I don't believe in any God, but I believe in God

Originally posted by moonman
I don't think you can prove this. And I can't prove the opposite, it is unimportant wether they can or cannot. The thing of importance is wether they do or donot.

What you have pointed out is not whether they "do or do not". What you pointed out is whether the "have or have not",
in which case it is important to know why they have not.

we shouldn't be doing it* just because we 'can'.

I never said we should. I only said if they could, they will probably be more destructive. It is their nature. Have you ever seen a lion diplomatically ask an intruding lion to move off their terrority? What they do is they use violence.

I am not schizo. How to prove it, I don't know. So I don't blame you for assuming that.

Perhaps not - like James mentioned, it could simply be your imagination gone wild during a semi-conscious state of dreaming. I merely threw the schizophrenic theory out there because visions and voices are inherent symptoms.

You may not be able to prove it beyond a shadow of doubt, but you could get a few professional opinions to at least put your mind at ease. It's a good way to eliminate possibilities.

God is not physical. How can you expect to hear with your ears?

That is the only way in which to hear - using the ears. What other possible form of "hearing" can you be referring ?

If I talk to you on the phone you will think you are talking to yourself

Huh ? I would think I was talking to you. :confused:

I have only seen a ghost once in my life. Although I wish it would not be the only time. This is because I want to make sense of what it is.

But it appears that you would rather we all agree that you did see a ghost. If you sincerely wanted to know what actually happened to you, then you would be more responsive to others suggestions that it was all in your head.

I have talked to God more times than can be counted.

I think you are deluding yourself into believing you have conversations with imaginary beings.

What is the point of fooling myself?

From my point of view, you ARE fooling yourself into believing you talk to God and you see ghosts. I also think you are only looking for affirmation for your beliefs and not discussion.
*I can't be bothered to reply the front part because it is too late here (4.10am) to beat about the bush. sorry*

"From my point of view, you ARE fooling yourself into believing you talk to God and you see ghosts. I also think you are only looking for affirmation for your beliefs and not discussion."

Why would I need affirmation for? I am very curious. How could I expect affirmation from people who wasn't there??????????????????????????????????????????????
while waiting for your answer I noticed this part in your post:

"I have only seen a ghost once in my life. Although I wish it would not be the only time. This is because I want to make sense of what it is.

But it appears that you would rather we all agree that you did see a ghost. If you sincerely wanted to know what actually happened to you, then you would be more responsive to others suggestions that it was all in your head. "

I was not trying to make sense of whether it is a ghost or not. I was trying to make sense of how the ghost could have a human form and what it is. Ie composition. As I said earlier, it has a water rippled reflection effect to it. However it is not water nor smoke.

I think you misunderstood the "make sense" part.

How could I expect affirmation from people who wasn't there??????????????????????????????????????????????

Sorry, I don't understand the question. Could you expand please ?

it has a water rippled reflection effect to it. However it is not water nor smoke

OK, for a moment, lets assume the apparition was there in some form. A rippled effect can come from various sources, the most likely would be a source of heat. Heat waves have a tendency to create illusions with rippled effects. This can be seen by walking down a road on a hot day or better yet, in the desert

It would most likely be a reflected light. The apparition could be the source of light, but we would then have to assume it's not an apparition, but instead, something tangible and real propagating the light.

Smoke can easily be mistaken for mist.

So it is quite possible to have seen a mist rising amongst heat waves that reflected some light. My description could be way off, but the point I'm trying to make is that there is the possibility your apparition could be explained by natural means. If you tried to rationalize this experience, you would most likely agree.
Its not natural. Have you ever tried looking at clouds to see what animals you can see when you were young? If not why don't you try it sometime? You will realise that even the most realistic cloud will still look like a cloud.

Im sorry I do not wish to discuss this further. All this pointless explaining on top of my tiredness is making me cranky. Goodnight. :)

Its not natural... Im sorry I do not wish to discuss this further.

You see, this is what I meant when I stated you are only interested in everyone agreeing that what you saw was a ghost and you talk to imaginary beings. It appears you're not interested in entertaining any other explanations. That would make this thread rather redundant.

BTW - clouds ARE natural.
Originally posted by (Q)

Its not natural... Im sorry I do not wish to discuss this further.

You see, this is what I meant when I stated you are only interested in everyone agreeing that what you saw was a ghost and you talk to imaginary beings. It appears you're not interested in entertaining any other explanations. That would make this thread rather redundant.

It is 5.31 am here now. Am I supposed to stay up till the sky brightens only to repeat what I say again and again and again? ?

BTW - clouds ARE natural.
read your own post, which I was replying to.

Now I am really going to bed. If you do post something after I leave, simply re-read this thread for my answer and if you still have something to say, simply re-read this thread yet again.
*God just told me he has the same frustration dealing with me so you are all forgiven. But I won't be back again. Goodbye. *

<i>Let me answer you by asking another question; How do you know your mind isn't playing tricks on you right now, as you read this post?</i>

I don't , if all I have to rely on is my own experience. But the fact is that many other people can read this post and verify its contents quite independently of me. They don't have to have talked with me, or to have been with me when I read it, or anything. Therefore, its claim to objective existence is much stronger than Pammy's ghost's claim.

<i>But she has already explained that she was of sound mind and was awake and alert, so your possible alternative explanations, according to her explanation, are out of context.</i>

I haven't disputed that she was of sound mind. Whether she was awake and alert is something which she is not in the best position to attest to.

