I got dumped


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Well here it is

no more hijacking threads to show how much i love her

no more people saying i am to much in love

she dumped me:(

it hurts so much

gess im not good enough for her

(im getting drunk so my posts make get incoherant)

oh porfiry can you please deleate my thread called "she loves me"
please *begging*
Cry baby,...

I know how you feel,....It's been two years ago now,....and I still miss her,...she left me for anotherone,....

but hééé: at least WE are not THIS stupid,....take a look,...you'll find that it'll sheer you up,...

Best regards
Take care of yourself,...and don't get to drunk, to often,...it's better to have a real good delerium once,...then share a drinking complex for the rest of your life,...
TI dumped me

she said if wouldn't be fair to me to go out with me

Yep, Clari.

You know how I feel Asguard, but I'll say it again:
She didn't deserve you.

Wouldn't be fair - wadda crock. She's a fool.
Well it's better than having been turned down, think of it that way. Anyhoo try going out with one of the chicks in your picture. They look like fun to me:D:D
Well there red head is on drugs (she is such a nice girl tho) and acully turned me down when we were at school together

the slim brunette is inlove with someone else (although i have the BIGGEST crush on her)

and the other is still with her Boyfriend who she has been going out with as long as i have known her
Hope the slim one frees up then, or look for someone else. But your only choice is to move on, you just have to figure out when to.
"Hope the slim one frees up then, or look for someone else. But your only choice is to move on, you just have to figure out when to."

Listen to Polly, he is wise. You have to pick yourself up and go on, Asguard.

You know you'll find a better one. TI wasn't that cute anyway.
she dumped me... it hurts so much
The pain passes. Life is like that... sometimes you're the dumper, sometimes the dumpee. Pollux has the right idea; keep walking forward - the sooner the better.

I'm sorry for you both that it didn't work out :(
In my own (regular) experience of this type of pain I eventually found that the best thing to do is feel it as hard as you can. Then and only then wil it go away. You're right tho' getting drunk for a while will help. You lose some inhibitions and get in touch with the hurt.

Be strong. You know it wont always be this bad.
i have had 1 (and only one) true girlfirend in 19 (almost 20 in fact) years

i don't really hold much hope of finding someone else

the closest i ever got (before emma) was a girl named anna
she tried told me her "x" beat her up
turned out she was still WITH her "X" and she tried to pick up another guy on our first date

that was a year ago and the pain from THAT still hasn't gone away

i don't really think that any girl would wnat me

they all seem to be either atached or to laugh at me
That's just the hurt talking cos it's the strongest emotion you have right now. People don't see in you what you see in the mirror. You have great intelligence and you look stunning. Also as I'm an old fart I'm allowed to say that you have lots of years ahead of you and I promise you will not feel this way soon.

You just have to accept it's how you feel now. Eventually you'll move on and the pain will become easier to manage. it's right and proper that it never goes away. This ensures you develop and grow as an individual with a unique life and hisory. It proves you have the capacity to love and be loved and it's really what makes you human.

Just miss her for as long as it takes and move on. We're here for you. (For both of you)

Take care

It's true, it's true,...

sometimes there are moments that I think that is't really crappy that WE CAN'T BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!!! but hé,...that doesn't mean that they don't shit the beat out of 'us' men,....

Likewise: there are some assholes of men,...but shure there are opposite counterparts on this too,...even stronger: woman have even stronger manipulative forces upon the men,...often taunting and daring for control,...resulting in big ego-fights,...

Ah,...someday,...we'll meet someone,...and hang out with eachother,...for a time,...and then,...if we or they have enough of it: we'll hopefully meet someone else,...when we're ready again for a commitment,...

Is that bottle empty yet? > can I have a sip pls?;)
i wouldn't epect her to read what u a have written, she only came here for ME and we have all seen how much I matter to her now

she had the cheak to ask that we still be freinds
that has to be the most insulting thing she could have said
"...that has to be the most insulting thing she could have said"


It's not easy at first, but I managed to stay friends with several old girlfriends (I have a very secure wife), one of them since '82.

Give it a shot.

Im so surprised

I thought that would be oviouse

It is insulting

she wants everything

she breaks my heart (and YES i am still madly inlove with her) then expects i will see nothing as wrong


thats more than stupid, that is insulting
All I can say is that you'll have a different point of view when you become the one that needs to end a relationship. Hopefully it will increase your understanding.

i don't know that i would

i almost dumped her because she didn't have the guts to do it to me

but even if I was the one who wanted to break up i would understand the girl hating me
I am sorry for your pain, Asguard. TI's too. It is never easy to seperate from the one you love. Call it growing pains and move on. (Easier said than done, I understand.) When it is over and the pain is gone, you both will have grown a little more. No one said life was easy.

I am like bbcboy in the ol' fart area. I remember the times that I dealt with such emotions. Time has been kind and done its magic. It always seemed worse when I was young. Maybe your emotional heart hardens as you age. I always wondered at TI's signature and maybe it was a sign of times to come. Everyone has their own thoughts as to what that signature should have and I usually keep my thoughts to myself in that area. You can question the world till it stops spinning and be no closer than when you started.

There have been times when I killed a relationship because whatever it was that was lacking I desperately needed. There have been times when I was dumped as my significant other was desperately needing what I could not or would not give. Such is life. It is what it is. The trick is to find the one that has what you need and needs what you give. Do not be sad. It is not a waste to try and find it was not to be. You both could have spend your life and waked up in middle to find that life had went by leaving you both lacking. That is when the pair have wasted their time. Be glad for your breif time together, there will be other times for the both of you though not necessarily together.