I Have A New Religion


Valued Senior Member
I have a new religion. It is in its infancy stage; it needs wisdom from other religions and input from intelligent individuals to grow up.

Right now, the one tenet is that there is only one God and He is God and that is it... everything is secondary to God Himself.

We posit that reality tangibly exists and was created/crafted by this one God.

We believe God made sentient beings such as man in His likeness. He did this to have company in the eternal somethingness of Godhood.

The rest- the other parts- please provide-
It's brilliant. But why?

It's high time for a new religion- one based on universally acceptable parameters... God made reality to have sentient life. Us people reading this are sentient life so we matter, as 99.9999999% of everything else is math.

God made the universe for company. And we are the company. God looks into the Universe and sees us and a countless number of other organized societies. And He ponders.
It's high time for a new religion- one based on universally acceptable parameters... God made reality to have sentient life. Us people reading this are sentient life so we matter, as 99.9999999% of everything else is math.

God made the universe for company. And we are the company. God looks into the Universe and sees us and a countless number of other organized societies. And He ponders.

I agree let's create the one TRUE religion sir. I'm in!!!
See point #1: God made the universe.

Maybe I am not going for the arguable majority but the intelligent minority among the many intelligent species in the Universe. Maybe all get the sign but few realize it.

I am looking for GOD. I am looking for aliens to land n Earth and tell us about God and for us to already agree with it.
A religion that is true for all sentient beings in the Universe that can read these words. That and nothing more.

If your goal is simply to have a bit of fun constructing a religion, you should state this so everyone understands the point of this thread. If you're serious, well, what can I say? Don't you realize just how fundamentally flawed your premise is?
At least that was funny.

I am sending my contribution by mail to your new church. Hope all demonetizations are accepted, since I put some really large bills in there.

I like the civil war guy because of the banjo. I'm teaching myself old time or clawhammer style banjo.
Well good luck, if successful you might become rich like the vatican.

I would much rather be poor like monks than rich like priests. I would rather have a "New Testament" that teaches one new truth than suffer a million justices and rewards as contributions... I would rather use all the money to advance the cause of needfulness to the poor.

In other words, when the aliens land, I want them to agree with our universal religion rather than just noveltize and discard it.
If your goal is simply to have a bit of fun constructing a religion, you should state this so everyone understands the point of this thread. If you're serious, well, what can I say? Don't you realize just how fundamentally flawed your premise is?

Who cares about flawed?
Who says it has to be perfect? Religion evolves right? From polytheism and stuff to the abrahamic religions nowadays. It's just a step on the way to make the perfect one!!
It's sad. Because if I had $50 million, I would build a church that supports this simple doctrine and all you'd be left with was attacking a faithful church to your loss.

So apparently the only thing God is lacking is the scratch to make it so- the virtues become secondary.

And that's sad.
The rest- the other parts- please provide-

All right, here's one: Anyone interested in joining this new religion (including its founder(s)) should be top-level players of banjo. And that's because is a well-known side-effect of banjo playing that you can reach Nirvana after as little as 666 hours of continuous playing.

Now go and nicely ask spiderboat for some lessons, would ya?