<i>Just out of curiosity, could you posit a possible explanation, which does not rationalise her experience?</i>

There's no "rationalisation" in my explanations. An obvious other alternative, which is a given, is that ghosts exist and what she saw was really a garden-variety spirit. However, as is so often stated: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Sadly, there is no extraordinary evidence for the existence of ghosts.

<i>Maybe you have James, but you gave one type of possible explanation which was cleary out of context of the experience, after requesting more information.</i>

No. My explanation was consistent with the most-likely facts.

<i>Could it be that your explanation wasn't actually properly thought through, and you gave a standard run of the mill answer, irregardless of the explanation she gave?</i>

Sometimes the run-of-the-mill answer makes the most sense.

<i>...i am not in the habit of calling people liars, schitzoids, delusionals etc, without some sort of evidence.</i>

Neither am I, and I haven't done so here.

<i>Unless i know everything there is to know, i cannot posit that her experience was a mind trick.</i>

Really? Unless you know <i>everything there is to know</i>? Don't you think you're setting the bar just a tad high?

<i>Because I can watch the tv programme "Frasier" without having to purchase a human to monkey/mouse language translator machine. :p</i>

What makes you think being able to watch Frasier is a virtue?

Me: Even if this is true, there are much better "vehicles" in the animal kingdom than the human body. Our bodies are not our species' strong point.
You: <i>Such as?</i>

Cheetahs run faster than us. Whales hold their breath for longer. Monkeys are better tree-climbers. Owls see in the dark better. Dogs have a better sense of smell. Need I go on?

<i>... you claim you are undecided as to whether God exists or not, i would have thought you would be interested in spending time, not only searching the bible, but other religous paraphanelia to search for a conclusion.</i>

Is religious paraphanalia really the best place to look for objective evidence of God? I don't think so. Religions all have a barrow to push. Their god(s) are always the One True Path. I don't need to go into too much detail once I ascertain that a religion doesn't have the monopoly on Truth that it claims to have.

A wise man said: Understand why you do not accept the Gods of other religions and you will understand why I do not accept yours.

<i>You make a absolutely serious statement[/b] regarding the position of animals, not only that you say it is backed up in the bible and when asked to give referance you can't be bothered.</i>

I made a statement about the status given to animals by biblical fundamentalists. It is accurate, as far as I know, and you have presented nothing to indicate otherwise (so far).

<i>If animals have souls and we slaughter and use them for our personal selfish greed, then the consequences are very damning.</i>

Why does it matter whether they have souls or not? Can't you separate the moral issue from the religious? Surely the important point here is ability to suffer, not whether an animal possesses some nebulous property invented by humans.

<i>It seems you do not know very much about Religion.</i>

You'd be surprised.
Originally posted by James R
I don't , if all I have to rely on is my own experience.

So you are saying unless someone else verifies your experiences, you are not sure whether you are sane or insane?

But the fact is that many other people can read this post and verify its contents quite independently of me.

But how do you "know" its a fact, your mind could be playing tricks?
Are you saying that due to your experience, you are safe in the knowledge that you are of sound mind?

They don't have to have talked with me, or to have been with me when I read it, or anything. Therefore, its claim to objective existence is much stronger than Pammy's ghost's claim.

So what?
That answers nothing, it is not a competition, the fact is, you are using your own experiences to judge what is real or false.

I haven't disputed that she was of sound mind. Whether she was awake and alert is something which she is not in the best position to attest to.

Sooooo.....we don't know whether we are awake and alert until it has been verified by a scientific machine or loads of other people?

An obvious other alternative, which is a given, is that ghosts exist and what she saw was really a garden-variety spirit.

You said you were offering alternative explanations, and all of them were backed with disbelief, so really you only offered one explanation, *t could not have happened.
Does it not occur to you it could have happened, but because you lack experience, you can't say for sure?
That is actually your true position.

However, as is so often stated: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The extaordinary evidence does not come through test tubes and carbon dating machines, it must be more personal as the extraordinary claim is one of a very personal nature. I'm afraid "experience" is the next stage of of evidence.

Sadly, there is no extraordinary evidence for the existence of ghosts.

How do you know?
What do you think "extraordinary evidence" would entail, bearing in mind it could not be the same way you perceive "ordinary evidence".

Sometimes the run-of-the-mill answer makes the most sense.

Yes, you are right, but sometimes they can be distributed without giving thought to the situation, simply because it is easier.

Neither am I, and I haven't done so here.

Not directly, but the implications are there.

What makes you think being able to watch Frasier is a virtue?

Who mention virtue, i simply enjoy it, if i want to run about all day foraging for food, i can, but i prefer not to.

Cheetahs run faster than us.

I hear you, and that is cool. There are times when i would like the thrill of running that fast, especially if i were in the Olympics.
But i don't relish having to run fast 3-4 times a day to keep mine and my families lives, i would much rather find simpler ways of doing that.

Fortunately i can. :)

Whales hold their breath for longer.

Impressive, but not for me, i'd sooner be breathing.

Monkeys are better tree-climbers.

They'd better be, or it's curtains! :(

Owls see in the dark better.

If they can't, they will die.

Dogs have a better sense of smell. Need I go on?

That is why we use them in the police force, in alot of cases, and no, I get the picture.

Religions all have a barrow to push.

