i god energy?

Research grants? What are you on about? Either there's evidence or there isn't.

If evidence was unnecessary, then every kook on the street who talks to the bugger on his lapel between sips of Ripple would have to be taken seriously. If evidence were un-needed, anyone with a cracked up idea (like the one you're spouting on about) would have to be taken at their word.

That's what separates reality from cuckoo-land. Reality has evidence; made up crap has people saying things like "spiritual universe."
Research grants? What are you on about? Either there's evidence or there isn't.

You don't even know what you are talking about, do you?

What evidence?

You use the argument demanding evidence because there NEVER IS any evidence, is there, for anything.

But you never thought about it, have you.

You simply keep repeating the same silly question without having any sense for what a POSITIVE ANSWER COULD CONSIST OF.

After Hume's Essay a Critique of Reason we are now in a universe where there is NO CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE. Hume wrote it as a joke and never figured anybody would take it seriously. he thought everyone would laugh. but when nobody could answer his arguments, it presented the Academic Community with a huge problem. Science addressed it by creating a huge expensive structure of Scientific Method. Double Blind Studies.

So, in order to KNOW anything, it must have gone through a Double Blind Study.

And, you who are always asking for evidence, Don't KNOW that.

Why are you asking for something and you don't even know what the fuck it is you are asking for.

You must be a parrot. You heard other people, WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT, ask for EVIDENCE, and so you ask for it too.

Like a goddamed stupid parrot.
Either there's good reason to accept what you are asserting or there isn't.

If there isn't, what you are asserting remains a fantasy.
I disagree. They are mutually exclusive. Religious belief cannot supply empirical proof of its veracity; science can. For the difference between belief and knowledge see any book on epistemology.

that doesn't make them mutually exclusive, just having a different purpose or perspective. religion is not trying to supply empirical proof of it's veracity like science is. take a flower for example. you can examine it scientifically if you want to, document it's biological make up and processes, or you can smell it, or you can pick it and wear it in your hair, or paint a picture of it, or eat it. but whatever you do with it, however you look at it, it's still the same flower.
that doesn't make them mutually exclusive, just having a different purpose or perspective. religion is not trying to supply empirical proof of it's veracity like science is. take a flower for example. you can examine it scientifically if you want to, document it's biological make up and processes, or you can smell it, or you can pick it and wear it in your hair, or paint a picture of it, or eat it. but whatever you do with it, however you look at it, it's still the same flower.

Everything you have mentioned is true but based on empirical evidence. That cannot be said of religion which is based on a belif in something that is not open to empirical verification, That is the very point I was making.
You don't even know what you are talking about, do you?

What evidence?

You use the argument demanding evidence because there NEVER IS any evidence, is there, for anything.

But you never thought about it, have you.

You simply keep repeating the same silly question without having any sense for what a POSITIVE ANSWER COULD CONSIST OF.

After Hume's Essay a Critique of Reason we are now in a universe where there is NO CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE. Hume wrote it as a joke and never figured anybody would take it seriously. he thought everyone would laugh. but when nobody could answer his arguments, it presented the Academic Community with a huge problem. Science addressed it by creating a huge expensive structure of Scientific Method. Double Blind Studies.

So, in order to KNOW anything, it must have gone through a Double Blind Study.

And, you who are always asking for evidence, Don't KNOW that.

Why are you asking for something and you don't even know what the fuck it is you are asking for.

You must be a parrot. You heard other people, WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT, ask for EVIDENCE, and so you ask for it too.

Like a goddamed stupid parrot.

Where do you get your information from ? I have already told you on another post about Hume and Kant but I shall repeat myself for the benefit of anyone who might be misled by what you say.

Hume did not write what you call a Critique of Reason; nobody did.

Hume wrote An Essay Concerning Human Understanding which is probably the most studied of all his works. It was not written as a joke. Hume is regarded as the greatest philosopher who wrote in English.

Kant wrote A Critique of Pure Reason. He found a way of reconciling Descartes's and Hume's philosophy. So to say that no one could answer Hume is totally wromg.

If we live in a universe where there is no certain knowledge, why are you so certain you are right because, it follows from what you say, that you have no certain knowledge.

So tell us where you got your misleading information from and we can take it from there. Otherwise it would be wise of you to stop repeating the same mantra, lest we conclude you are talking like a parrot, as you accuse others of doing.
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ok. hi again.
again and AGAIN i need to say that im sorry for my english. my first language is not francaise. it is german and greek too. i do business ( also network). but anyways. i grow up as a catholic ministrant boy. not fanatic but i loved it. after study, after travelling and after getting expirence in many things, i started to study theologic science. not as an theologist, but as a searcher. I'm in a circle whois called "epsilon". Only knower knows about them. also im into the circle of templers of grave (the 12th apostel). i study arc greec history and myth and many other of this stuff. today i have fixed my own opinion about many thing people discust, but it is only my opinion, my own result. for me sound quit logic, but for deepest religion people sound's upset. it is also the answer of all questions. and this has nothing to do with science, religion, philosophie or any other fanatic themes. it is just a logic combination of human's mind. of course of my mind. the word god is nothing else to describe "something" what nobody can explain. energy is a physical monument. both together is the sence of all existens. the rest what i have to say wil follow in one of my next comments.
thank you for listening to me.
ok. hi again.
again and AGAIN i need to say that im sorry for my english. my first language is not francaise. it is german and greek too. i do business ( also network). but anyways. i grow up as a catholic ministrant boy. not fanatic but i loved it. after study, after travelling and after getting expirence in many things, i started to study theologic science. not as an theologist, but as a searcher. I'm in a circle whois called "epsilon". Only knower knows about them. also im into the circle of templers of grave (the 12th apostel). i study arc greec history and myth and many other of this stuff. today i have fixed my own opinion about many thing people discust, but it is only my opinion, my own result. for me sound quit logic, but for deepest religion people sound's upset. it is also the answer of all questions. and this has nothing to do with science, religion, philosophie or any other fanatic themes. it is just a logic combination of human's mind. of course of my mind. the word god is nothing else to describe "something" what nobody can explain. energy is a physical monument. both together is the sence of all existens. the rest what i have to say wil follow in one of my next comments.
thank you for listening to me.

