I Have A New Religion

See point #1: God made the universe.

Wouldn't you have to explain how it is that a fully formed and ultimate Being just happens to be sitting around intact for all eternity? Perhaps your pronouncement is but of a wish for comfort, meaning, and more.
It's high time for a new religion- one based on universally acceptable parameters... God made reality to have sentient life.
So God is not sentient then?
If he is he didn't have to make reality to have sentient life.

God looks into the Universe and sees us and a countless number of other organized societies. And He ponders.
Ponders about what? What a screw-up he really is? :D
See point #1: God made the universe.

How did you come by this idea? Did you copy it from another religion or did God tell you personally?

Maybe I am not going for the arguable majority but the intelligent minority among the many intelligent species in the Universe. Maybe all get the sign but few realize it.

Many intelligent species in the Universe. I'd like to think so, but that doesn't mean I'll treat it as a fact until I see proof. Anyway it sounds like they will only be intelligent if they agree with you. I find that a bit egotistical on your part.

I am looking for GOD. I am looking for aliens to land n Earth and tell us about God and for us to already agree with it.

I would suggest you don't hold your breath as it could be a long wait before you find God or see an alien landing on Earth.