Says you, who cannot be bothered to look up and check on statement you made. It is very clear that your view of religion is based on religious institutes which do not base their actions on God. The first thing you should do, is find out what religion actually is.
If you were to go up to random people in the street and ask them what they think "science" is, what do you think their responses would be.?
Do you think they will give the correct answer?
If not, why do think this is?

ir god(s) are always the One True Path. I don't need to go into too much detail once I ascertain that a religion doesn't have the monopoly on Truth that it claims to have.

The true religion cannot make such a claim, the true religion gives all glories and obesciences to GOD.
Is it not true that there are scientists who make weapons of mass-destruction for the highest bidder, knowing it may not be used for the benefit of mankind. Do you think they reprisent “science”?

I made a statement about the status given to animals by biblical fundamentalists. It is accurate, as far as I know, and you have presented nothing to indicate otherwise (so far).

Then as an objective person, don’t you think you should check these statements out for yourself, especially as you are part-moderator of a religious forum?
Would you have been so sloppy if someone made a scientific statement of the same generalisation?

Why does it matter whether they have souls or not?

You mean you don’t know?

Can't you separate the moral issue from the religious?

Everything is connected, how can you separate, and what would be the point of this separation?
Surely it would mean we can do what we like without regard to other living entities.

Surely the important point here is ability to suffer, not whether an animal possesses some nebulous property invented by humans.

Nebulous property……………invented by humans……………….do you have anything which can back these claims up?

You'd be surprised.

Go ahead!
Surprise me. ;)


Jan Ardena.

<i>So you are saying unless someone else verifies your experiences, you are not sure whether you are sane or insane?</i>

What is important is that I look outside myself for independent evidence. I cannot tell if I am sane or insane by introspection alone.

<i>But how do you "know" [this post is] a fact, your mind could be playing tricks?</i>

Along with all the other minds reading this? No, I don't think so, unless you're asking me to believe that I am imagining the whole world. That is a much bigger hurdle than imagining a ghost.

<i>Are you saying that due to your experience, you are safe in the knowledge that you are of sound mind?</i>

Not due to experience alone. Due to independent confirmation.

<i>That answers nothing, it is not a competition, the fact is, you are using your own experiences to judge what is real or false.</i>

I haven't made a judgment on what is real or false in Pammy's case, Jan. I have suggested some possibilities, and I think that some are more likely than others. Why? Because I can draw on other instances of similar experiences, compare and contrast.

<i>Sooooo.....we don't know whether we are awake and alert until it has been verified by a scientific machine or loads of other people?</i>

Not always. (BTW, saying "loads" is a strawman version of my view on the amount of evidence required for independent confirmation.)

<i>You said you were offering alternative explanations, and all of them were backed with disbelief, so really you only offered one explanation, *t could not have happened.</i>

I did not say they were backed with disbelief - you did.

<i>Does it not occur to you it could have happened, but because you lack experience, you can't say for sure?</i>

I already said I don't lack experience. But that's beside the point. You don't need to experience everything personally in order to draw conclusions. I can conclude that breathing a carbon-monoxide rich atmosphere would be dangerous to my health without having to trying it out for myself in my garage.

<i>The extaordinary evidence does not come through test tubes and carbon dating machines, it must be more personal as the extraordinary claim is one of a very personal nature. I'm afraid "experience" is the next stage of of evidence.</i>

The only scientifically acceptable evidence is evidence which can be independently verified. The plural of "anecdote" is not "data".

Me: Sadly, there is no extraordinary evidence for the existence of ghosts.
You: <i>How do you know?</i>

Because I have looked into this - and I'm not the only one.

<i>What do you think "extraordinary evidence" would entail, bearing in mind it could not be the same way you perceive "ordinary evidence".</i>

In the case of ghosts - a clear, undoctored photograph; an undoctored recording of a ghost's voice conveying information which could not have been obtained by other means; reliable scientific measurements of phenomena associated with a ghostly presence. Basically, "extraordinary" simply means something like "unequivocal" in this context.

<i>There are times when i would like the thrill of running that fast, especially if i were in the Olympics.
But i don't relish having to run fast 3-4 times a day to keep mine and my families lives, i would much rather find simpler ways of doing that.</i>

Your personal preferences about something don't make any difference to its intrinsic value. You would prefer not to be an animal; therefore you say that you are "better" than an animal. I guess you would prefer not to have terminal cancer, too. Does that make you better than people with terminal cancer?

Also, you have no idea what you would prefer <b>as</b> a non-human animal. You're simply displaying species prejudice again. Humans must be pretty good because you're a human, right? Just like white people must be better than black people because you're white. Or men must be better than women because you're a man. The arguments are the same in each case.

Me: Religions all have a barrow to push.
You: <i>Says you, who cannot be bothered to look up and check on statement you made. It is very clear that your view of religion is based on religious institutes which do not base their actions on God.</i>

My views are not from any religious institutes, I assure you. I have my own views.

<i>The first thing you should do, is find out what religion actually is.</i>

I already know what religion actually is, thanks.

<i>If you were to go up to random people in the street and ask them what they think "science" is, what do you think their responses would be.? Do you think they will give the correct answer? If not, why do think this is?</i>

Some might give a good answer. Some would give an incorrect or incomplete answer. The answers would be different depending on the knowledge of science of the person I asked. Seems pretty obvious.

<i>The true religion cannot make such a claim, the true religion gives all glories and obesciences to GOD.</i>

What true religion? Yours, I suppose. See what I mean about the One True Path thing?

<i>Is it not true that there are scientists who make weapons of mass-destruction for the highest bidder, knowing it may not be used for the benefit of mankind.</i>


<i>Do you think they reprisent “science”?</i>

Science is a set of methods and a body of knowledge. What people do with it depends on human factors. Science itself is neutral.

