I got dumped

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Ya, I feel you, I would like to make him jealous too, problem is, I just dont think he would even give a damn. And that hurts more, knowing they dont care if your with someone else. God! I want to die!:(

Why do you want to die?
why do you think?

because life sucks and there is no point to it mybe
because where everthing was great it is bitter now

Whats with the acent thing?
i feel the same way and all i have to do is go run a barth and get my chefs knife out of my room
Asguard, if I tell you this one more time I'll hit you! :)

In fact, this time I'll put it in big blue letters:

Originally posted by Asguard
why do you think?

because life sucks and there is no point to it mybe
because where everthing was great it is bitter now

Whats with the acent thing?

Nothing, it was stupid, sorry. You said no girl loves you, I was saying "I love your accent"...didn't turn out right. :)

If you want to die you'd better want to die for the right reasons. Because of a girl, or a guy, that's not a good reason. Because life is pointless and meaningless, that's a good reason.
She's right, actually. No man or woman is worth dying over. TI was kinda nice, from what I noticed in her posts - but, for chrissakes Asguard, she isn't worth that.

And - l've said this before - but you'll find your 'somone' eventually.

I would suggest a long weekend at the ocean or someplace you find safe. Go with a best friend if possible and get some if not all of this negative energy out of your system. Remember to laugh often and always remember to forgive yourself.
actully i would like a screw (with NO atachement) and a good punsh on right now but i am siting at home instead
I'm back
Is it the time of year or something? so many peeps getting shafted, but very heartening that we can all pull together like this don't you think?

As a balance I'd like to share this.
When I met my current partner three years ago I was already in a relationship that was near to failing. Now I loved the person a lot but it was very clear that Mike was better for me in every way imaginable. I had to be honest with my previous partner and say that it was time to end things as they stood.

For a few weeks it was like something off of Jerry Springer my soul mate in the bed and my ex on the couch.

The sense of loss for the end of the first relationship was immense and to this day I still have baggage about it but just last night my ex was around with his new partner. we share holidays and birthdays and there has never ever been a cross word between the two of them.

We did stay friends. I don't think it was insulting so much as a feeling of betrayal, remembering the good times and previous vows etc that the idea of staying friends was mentioned.

I am much more of a positive influence on the life of my ex as his ex than I ever was as his partner and vice versa.

Human relationships are the most complex in the world until you stop the struggle.

All's well that ends well.

It just takes complete honesty. Asguard... You must haver known the end was imminent. I can understand not wanting to admit this, even to yourself. But delaying that truth is part of the pain you feel now.

You will move on and you most definately will love again an hurt again and cry again. You too Star You are two beautiful people end of story.

I hope you both find peace very soon!!:)
There are two sides to every story. That said, I doubt greatly any of you wish to hear mine, but I'm posting it anyway.
I won't go into detail. That's my personal life and besides, I don't want sympathy...
Feel free to hate me, Xev, and others, but just understand I did what I did because I had to do it.
I still love Asguard. Very much so infact. That statement was in dire contradiction to everything you have already heard,but yes, I do still love him.
Things change. People change. People get sick. People die.
Sometimes the situations get so stressful you can't put on a brave face week after week to avoid hurting someone you love.
Whether you rip the bandaid off quickly or slowly, the pain still exisits.
Originally posted by temporary_illusion
There are two sides to every story. That said, I doubt greatly any of you wish to hear mine, but I'm posting it anyway.
I won't go into detail. That's my personal life and besides, I don't want sympathy...
Feel free to hate me, Xev, and others, but just understand I did what I did because I had to do it.
I still love Asguard. Very much so infact. That statement was in dire contradiction to everything you have already heard,but yes, I do still love him.
Things change. People change. People get sick. People die.
Sometimes the situations get so stressful you can't put on a brave face week after week to avoid hurting someone you love.
Whether you rip the bandaid off quickly or slowly, the pain still exisits.

:rolleyes: Jesus Christ what is this a fucking soap opera?

Just admit you found a guy with a bigger dick.

The problem is usually easier than we think... until it happened long time ago. Try to solve it now...

she said if wouldn't be fair to me to go out with me
Did she say why?

concercencly i prove the saying that "nice guys finish last"


i want to show her she isn't important

Wrong way if you want to be with her...
Btw... do you really love her...?

There is no girl on earth who loves ME

I feel the same way... but there probably is...

she had the cheak to ask that we still be freinds
that has to be the most insulting thing she could have said
Be her friend... why not? Do you like her or not?
Are you worried about your pride or your love? (sorry about the question...:( )

I'm sorry... I know how you feel...
I was dumped too... :(

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Allow us to heal a friend while we understand another (That being your good self)
Of course there are two sides, always!

The fact remains that even though you still feel pain the MOST apparent is that of Asguard and I suppose that's where we fel drawn.

You shouldn't feel neglected here at worst prioritised. You are the most powerful at the moment and therefore in least need of consolation. That doesn't mean you deserve consolation less. Just less urgently. Ya know?

Stay local!
Originally posted by Asguard
i have had 1 (and only one) true girlfirend in 19 (almost 20 in fact) years

Hey, I'm at zero (and not even close) in 21 years. On the other hand that lets me avoid any bitterness, and I've never been one to care about social stuff so it doesn't bother me. Perhaps I'm lucky?
TI: No, I don't hate you.


Life goes on, ja?

Unless you have what I have, then you don't care whether it does or not. :p
Life goes on until it stops,...

The heart of the matter is much more elaborate then any words can express,...

In fact: I did some writing about it,...but I'm not going to make any points here,...I just 'feel'

wander, wander, trough the night,
feeling lonely and so fright,
chilling echoes all day long,
come and rest where you belong.

That'z how I 'feel' about it sometime,...in my own language I have many poems written, dedicated to love,...you can't possibly translate them,....without taking the essence out of it,...a pitty,...but I'll take some time out to write some in English too,...
btw:it's copywrited! so don't copy,...without my permission
There are two sides to every story. That said, I doubt greatly any of you wish to hear mine, but I'm posting it anyway.


Never was it in my mind otherwise. It is a shame it didn't work out. It happens. I am sorry for the both of you. I hoped that I made that clear from the beginning in my first post. I understand you were addressing the entire forum but that in no way means you were left out.

Best of wishes, wherever life takes you.