i god energy?


Registered Member
sokrates said:" god is energy...in us and around everything. without energy would nohing work....."
it is jut a question of matter. should we believe in religion or shuld we living in nature matters.?
Religions evolved around ancient speculations about how the universe functioned and at a time when objectivity was not a priority. The severe absence of knowledge about basic chemistry, biology, and physics, led to many bizarre imaginative ideas.

Many of us know better now and for most informed people religion should have no relevance. Why so many people still cling to these outdated and unsupportable ideas tells us a lot about the gulliblity and limitations of our species.
Hello onlinerotter1; do not rot here however you appear to have some decent question?

I like the bit "god is energy" and then it follows "in us and around everything (...?); without energy nothing would work."

"It is just a question of matter."
A question of matter?
Should we believe in religion or should we living in nature matters????

Uh, I dunno!

Definately energy is good; we share energy exchanges, hug trees, listen to music, almost die from outbursts of energy :D

Maybe your main question is, "it is just a question of matter."

Yeah,... I dunno?

Nature and religion have thier own specialities.
god is so big that you can say that it's almost anything... jesus also said that god is everything (energy) when he said that "he" is life.

just like god: energy has always existed, because it can't be created or destroyed.
to me, science is the how, and religion is the why...in a general sense. and i never did understand why people always try to make the two subjects mutually exclusive. *shrug*
god is so big that you can say that it's almost anything... jesus also said that god is everything (energy) when he said that "he" is life.

just like god: energy has always existed, because it can't be created or destroyed.

If god is energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed, how do you account for god's putative existence ? I'm sure you have given the matter a lot of thought.
to me, science is the how, and religion is the why...in a general sense. and i never did understand why people always try to make the two subjects mutually exclusive. *shrug*

They are mutually exclusive. Science is based on reaon supported by empirical evidence. Religion is based on belief, which is not to be confused with knowledge.
They are mutually exclusive. Science is based on reaon supported by empirical evidence. Religion is based on belief, which is not to be confused with knowledge.

that doesn't necessarily make them mutually exclusive, it just means they're coming at something from different angles or perspectives, or with different purposes. they could be examining the same phenomena, just describing it in different ways, and for different reasons.
that doesn't necessarily make them mutually exclusive, it just means they're coming at something from different angles or perspectives, or with different purposes. they could be examining the same phenomena, just describing it in different ways, and for different reasons.

I disagree. They are mutually exclusive. Religious belief cannot supply empirical proof of its veracity; science can. For the difference between belief and knowledge see any book on epistemology.
sokrates said:" god is energy...in us and around everything. without energy would nohing work....."
it is jut a question of matter. should we believe in religion or shuld we living in nature matters.?

Well, what you are describing is the most implicit and transcendental God -- the God of Oneness with all things.

Very inspiring.

But remember what Philosophy says about definitions that are too broad -- "When something is Everything, then it is as good as nothing". Definitions need to be specific. We know what something IS by being able to peel away what it IS NOT. If God is Everything, it makes God meaningless.

What we really CARE ABOUT is the Providential God that inspires the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. After all, the God of EVERYTHING would hardly care about some little bugs on some little planet somewhere that call themselves Human Beings. The God of Humanity is therefore INTRINSIC to Humanity -- part of our collective substance or consciousness.

Oh... let me guess... your first language is Francais? Si?
Surely his energy is infinite.

While Greek Theology, which defines God in terms of Absolutes, would allow that God's Energy is Infinite, Revealed Religion, which assigns a great deal of the Universe to Anti-God, would never insist that God's Energy is infinite... one has to give the Devil his due, and the demons must be working with something to keep their efforts going.

Verbal Tradition of the Fall of the Angels allows that 1/3 of the Spiritual Energy available within the Spiritual Universe is Fallen Energy, assigned to Demonic Powers.
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This "spiritual universe..." what's the evidence for such a fantastical and apparently fictional place? I see you're doing your usual drive-by posting of made-up theology from the perspective of Volont again. Joy to us.
This "spiritual universe..." what's the evidence for such a fantastical and apparently fictional place? I see you're doing your usual drive-by posting of made-up theology from the perspective of Volont again. Joy to us.


You mean you want somebody to pay for a Research Grant?

There is really no evidence for anything unless you can pay for a Research Grant.

And you don't seriously want to always argue this point... that nobody is allowed to speak about anything that hasn't been studied at Stanford.

We are allowed to know about our own experiences, what we witness concerning the objective outside world, as well as acknowledging the validity of our Subjective Experiences.

Spirituality consists in Subjective Experience.

Ask any Psychologist. Subjective Experience is not random and arbitrary. Psychological Experience is the very essence of MEANING.