Religion, on the other hand, is always prescriptive. It tells people how they should live and what they should believe.

<i>Then as an objective person, don’t you think you should check these statements [on the status of animals] out for yourself, especially as you are part-moderator of a religious forum?</i>

Here are a few extracts coutesy of the people at Answers in Genesis:

In Genesis 2:7 we read: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

...Many generations ago, our first parents, Adam and Eve, were not made like the animals. It is very important for children to understand that they are not animals. Even though secular textbooks, television, nature programs, newspapers, public school curriculums, etc., state that man is an animal – it is imperative that children be taught the following:

Whereas God created the animals by commanding the earth to "bring forth the living creature. . . " (Genesis 1:24), Adam was made by God who specially formed him from the dust of the ground. God then breathed into Adam. Notice that God did not just command the dust to produce a man as He did for the animals -- God himself formed man directly from dust. God did not breathe into the animals, but He certainly did for man. In other words, God imparted something special to the first man.
The "something special" referred to here is obviously the soul. i.e. the guys at AnswersinGenesis think humans have souls and animals don't, based on the bible. This is just one expression of this view, which is commonplace among Christian fundamentalists.


Me: Can't you separate the moral issue from the religious?
You: <i>Everything is connected, how can you separate, and what would be the point of this separation?
Surely it would mean we can do what we like without regard to other living entities.</i>

I'm not sure I understand you. Fundamentalist Christians justify poor treatment of animals on the grounds that they are inferior to human beings. They are inferior because they lack a soul and because God gave Man dominion over them, apparently.

This position is not defensible on any objective moral basis unless you take the fundamentalist interpretation of the bible as a given. If, on the other hand, we do not rely on the truth of the fundamentalists' assumptions, we can construct a defensible moral position based on the capacity of all animals (human and non-human) to suffer. That position stands alone, without any need for support from any religious position.

<i>Nebulous property……………invented by humans……………….do you have anything which can back these claims up?</i>

Do you have any objective evidence for the existence of souls other than human say-so? The onus is not on me to show that souls do not exist, but on those who claim they exist to show evidence for their existence.
PS Jan, if AnswersinGenesis is not enough authority for you, I note that Pope Pius IX and Thomas Aquinas also both stated that animals have no souls.

Interestingly, in a statement on 19 January, 1990, Pope John Paul II declared that non-human animals do have souls after all, adding that in this respect, man, created by the hand of God, is identical with all other living creatures.

Of course, John Paul II is not a fundamentalist, so obviously we'd expect the AIG people to ignore him. His statement also generated considerable controversy in the Catholic Church, because it seemingly overturned the previous dogma as expressed by people like Pius IX and Aquinas. One current line which gets around the inconvenience of having to give non-human animals an equal level of respect on this account is to declare that there are actually two types of souls - your normal, run-of-the-mill soul, and the special "immortal" soul. Guess who gets the immortal soul? That's right - humans. So its ok to go on killing animals after all. Phew!
Originally posted by James R
Along with all the other minds reading this? No, I don't think so,

I understand what you are saying, and i agree with you, you actually feel safe in the knowledge.
When first, people have these extraordinary experiences, i think you will find they doubt what they have experienced, and try very hard to rationalise it, because they think they may be going mad. It is not until they find out that the same experience is shared by other minds, they possibly come to terms with it.
In the case of ghosts, there are quite a number of cases, where the experiences are very similar, in all aspects.

unless you're asking me to believe that I am imagining the whole world. That is a much bigger hurdle than imagining a ghost.

I believe you, based on my own experience, but imagining the whole world would not necasserily be a bigger hurdle than imagining a ghost. Why would you think it would?

Not due to experience alone. Due to independent confirmation.

Me too.

Because I can draw on other instances of similar experiences, compare and contrast.

Care to share? :)

Not always. (BTW, saying "loads" is a strawman version of my view on the amount of evidence required for independent confirmation.)

Just a slang terminology.

But that's beside the point. You don't need to experience everything personally in order to draw conclusions.

No you don't in some cases, but generally it has to be experienced by yourself or someone to draw the best conclusion.

I can conclude that breathing a carbon-monoxide rich atmosphere would be dangerous to my health without having to trying it out for myself in my garage.

Yes you can, but it becomes absolute truth when people die as a result of it, whereas before it was a very good theory.

The only scientifically acceptable evidence is evidence which can be independently verified. The plural of "anecdote" is not "data".

The trouble with that is, it is rejected when it cannot be independantly verified, regardless of whether it is true or not.
So science cannot be the only way to establish a fact, there must be a more natural way, because there are way too many eye witnesses who claim to have had similar experiences, to just put it into the "not independantly verified folder".

Because I have looked into this - and I'm not the only one.

Maybe the aparatus that could verify such subtle existence, is completely organic (mental, etheric), and is constructed perfectly within some living beings, allowing their senses to vibrate to a faster/higher frequency, under certain conditions. And maybe scientists at the moment, have not developed something which can recieve such subtle material.
Just throwing an idea in.

In the case of ghosts - a clear, undoctored photograph;

Don't you watch T.V. :D There have been quite a few with undoctered photographic evidence.
I will do a net search to see if any are online.

an undoctored recording of a ghost's voice conveying information which could not have been obtained by other means; reliable scientific measurements of phenomena associated with a ghostly presence.

I have a feeling, that wouldn't make you believe, however, i could be wrong.

