((( I, Hereby, Announce The Fall Of Atheism Forever ))))

you arnt talking about external forces like gravity, you are talking aobut god. You arnt implying that fish are pulled back to thier home stream by gravity are you?

how evolution works has been explained by people far more knolegeable about it than me. pick up a book by stephen j. gould. Is it the entire idea of evolution that you reject or just the idea that instincts are subject to it as well?
Originally posted by Flores
Keep the thread alive, I'll be back tomorrow. I have suicide bomber training camp and praying sessions at the "Muslim Moms for War" center that I can't miss. Plus, my three other cowives are expecting me to cook dinner tonight.

Well, you sure have a sense of humor :D

BTW, is it possible to train for suicide bombings more than once? :D
Originally posted by DJSupreme23
is it possible to train for suicide bombings more than once? :D

i immagine that it is, you dont have to use live explocives because i bet even an amature suicide bomber could do pretty good at the part after you push the detonator, you just kind of splatter all over the place, its easy. But before that there is some sneaking around with a large bulk concealed under your cloths, and you have to have a good idea of where to go to kill innocent people for your all loving god.

Originally posted by Flores How does a conceptual idea change, does an idea wake up all night and think of ways of changing itself, or do people like yourself contribute on twisting the facts about simple conceptual ideas to beyond recognition.
I assume since this was in reply to my statement concerning the current state of intolerant Islam. Following from this I can say that Christianity is one of the biggest contributing factors. 1400+ years is a long period in which to try to maintain a tradition. In fact any scholar who has studied culture or religion will tell you that in fact no practice can survive so long. So it is the fault of the human life cycle and not my own that change exists.

In this case intolerance is actually a rejection of change. So in fact it is self-defeating. The Christian religion on the other hand has always been intolerant. So in fact they lose nothing. Remember too that there are more complex geopolitical reasons for their frustration/condemnation of Christian states. Those things can lost in the syncopation of time. Religions always survive, but can only do so by adapting to change.

Originally posted by Flores So you have found out about the Quran from meeting with a group of Islamic student union. What did you meditate and read thousands of pages in their your one time visit and reflected on your life, 1000 years of history and science and determined that everyword has no basis. And how come PhD dissertations are big and vague including Einstein. Maybe you should just say, the Quran is a special read for those that are knowleagable in the art of understanding.
No actually I met once a week for an hour and a halffor 2 months with them. I did research on the internet and brought my questions to them. In the end I found that they were really just like Judeo-Christians with some cultural/syntactical differences. In fact I read much of the Quron. I read praise for it and criticism of it. I even made clear to them my perspective. They were always agreeable and responsive to my questions. I found the book to be more dogmatic in its structure than the bible and less narative based. In fact it sort of reminded me of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. Their claims of scientific parallelisms seemed spurious to me. Actually one of the students, or perhaps more, whom with I engaged was from Palestine. In that she was typically anti-Israeli, and generally persuasive in her arguments against the occupation as am I.

Let me not seem biased against the Quron in particular. Certainly there can be good and bad PhD dissertations and vagueness is a good indicator of this quality. In fact there are many deficiencies in Einstein and Darwin, yes I am a Darwinist that admits he is not perfect. But actually those deficiences do not exist because of vagueness. Rather they are borne of specificity. Darwin went into this long debate on aspeciation within modern day man and boy did he come off as a racist. In that we must remember the context of time. The problem is that religious documents don't take any chances and don't cite any evidence. Darwin and company use a system of footnotes, recreatable data with description of experiment, and otherwise form of proof. They had the courage to take a position. In the bible and the Quron there are no positions. They are indeed full of meaningless axioms and childish literature.
What are you saying, Darwin is irrefutable. Is he the new Atheist god or something. Last time I checked, scientific advancement is based on criticizing old ideas and finding errors to correct and advance. Are you saying that Darwin theoris are infaliable....He must be god then.
No in fact I just admitted to some of the failings. The difference froma religious text and a scientific theory is that theories can be revised. Just because one component is deemed wrong doesn't mean we throw the entire theory out. In a religious text repitition rules the day, can't say whether it is audience awareness or failings on behalf of the author, so when I remove a chunk the entire thing falls apart. When Darwin asserts something he tells you why. When the Quron asserts something no explanation is given.
I think you should say, I'll read the Quran myself before you recommend it to others. Actually, another language learning like arabic might even be more helpful, so you're not basing all your bull shit assault on another human translation.
I have, not the entire text, for that would be too painful, but rather enough. Translation isn't really a factor in anything outside poems where rythm can be lost. In fact even if I learned Farsi I would still, because of my brains codevelopment with language learning I would, be forced to translate only as the tranlator instead of the one reading translation. So you see it can't really be bull shit.

<i>None of the points mentioned are errors. You are simply commenting on other possibilities that should be considered that is also unproofed.</i>

No. The author makes definitive statements that science has proved this and that, that certain theories are linked to atheists ideas and so on, which are simply not true. These are not simply errors. They are lies deliberately crafted to create a certain false impression.

If you disagree, please show me why I am wrong and the author of the article is correct.

<i>An error is a clear mistake resulting from miscalculations or wrong reporting of facts.</i>

The article twists the facts and draws conclusions which the facts do not support. In several instances, it directly lies about the facts.

