I have nothing against blacks and mexicans I just don't want them in my neighborhood

Is it racist to not want people of other colours, cultures in your neighborhood?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
I have nothing against blacks and mexicans I just don't want them in my neighborhood

Is this a racist statement?
apsolutly, you think racists come out and say "hey im a racist, i dont like black people"? no one is THAT honest
I have nothing against blacks and mexicans I just don't want them in my neighborhood

Is this a racist statement?

I would say that it is, however people have a right to voice opinions, even if they go against the norm.
apsolutly, you think racists come out and say "hey im a racist, i dont like black people"? no one is THAT honest

But I could simply enjoy living in a neighborhood that reflects my "identity" which just simply happens to be neither black nor hispanic. Imagine if all my neighbors were black or hispanic. Wouldn't I feel lonely? Uncomfortable? Unhappy? Displaced?

Is it wrong to want to live with people who are like me, share my religion, my customs and my lifestyle?

Don't I have a right to choose what kind of street I live in? And ensure that it stays that way?
But I could simply enjoy living in a neighborhood that reflects my "identity" which just simply happens to be neither black nor hispanic. Imagine if all my neighbors were black or hispanic. Wouldn't I feel lonely? Uncomfortable? Unhappy? Displaced?

Is it wrong to want to live with people who are like me, share my religion, my customs and my lifestyle?

Don't I have a right to choose what kind of street I live in? And ensure that it stays that way?

Yes you do have a right to choose what kind of street you live in. And ensure that it stays that way. I wouldn't feel any of those things you said, if the street stayed crime free, clean and friendly then that's all I would be happy with.
But I could simply enjoy living in a neighborhood that reflects my "identity" which just simply happens to be neither black nor hispanic. Imagine if all my neighbors were black or hispanic. Wouldn't I feel lonely? Uncomfortable? Unhappy? Displaced?

Is it wrong to want to live with people who are like me, share my religion, my customs and my lifestyle?

Don't I have a right to choose what kind of street I live in? And ensure that it stays that way?

The answer to all of your questions is "yes" except for the final one (keeping it that way). By what gosh-awful means would you propose to accomplish that anyway??
By restricting who can live there and how of course. Having likeminded people in the same neighborhood increases the possibility of keeping it free of social and cultural influences I desire to restrict. In Mumbai for example, its perfectly legal to say I want only Muslims in my society. That way your entire society will be occupied only by Muslim tenants. Some people call it discrimination but after the 1992 riots who wants to take a chance?
By restricting who can live there and how of course. Having likeminded people in the same neighborhood increases the possibility of keeping it free of social and cultural influences I desire to restrict. In Mumbai for example, its perfectly legal to say I want only Muslims in my society. That way your entire society will be occupied only by Muslim tenants. Some people call it discrimination but after the 1992 riots who wants to take a chance?

Look at it like this, would you want criminals living next to you? Of course I am not saying that everyone is a crinimal but wouldn't you want to keep it free of crime for the sake of children?
By restricting who can live there and how of course. Having likeminded people in the same neighborhood increases the possibility of keeping it free of social and cultural influences I desire to restrict. In Mumbai for example, its perfectly legal to say I want only Muslims in my society. That way your entire society will be occupied only by Muslim tenants. Some people call it discrimination but after the 1992 riots who wants to take a chance?

You could give that any label you choose. However, in all Western nations, that's the VERY description of discrimination - and it's illegal in all those places.
People have the right to live among their group if they so wish. I don't consider it racist. What I would consider racist is if blacks and hispanics were not allowed to buy a home. Someone who doesn't want to live among blacks and hispanics can always move to a neighborhood that reflects their clan or whatever.
People have the right to live among their group if they so wish. I don't consider it racist. What I would consider racist is if blacks and hispanics were not allowed to buy a home. Someone who doesn't want to live among blacks and hispanics can always move to a neighborhood that reflects their clan or whatever.

While that sounds like a simple matter to say, it's not often easy to actually sell your house and move to where you'd like.
While that sounds like a simple matter to say, it's not often easy to actually sell your house and move to where you'd like.

Well that's a different point. I mean we have all heard of the term 'white flight'. It happens all the time. People can move where they like if they really want to but doing so because you don't like your neighbors isn't racist. People tend to live among their own anyway. If you go to greenwich village you would find that its a predominantly homosexual community with gay bars etc. If you go to harlem you will find mostly blacks. We have neighborhoods where only the rich live. If you are a conservative religious person you probably won't move into a neighborhood that has a strong homosexual presence. Does that make them homophobic? I don't think so. Why aren't blacks racist for living predominantly among their own?
Well that's a different point. I mean we have all heard of the term 'white flight'. It happens all the time. People can move where they like if they really want to but doing so because you don't like your neighbors isn't racist.

No, but doing so because you don't like your neighbors race is.
No, but doing so because you don't like your neighbors race is.

No its not. Racism is the combination of power and prejudice. In other word racism does not simply connote a feeling or sentiment (that's thought policing and political correctness). Racism is when you use power to thwart someones progress and liberty in society. Not wanting to live with someone doesn't take away the rights of the other.
No its not. Racism is the combination of power and prejudice. In other word racism does not simply connote a feeling or sentiment (that's thought policing and political correctness). Racism is when you use power to thwart someones progress and liberty in society. Not wanting to live with someone doesn't take away the rights of the other.

What happens when a bunch of people who don't like living with a certain group get together and form their own little community, then a person of that feared group attempts to live in that community. Are you saying that it would be openly accepted by the majority there that fear that very thing happening? Furthermore racism is merely discrimination that is based on a persons race, so not liking someone because of their race IS racism. ;)
What happens when a bunch of people who don't like living with a certain group get together and form their own little community, then a person of that feared group attempts to live in that community. Are you saying that it would be openly accepted by the majority there that fear that very thing happening? Furthermore racism is merely discrimination that is based on a persons race, so not liking someone because of their race IS racism. ;)

But everyone is forming their own little community aren't they? Not liking someone because of their race is not racism. You have blacks who dislike whites but we do not call them racists because they have no power to exercise their dislike. Not wanting to live with someone is not racist. Note sam's example does not say that they dislike the group they just don't want to live with them! I don't know what you mean by said fear group attempting to move into the community maybe you can give me a clearer example of what you mean.

Someone can move into a neighborhood, its neither racist nor illegal for the old neighbor to move away into another community. Racism is prejudice plus power. Its not thinking 'I wish the whole neighborhood didn't smell like curry' or 'I wish the dominicans wouldn't throw such loud parties every weekend'. We have lot's of exclusive communities. How many blacks, Irish or Italians live in conservative jewish communities?
I ask you this why is it racist for a white person to say they dont want to have ethnic people in their neighborhood or schools but it is not when an ethic group dont want to be part of a mixed environment.
But everyone is forming their own little community aren't they? Not liking someone because of their race is not racism.

Racism: n.

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Discrimination: n
Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.

I don't know what you mean by said fear group attempting to move into the community maybe you can give me a clearer example of what you mean.

If a bunch of White people live in an area that they chose to live to escape living with black people, how fair do you think they will be when a black person decides to live there? You don't think they will have a more difficult time in that community, maybe the homeowners association will be extra tough on them. Maybe they will have the police called on them for trying to enter their own house?


Accepting segregation is the opposite of progress. It is nothing more than fear of difference, and that kind of fear can spawn horrible things.