Basically, "extraordinary" simply means something like "unequivocal" in this context.

I don't agree with you, firstly unequivocal should be universal, whether ordinary or extraordinary, and secondly unequivocal does not describe what extraordinary evidence is, it merely tells you what the result should be.

Your personal preferences about something don't make any difference to its intrinsic value.

I never said that it did, in fact i maintain that it doesn't.

[/i]You would prefer not to be an animal; therefore you say that you are "better" than an animal. [/i]

If you read my post carefully, you will note that i say that i am not essentially better, i say we are the same, animals and humans alike, but, i believe i am in a better position, spiritually, than the animals, which i regard as my opinion.

I guess you would prefer not to have terminal cancer, too. Does that make you better than people with terminal cancer?

No, but i would conclude that i am in a better position than they are, if i don't have any such terminal disease, but i do not believe i am better than they are, there is a difference.

You're simply displaying species prejudice again.

Believe me, i'm not.

Humans must be pretty good because you're a human, right?

Why i am glad i am human, is because i can learn about who and what i am and who and what God is, if it wasn't for that, then logically there would be no need to feel any different than animals. Again, i hold my hand up, it is my opinion and i don't talk about it as fact.

Just like white people must be better than black people because you're white.

What can a white person do that a black person can't or vice-versa?

Or men must be better than women because you're a man. The arguments are the same in each case.

That is a different discussion my friend! :p

My views are not from any religious institutes, I assure you. I have my own views.

Please, share these veiws, i would very much like to hear them. :)

What true religion? Yours, I suppose. See what I mean about the One True Path thing?

You are jumping to massive conclusions. The true religion is to love God. God appears through his word, directly or indirectly, these are scriptures. There are many different types of mentalities in this world, so God comunicates to all those who want to hear, at various levels. All paths lead to love of God, through service, which is described in various scriptures, for different people at different times. So any religion which teaches one to love God, is real religion, it doesn't matter what it is called.

Religion, on the other hand, is always prescriptive. It tells people how they should live and what they should believe.

Maybe you are right, but God knows if you take a certain path in life, that it may lead to something unpleasent, whereas you may not, so He offers you an alternative, but the alternative has to be based at first, on faith, because you cannot see the consequences of your actions. He doesn't force you, because you are an individual, made in His image, and therefore you have to make the decisions yourself, (as does He) so he relys on your intelligence, it is through using your intelligence that you can understand how nature works. This strengthens your faith a little more and so on and so forth, until you realise.
But the truth of the matter is, we are being told how to live and what we should believe right now, so we have a choice.

Surely it would mean we can do what we like without regard to other living entities.</i>

I'm not sure I understand you.

If we work without applying moral principles to our actions, then effectively, we can do what we like, some people may naturally still act within basic moral guidlines, but alot would not, just take a look at society.

Fundamentalist Christians justify poor treatment of animals on the grounds that they are inferior to human beings.

Then why give them the time of day, it is blatantly obvious that that is foolish behaviour, and not in accordance with the teaching and life style of Jesus.
That is no different than killing animals because we desire to eat meat in action, but worse if you are claiming it is sanctioned by God.

They are inferior because they lack a soul and because God gave Man dominion over them, apparently.

I would love to discuss with these guys.

If, on the other hand, we do not rely on the truth of the fundamentalists' assumptions, we can construct a defensible moral position based on the capacity of all animals (human and non-human) to suffer. That position stands alone, without any need for support from any religious position.

I agree with you. To me it boils down to common sense, I would not like to be treated in such a way, so i would not treat in that way.

Do you have any objective evidence for the existence of souls other than human say-so?

I would have to say yes, because i am alive, but i don't think you would fully understand what i mean. :)

The onus is not on me to show that souls do not exist, but on those who claim they exist to show evidence for their existence.

In truth my friend, there is no onus at all, we all have a right to live the best way we can, onuses only apply in debates and court.


Jan Ardena.

<i>In the case of ghosts, there are quite a number of cases, where the experiences are very similar, in all aspects.</i>

Yes, but why? Could it possibly be that the human brain shares common features across many different people?

<i>I believe you, based on my own experience, but imagining the whole world would not necasserily be a bigger hurdle than imagining a ghost. Why would you think it would?</i>

Try writing a detailed description of a ghost. Next, try writing a detailed description of a world. Which takes more work?

<i>The trouble with that is, it is rejected when it cannot be independantly verified, regardless of whether it is true or not. So science cannot be the only way to establish a fact, there must be a more natural way, because there are way too many eye witnesses who claim to have had similar experiences, to just put it into the "not independantly verified folder".</i>

The thing is, we can explain those many eye witness accounts using independently verified information, without the need to call on the subjective experiences of ghosts. So, the ghost explanation is superfluous.

<i>Maybe the aparatus that could verify such subtle existence, is completely organic (mental, etheric), and is constructed perfectly within some living beings, allowing their senses to vibrate to a faster/higher frequency, under certain conditions. And maybe scientists at the moment, have not developed something which can recieve such subtle material.</i>

Maybe, but unlikely. There is simply no reliable evidence that any forces other than the four fundamental forces known to physics operate in our universe.

<i>Don't you watch T.V. :D There have been quite a few with undoctered photographic evidence.</i>

Clear, undoctored photos? I don't think so. Clear photos invariably turn out to be fake or explainable by conventional means. Unclear photos always have alternative possible explanations.