Nichts zu danken
Everything you have mentioned is true but based on empirical evidence. That cannot be said of religion which is based on a belif in something that is not open to empirical verification, That is the very point I was making.

i have verified it through my experience.
i have verified it through my experience.

I am not questioning your sincerity. You can believe what you wish. But if you wish to discuss it with others or get them to accept your belief you must be prepared to provide supporting evidence. Reason, however imperfect, is the only tool we have to make sense of the world; it's the only thing that sets us above the other animals.

What I find difficult to understand about people who believe god created them, is why they choose to abandon their god-given reason.
I am not questioning your sincerity. You can believe what you wish. But if you wish to discuss it with others or get them to accept your belief you must be prepared to provide supporting evidence. Reason, however imperfect, is the only tool we have to make sense of the world; it's the only thing that sets us above the other animals.

What I find difficult to understand about people who believe god created them, is why they choose to abandon their god-given reason.

i find that all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs abandon reason all the time and it doesn't have anything to do with god. from my experience, god has given me an abundance of empirical evidence personally, so that i have faith that is not based upon some unfounded belief, or what someone else believes, or has experienced, or what's written in a book, or some doctrine. god provides this evidence to people on a personal level and it's meant for them and no one else. and it works like this...if you truly want to know, he will show you...and if you don't, he won't. and that is backed by scripture that says "if you seek, you will find...if you knock, the door will be opened."
i find that all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs abandon reason all the time and it doesn't have anything to do with god. from my experience, god has given me an abundance of empirical evidence personally, so that i have faith that is not based upon some unfounded belief, or what someone else believes, or has experienced, or what's written in a book, or some doctrine. god provides this evidence to people on a personal level and it's meant for them and no one else. and it works like this...if you truly want to know, he will show you...and if you don't, he won't. and that is backed by scripture that says "if you seek, you will find...if you knock, the door will be opened."

What empirical evidence of god's existence have you had ? Could you give me soime examples please
What empirical evidence of god's existence have you had ? Could you give me soime examples please

no. i'm not trying to be difficult or disrespectful, but it's volumous, personal, and complicated. ok wait...here's a teeny nugget...one afternoon while i sat on my couch, i watched a piece of paper that was laying on my coffee table wad itself up into a ball all by itself. sitting next to the piece of paper was a pack of envelopes, and the cellophane it was wrapped in was shrinking as to project the envelopes contained in it out of the opened end of the package.

there. let me guess...

no, not crazy, delusional, on drugs, or lying. sorry, i've been here before. :)
no. i'm not trying to be difficult or disrespectful, but it's volumous, personal, and complicated. ok wait...here's a teeny nugget...one afternoon while i sat on my couch, i watched a piece of paper that was laying on my coffee table wad itself up into a ball all by itself. sitting next to the piece of paper was a pack of envelopes, and the cellophane it was wrapped in was shrinking as to project the envelopes contained in it out of the opened end of the package.

there. let me guess...

no, not crazy, delusional, on drugs, or lying. sorry, i've been here before. :)

You are not being disrespectful at all. We are two equal human beings talking about a topic in which we are both interested. As far as the piece of paper is concerned, I would look for a rational explanation such as a rise in temperature or something of the kind. But it was your experience and you are perfectly entitled to interpret it in any way you like.

The bottom line is that we humans are all trying to make sense of the world and it is probably a mistake to assume one explanation will suit everyone. The main thing is that we feel comfortable with ourselves.

You are not being disrespectful at all. We are two equal human beings talking about a topic in which we are both interested. As far as the piece of paper is concerned, I would look for a rational explanation such as a rise in temperature or something of the kind. But it was your experience and you are perfectly entitled to interpret it in any way you like.

The bottom line is that we humans are all trying to make sense of the world and it is probably a mistake to assume one explanation will suit everyone. The main thing is that we feel comfortable with ourselves.


i agree with you. i think that's why it seems to be a mandated personal path that can't be shared with anyone completely. as for the paper and envelope package, i also agree with you. things don't happen by "magic" so to speak. there is always a scientific explanation or process behind any happening, but that science doesn't tell you why it happened, only how. do you understand?
no my first language i german and greek...not france...but thanks anyways. Let me travel in a different way of my mind.... why people (Humans) (wherever) always explore thngs? why they search about things? what is this what people make to ask about things? its simple. Human needs to learn, because human doasnt know anything (yet). Not knowing about something borns freadness and scarries human. things and thinks he (human) doasnt understand makes him more afread, or scarres him more. thats why he try to figure out answers or he let his self being dependet of other answers wich satisfite his scarrness. political systems, religion, athletics, tv, hollywood, businessmaking, working for earning stuff, sociaty, etc etc etc etc this are all influences...school, studies also....human trys to satisfite his knowledge of not knowing with different things and thinks. one answer whos scarres him the most is something what he already knows, that one day he will die, he doasnt know when, where and how. but that he will die......and than the big question......what is after? and than start this circle of scarry being, being afraid again.....human has the quality to figure out in hismind alot of things and thinks to satisfite his self with or without influence....and than he start with god. to figure out what is this god for him and how he could explain it. and than this bad circle is staring again from beginning.........maeby human should not complicate things more that they are?