<i>There is nothing biased about reaching a conclusion that an eternally powerfull creator independant of the creation is behind the unexplained problem [of the origin of the universe].</i>

Well, that is arguable, but it doesn't really matter here. The point is: the article attempts to create a false dichotomy. Science doesn't know everything about the origin of the universe, therefore God must have done it, according to the author. That does not follow. But the author goes further, asserting that science actually admits that god must have done it. That is an outright lie which cannot be put down to mere naivete on the part of the author. No, this man has an agenda.

And so, it seems, do you.
Originally posted by James R
This is not true. Showing that the universe has a beginning in no way mandates the existence of god. The universe could be self-caused - perhaps a fluctuation in the quantum vacuum.

Just to reply to one of your llogical explanations:

You said the Universe could be self-caused..this is utter nonesense, it is like saying a storm passed through junk yard and made BOIENG 747 by chance or saying the BOIENG 747 was self-caused !!!!

Do you reallu believe in such nonesense ???
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Originally posted by James R
This is not true. Showing that the universe has a beginning in no way mandates the existence of god. The universe could be self-caused - perhaps a fluctuation in the quantum vacuum.

Just to reply to one of your llogical explanations:

You said the Universe could be self-caused..this is utter nonesense, it is like saying a storm passed through junk yard and made BOIENG 747 by chance or saying the BOIENG 747 was self-caused !!!!

Do you reallu believe in such nonesense ???

Just because it's an incredible coincidence, doesnt mean that it's impossible or untrue.

Regarding, nonsense, I'll call the biblical Genesis, where the world was created in 7 days, nonsense. But that's just my view.

<i>You said the Universe could be self-caused..this is utter nonesense, it is like saying a storm passed through junk yard and made BOIENG 747 by chance or saying the BOIENG 747 was self-caused !!!!</i>

No, it's not like that at all. The initial state of the universe did not include complex, differentiated objects such as boeing 747s. For a long time after the big bang there were only atomic nuclei and light. Combine those with the known laws of physics and you can begin to work out how the universe came to be as it is.

<i>Do you reallu believe in such nonesense ???</i>

Who cares what I believe? Why is that relevant? A bad argument is a bad argument, regardless of how many people believe it.
Originally posted by James R

<i>You said the Universe could be self-caused..this is utter nonesense, it is like saying a storm passed through junk yard and made BOIENG 747 by chance or saying the BOIENG 747 was self-caused !!!!</i>

No, it's not like that at all. The initial state of the universe did not include complex, differentiated objects such as boeing 747s. For a long time after the big bang there were only atomic nuclei and light. Combine those with the known laws of physics and you can begin to work out how the universe came to be as it is.

<i>Do you reallu believe in such nonesense ???</i>

Who cares what I believe? Why is that relevant? A bad argument is a bad argument, regardless of how many people believe it.

Hurrah to James, keep it up.

It's not about believing, it's about having physical evidence and empirical research to prove it. The Big Bang theory, and that complexity comes from non-intelligent sources have all been proven.

Ever heard of the amino acids coming out of the "primitive earth" simulation? How many times do I need to repeat that? Sheesh every time a n00b staggers in here and declares "atheism dead" I have to do this. Same old same old.
Originally posted by James R
No, it's not like that at all. The initial state of the universe did not include complex, differentiated objects such as boeing 747s.

James, you were doing so well until you spoke this nonesense. Do you dare compare the complexity of the design of the ant with the simplistic machine named boeing 747s?

And you Zero, I understand that your invisibility and lameness by nature is causing you deep Phsycological problems......I forgive you for harrasing me, You can't help me, but don't envy me, I was born that way, It's seldom that I enter a room without turning all heads and attention to me.
Flores, it's okay to be a hassled, frazzled mom, especially if you are a very busy one. I see people with their hands full with just one baby. But a mother of two? Ah. No wonder you are grouchy.

But that doesn't prevent you from sounding like a menopausal virgin to me :p
Moderator edit.

Sorry JD, but just a shade too much profanity and with zero content.

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menopause, **** and what else... go ahead and prove the atheistic ideals of sexism.. even her assumed intolerence does not warrant this.:m:
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A good article, and some good writing!! I would like to shake this Harun Yahya's hand! :)

<i>James, you were doing so well until you spoke this nonesense. Do you dare compare the complexity of the design of the ant with the simplistic machine named boeing 747s?</i>

Er... I didn't. Proud_Syrian mentioned boeing 747s. Nobody mentioned ants, as far as I can see.

What on earth are you talking about?
Originally posted by Flores
That was very informative and unbiased. Thanks Proud Syrian for the good read.


We are living at an important time. Atheism, which people have tried for hundreds of years to portray as “the way of reason and science,” is proving to be mere irrationality and ignorance. Materialist philosophy that sought to use science for its own ends has been in turn defeated by science. A world rescuing itself from atheism will turn to God and religion. And this process has begun long ago.

The time is fast approaching when many people who are living in ignorance with no knowledge of their Creator will be graced by faith in the impending post-atheist world.

Harun Yahya. September 2002

You call THAT unbiased? You're very very wrong. Oh man, I can't believe an intelligent woman such as yourself would be so hopelessly brain-washed.

The entire article is written with the premise that this conclusion is the only reasonable assumption based on the evidence presented. That's simply ridiculous. You merely find something halfway intelligent seeming that re-enforces your shoddy belief system and think "wow, this justifies everything" when in fact it's just mortar to patch up your failing and huge brick crock of shit.
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Originally posted by Flores
It's seldom that I enter a room without turning all heads and attention to me.

And you're suffering poor judgement from the intoxicating sense of power you get from that...

Hmm... isn't that one of the "seven deadly sins"? Which one is it again?