<i>If you read my post carefully, you will note that i say that i am not essentially better, i say we are the same, animals and humans alike, but, i believe i am in a better position, spiritually, than the animals, which i regard as my opinion.</i>

On what do you base your conclusion that you are in a better prosition spiritually?

<i>Why i am glad i am human, is because i can learn about who and what i am and who and what God is, if it wasn't for that, then logically there would be no need to feel any different than animals.</i>

Why is learning about God such a great thing? Doesn't God care for those who don't know anything about him?

<i>What can a white person do that a black person can't or vice-versa?</i>

Nothing. There is no important genetic difference between people of different skin colours.

<i>The true religion is to love God. God appears through his word, directly or indirectly, these are scriptures.</i>

Whose scriptures? How do we know they are correct?

<i>All paths lead to love of God, through service, which is described in various scriptures, for different people at different times.</i>

Not for atheists, apparently.

<i>If we work without applying moral principles to our actions, then effectively, we can do what we like, some people may naturally still act within basic moral guidlines, but alot would not, just take a look at society.</i>

I agree.

Me: Fundamentalist Christians justify poor treatment of animals on the grounds that they are inferior to human beings.
You: <i>Then why give them the time of day, it is blatantly obvious that that is foolish behaviour, and not in accordance with the teaching and life style of Jesus.</i>

I agree, but not because it goes against something Jesus did.

<i>To me it boils down to common sense, I would not like to be treated in such a way, so i would not treat in that way.</i>

I am very glad you think that way. Many do not - even those who claim to be Christian - despite the teachings of Jesus.

PS Given your lack on comment, I take it you are now satisfied that people claim a lack of souls for animals based on the bible.
Originally posted by James R
Yes, but why? Could it possibly be that the human brain shares common features across many different people?

So does hands feet and genitals.

Try writing a detailed description of a ghost. Next, try writing a detailed description of a world. Which takes more work?

As the world i portray would be imaginary, it needn't be a complex description, i could effectively write what i like.

The thing is, we can explain those many eye witness accounts using independently verified information,

We can, and we can verify the experience to ourselves, this does not nesaccerily make it a universal truth, but a personal truth.
If science cannot at present detect the presence of ghosts, does it mean ghosts do not exist?

Maybe, but unlikely. There is simply no reliable evidence that any forces other than the four fundamental forces known to physics operate in our universe.

You mean science cannot develop reliable evidence. It does not mean the evidence is not there.
What is the current scientific veiwpoint on ether?

On what do you base your conclusion that you are in a better prosition spiritually?

Because i can use my intelligence to understand who and what i am, what happens after the death of my body. Animals, to my knowledge do not make such enquiries.

Why is learning about God such a great thing?

Good question!
Because I have learned that God is the origin of everything, including myself, i have learned that my true position is pure spiritual consciousness and my acosciation with material nature is both tempory and miserable, as opposed to my eternal, constitutional position serving the Supreme Person.
There is so much more i could say, but i will await your reply.

Doesn't God care for those who don't know anything about him?

People who do not know anything about God, does so through their own choice, and because of this, God gives them the opportunity to forget Him, I don't think there is a corner on this planet, where God is completely unknown to the people there.
As i stated earlier God reveals Himself according to the time, the place and the circumstance, either directly or indirectly.

But in answer to your question, yes, God cares about all living beings, He supplies, through His agency of nature, everything that the living entities need & want.

The animals have souls, but their consciousness is not as developed as human consciousness, they cannot transgress the laws of nature, therefore they do not acumilate any karmic reaction.
At the time of their death, the soul transmigrates up the evolutionary scale, until they attain a human body. At this junction, they can develop love of God.
Vedic literature states that there are 8,400,000 different species of life, and before one becomes human, the soul must transmigrate through every species, it is stated that 400,000 of those are different species of human.

In the bible, God teaches Moses how to sacrifise animals, in the Qur’an, Allah teaches how to sacrifise animals, He does not willingly approve of these acts, but for the sake of the people He allows it. The conditions under which animals are to be sacrificed, are extremely strict, and has to be carried out by qualified persons. The reason this is so, is because, once the life of the animal has been taken, the soul, in its next life, will definately take birth in the human population, no matter what stage of consciousness it is at, thereby giving him a chance, either to take the life of the soul that took his life, or to come to the platform of God consciousness.

Nothing. There is no important genetic difference between people of different skin colours.

That’s what I thought, so logically there is no need for me to think I am better or worse than someone based on the colour of my skin.

Whose scriptures? How do we know they are correct?

At first you don’t, you are curious, just as you would be about anything else, this is the point where you develop faith. You hear people talk about God, you read your scripture, if it relates to you then naturally you want to investigate more. You begin to see how the society around you is formed, whereas before you accepted that that was the way it is. It describes the different natures of people, how they act because of their nature, and low and behold all of a sudden you see things from a different perspective.
So there is no one point at which you say they are correct, you either understand it or you don’t, if you do, you develop as you would in anything that you understand.
Maybe you are a scientist, you do sound like one, so now you see life totally different than you did before you got into it, it is now more than just a hobby to you, it is your expression, you see things from that perspective, it is your position, mine is no different other than the subject matter.

As far as “Whose scripture” is concerned, it is Gods scripture, either directly or indirectly.

Not for atheists, apparently.

Because they choose not to acknowledge God, so what can God do but give them their desire.
If a son does not acknowledge his loving father, what can his father do.
You cannot force someone to love you.

I agree, but not because it goes against something Jesus did.

