you can't have a propellant without fuel: propellant IS fuel.

I recommend that you fill the boredom of years waiting for a response by acquiring a degree in physics or engineering.
Geeze, this thread is great, it is like a classic Abbot and Costello bit.
I need more email NASA or another aerospace company, to publish my video on the propellant that I invented to everybody.
Might be a language issue, but you can't have a propellant without fuel: propellant IS fuel.
rocket engines do not operate on the same principle as car engines.
nitrogen can be used as a rocket propellant.
also, RP-1 and H2 was the fuel for the saturn 5, LOX was the oxidizer.
Coming up with a suggestion for rocket fuel is easy. Name two chemicals which can be stored in liquid form, one an oxidising agent and the other a reducing agent, and which spontaneously react upon contact in gas or vapour forum. Hydrogen and Oxygen are the two used by the Shuttle's liquid engines. The USSR used to use [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil's_venom]Devil's venom[/url], a highly toxic and corrosive combination of Nitric Acid and Hydrazine. Anyone with a passing knowledge of chemistry can therefore put forth many suggestions for such pairs of chemicals.

The issues are that there's a ton of other logistical issues to contend with. How expensive is it? What are the reaction products? What is the volatility of the liquid phases? Can it be easily mass produced, transported and stored? For example, Hydrogen/Oxygen combinations are extremely energetic per unit mass but the liquid states require cooling and constant topping up, as well as Hydrogen causing metals to become brittle. Given Victor doesn't even appear to think straight I doubt he's considered all of these requirements and come up with a viable alternative. Personally I doubt he could find his own backside given 2 hands, a map and a GPS tracker up his ......
My uncle works for NASA and I told him about your idea. He talked to some of his buddies at NASA and they all seem to feel that a space propellent is a swell idea. If you send me the detailed plans on it I will send them on to him. You don't have to worry about me stealing the plans and making my own space kingdom based on this ultilmate power in the galaxy.
My uncle works for NASA and I told him about your idea. He talked to some of his buddies at NASA and they all seem to feel that a space propellent is a swell idea. If you send me the detailed plans on it I will send them on to him. You don't have to worry about me stealing the plans and making my own space kingdom based on this ultilmate power in the galaxy.

In a few days, I'll post a video that explains with simplicity of its parts and how it works. I am going to explain the idea that placed me in this situation of create a propellant that does not need electricity or water.

I'm going to put in the video a prototype that I am creating in my house.
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