That’s fair enough, because acts like goodwill to all men and animals, is common sense. God delivered the 10 commandments to those people at that particular time, because they were foolish and had no common sense.

I am very glad you think that way. Many do not - even those who claim to be Christian - despite the teachings of Jesus.

This is why, before you give on God (if you do), give yourself the chance to here about Him, either from Him (in the form of scripture), or from someone who is devotes his life purely for the service of God, then make your mind up.

PS Given your lack on comment, I take it you are now satisfied that people claim a lack of souls for animals based on the bible.

Yes, I have heard people say that before, I wanted you to show me the actual biblical reference, which states that animals have no soul.
But that is immaterial, as I know no such verse could possibly exist.


Jan Ardena.

Me: <i>Yes, but why? Could it possibly be that the human brain shares common features across many different people?</i>
You: <i>So does hands feet and genitals.</i>

Yes, but we're not talking about our genitals playing tricks on us here.

<i>If science cannot at present detect the presence of ghosts, does it mean ghosts do not exist?</i>

No, it doesn't. However, given the efforts scientists have made to find any objective evidence of ghosts, we can safely conclude that their existence is most unlikely. There may be an invisible purple dragon called Herbert living in my garage that science has never detected, but it's not very likely.

<i>What is the current scientific veiwpoint on ether?</i>

That it does not exist, at least as defined prior to 1905.

<i>Because I have learned that God is the origin of everything, including myself, i have learned that my true position is pure spiritual consciousness and my acosciation with material nature is both tempory and miserable, as opposed to my eternal, constitutional position serving the Supreme Person.</i>

These are all beliefs, unsupported by any evidence other than a string of anecdotes passed down from one person to the next. Nobody can go out and gather objective evidence that God is the origin of everything, or tht spiritual consciousness exists, or that they have any kind of eternal existence. It's all just faith, based on a shaky foundation. Comforting, perhaps, but indistinguishable from fantasy on any objective criterion.

<i>At the time of their death, the soul transmigrates up the evolutionary scale, until they attain a human body.</i>

It is a misunderstanding of evolution to suppose that any kind of evolutionary heirarchy exists. Evolution isn't a progression from lower to higher forms of life. Each surviving lifeform on Earth is superbly adapted to its environment. There is no pyramid of life with humans at the top, chimpanzees slightly lower, dogs even lower and bacteria at the bottom. In fact, based on the time over which each of these species has survived, the bacteria should be at the top, and humans at the bottom.

<i>At this junction, they can develop love of God.
Vedic literature states that there are 8,400,000 different species of life, and before one becomes human, the soul must transmigrate through every species, it is stated that 400,000 of those are different species of human.</i>

Science knows only one species of human. What is the Vedic definition of "species"?

<i>In the bible, God teaches Moses how to sacrifise animals, in the Qur’an, Allah teaches how to sacrifise animals, He does not willingly approve of these acts, but for the sake of the people He allows it. The conditions under which animals are to be sacrificed, are extremely strict, and has to be carried out by qualified persons. The reason this is so, is because, once the life of the animal has been taken, the soul, in its next life, will definately take birth in the human population, no matter what stage of consciousness it is at, thereby giving him a chance, either to take the life of the soul that took his life, or to come to the platform of God consciousness.</i>

The Christian tradition does not incorporate ideas of rebirth, except at the end of time. There is no Christian "karma". Ancient strictures on the sacrifice of animals originated due to health issues, and were largely a product of their time.

<i>...before you give on God (if you do), give yourself the chance to here about Him, either from Him (in the form of scripture), or from someone who is devotes his life purely for the service of God, then make your mind up.</i>

I went to a Christian school. I attended Sunday school and, later, bible classes. Believe me, I've heard all about God, I've read the scripture and I've talked to many Christians about God. But I'm still not willing to accept the entire Christian worldview. I have major problems with a lot of it. I see inconsistencies and impossibilities. I see human motives hiding behind words which are claimed to be the Word of God. Whilst there is much to admire about the bible and its contents, there is also a hell of a lot of rubbish, muddy thinking and immoral direction.

<i>Yes, I have heard people say that before, I wanted you to show me the actual biblical reference, which states that animals have no soul.</i>

It is immaterial as to what the bible says exactly, unless you are a fundamentalist. What matters is how it is interpreted and applied in practice.
Originally posted by James R

Me: <i>Yes, but why? Could it possibly be that the human brain shares common features across many different people?</i>
You: <i>So does hands feet and genitals.</i>

Yes, but we're not talking about our genitals playing tricks on us here.

So what is your point?

No, it doesn't.


However, given the efforts scientists have made to find any objective evidence of ghosts, we can safely conclude that their existence is most unlikely.

Only as far as science cannot prove, right? ;)

There may be an invisible purple dragon called Herbert living in my garage that science has never detected, but it's not very likely.

People don’t claim to see purple dragons called Herbert, so that is a pointless statement, and if you are attempting to trivialise the experiences of people, then that is irresponsible.

That it does not exist, at least as defined prior to 1905.

Why prior to 1905.

These are all beliefs, unsupported by any evidence other than a string of anecdotes passed down from one person to the next.

There are some things you cannot know through empirical evidence.
Even in the department of abiogenisis, they give artistic examples of transitional species, asking you to believe this is how it happened, albeit based on scientific calculation.
So you are required to use your power of judgement and discrimination, if we all did things according to evidence we would be nothing more than robots, imo.

Nobody can go out and gather objective evidence that God is the origin of everything,

The instruments used to gather such information, the intelligence, the brain power, the man power, all these things too originate from God, so to create such an expedition is in ignorance right from the start.

….or tht spiritual consciousness exists,

Spirit and matter are exact opposites, where one is dull and lifeless, the other is bright and full of life. (Please understand, I am not telling you this is so, I’m talking from my veiwpoint for purpose of discussion) So life is spirit, and there is life everywhere.

It's all just faith, based on a shaky foundation. Comforting, perhaps, but indistinguishable from fantasy on any objective criterion.

Of course there is faith, because we cannot fathom the greatness of God, it is inconcievable. I do not agree that it is on shaky ground because I have experienced shaky ground, and the knowledge of God bears no resemblence.
It is very comforting and I agree it can seem indistinguishable from fantasy, only because fantasy goes beyond the realm of science, but it has its roots firmly planted in the objective world, through science, art and philosophy, the main branches of mundane knowledge, imo.

It is a misunderstanding of evolution to suppose that any kind of evolutionary heirarchy exists.

That is your opinion.

Evolution isn't a progression from lower to higher forms of life.

What do you regard as higher or lower forms of life?

Each surviving lifeform on Earth is superbly adapted to its environment. There is no pyramid of life with humans at the top, chimpanzees slightly lower, dogs even lower and bacteria at the bottom. In fact, based on the time over which each of these species has survived, the bacteria should be at the top, and humans at the bottom.

So you believe we are all equal.

What is the Vedic definition of "species"?

I will get back to you on that, please remind me if I forget.

The Christian tradition does not incorporate ideas of rebirth, except at the end of time.

Is “The Christian” religion mentioned in the bible?

There is no Christian "karma". Ancient strictures on the sacrifice of animals originated due to health issues, and were largely a product of their time.

Lets, just for now forget about this religion or that religion, let us focus on scipture. It is not hard to find evidence of karma in the bible, although it does not say it directly.
As far as the health issue goes, do you have any documents on this?

I went to a Christian school. I attended Sunday school and, later, bible classes. Believe me, I've heard all about God,

What did they teach you about God?

It is immaterial as to what the bible says exactly, unless you are a fundamentalist. What matters is how it is interpreted and applied in practice.

Then how can it be immeterial?


Jan Ardena.
***What do you regard as higher or lower forms of life?***

they are both the same. It doesn't really matter for life to make the distinction between higher and lower...just for humans

Me: <i>Yes, but we're not talking about our genitals playing tricks on us here.</i>
You: <i>So what is your point?</i>

I've forgotten. :)

<i>...if you are attempting to trivialise the experiences of people, then that is irresponsible.</i>

I'm not doing that. That's why I was careful not to say that Pammy was delusional. That kind of response is far too common from those who don't believe in the paranormal (and we see it all the time in the "Does God exist?" debates around here, too).

My point is: there are many possible reasons why somebody might believe they've seen a ghost. Only one of those reasons is that they actually did see a ghost. I try to avoid jumping to conclusions before all the evidence is in.

<i>Why prior to 1905.</i>

In 1905, Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity. That theory explained why experiments such as the Michelson-Morley experiment failed to detect an ether. The theory gives good reasons why the ether is a superfluous concept.

Since 1905, ether apologists have continued to suggest new definitions of what the ether is. By redefining it, they seek to avoid the implications of relativity. It is always possible to redefine a thing so that it is in essence untestable, and some ether theories do just that. The problem with this is that an untestable thing is non-scientific, so these theories are on;ly masquerading as science.

<i>Even in the department of abiogenisis, they give artistic examples of transitional species, asking you to believe this is how it happened, albeit based on scientific calculation. So you are required to use your power of judgement and discrimination, if we all did things according to evidence we would be nothing more than robots, imo.</i>

I take your point. Regarding abiogensis, it is important to remember that there is currently no generally-agreed scientific theory of abiogenesis. However, there are several good candidate theories; we just don't know which one (or more) is right yet. Scientists have an open mind on this; religious people, of course, already know all the answers.

Me: It is a misunderstanding of evolution to suppose that any kind of evolutionary heirarchy exists.
You: <i>That is your opinion.</i>

Yes. I am aware that other people hold other (incorrect!) views. :)

<i>What do you regard as higher or lower forms of life?</i>

It depends what you mean by "higher" and "lower". If you mean morally higher or lower, there aren't any intrinsic distinctions (although that does not mean that an amoeba should be accorded equal rights to a human being). If by "higher" you simply mean "more complex", that is a difficult question to answer in some respects. Certainly humans are more complex than bacteria.

<i>So you believe we are all equal.</i>

Who is "we"? Humans and animals? Essentially, this is my position: being a member of the species <i>Homo sapiens</i>, <b>without more</b>, is no justification for granting one being rights over and above that of any other being.

Of course, at the same time, I am not so silly as to suggest that humans are "equal" to other animals in terms of mental or physical capacities. In some respects we are more able than other animals; in others we are less able.

<i>Is “The Christian” religion mentioned in the bible?</i>

No; it was invented a little later.

<i>As far as the health issue goes, do you have any documents on this?</i>

Not easily at hand (and I don't want to do an extensive search). But consider the health issues involved with food preparation for a people living in the desert for 40 years. For the health of the people, what kinds of dietary restrictions might be a good idea, do you think? Answer: the biblical ones aren't a bad start, given the knowledge of the times.

<i>What did they teach you about God?</i>

The same kinds of things you and other religious people keep saying here.