I dare you to consider the fact that we were created

The reason to refute Bible or Koran or any other religious scriptures can't be the defacto reason to refuse the existence of God.

Evolution - natural selection theory did lead to so many materialistic / atheist idealogies. If ur atheism based on the above theory or/and big bang theory, etc u might be committing a mistake. Theories too evolve.

If u don't agree with the concept of God as depicted by religions u still could find out the truth, if u r interested, without outright rejection of God's existence. Cuz either God is oversimplified or made aweful & fearful by religions - intentionally or lack of words to describe.

Search the God with heart not with gathered knowledge alone. God does not seem to care about our intelligence , our defintions of Him. Faith & knowledge have their own reasons and limitations.

Firstly.... who said i was an atheist? That's a wild assumption to make. I think you draw that assumption on the basis i ask questions and search for answers instead of just accepting whatever i can think of. It's amazing how many people confuse me as being an atheist.

However your last paragraph seems to be more 'trust in god' speech which is hardly an answer to anything. Search with my heart? Well, regardless of what my heart finds does that make something absolute fact? No, it does not.

If you want to subscribe me to something, or brand me a 'type of person' you can label me as a 'Non-Knowerist'. I, just like everyone else do not know the absolute truth to everything. As such i do not subscribe to any one thing like the majority seem to do. I ask questions and look for answers wherever they may be, and whatever outcome might arise. I do not put all my eggs in one basket so to speak.

As a simpletons analogy: We are all wandering in a woodland area. Most people grab every egg in sight and throw it all in one basket and go home. I like to leave the eggs scattered so i can analyse and find out what they actually are instead of just assuming my own righteousness.

As another thought.... Many people, like the Visitor, think they can wrap up 300 million years of the evolutionary process by reading a badly translated story. I'm sorry but because some guy said: Adam and Eve ate an apple doesn't make it fact. From historical findings we can accurately show that genesis and so much of the bible comes from earlier sumerian writings. Adam comes from the 'created from earth and dust...' Earth/dust in Sumerian is Adama. But all that aside there are still no answers. We can't just wrap it all up and say it was created because a book says so, because darwin says so or because it 'feels' right. It may seem immensely awesome with our little understanding but why must it be creation? The only fact is we do not know. Thus you are all welcome to join me as a 'Non-Knowerist'. We like to search for truth, not just assume we have it after the first step.
Some guy said: Adam and Eve ate an apple doesn't make it fact.

I never meant "evolution" in the scientific term, was used by God in creation. He created all life one species at a time, each a complete one of it's own, and said for each to bring forth of it's kind.It's not natural for species to interbreed, even though they can.

But He created each one just a little higher in a progressive work, until one was created to reflect God.
I believe the serpent was the one just under man, and was thereby capable of interbreeding, this is what happened in the garden. (fruit, to make one wise) you are the fruit of your mother
(you'll be like gods) the power to create life- through sex.
Cain was of his father the wicked one.
Jesus said; ye serpents, generation of vipers, how can you being evil ect...
I said the truth is in there, only hidden in parables, shadows and types......and I do stand by that statement.
Nowhere does it say anyone ate an "apple"
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SO TheVisitor,

Do serpents have any free will, and if they do, are some of them going to heaven and some going to hell based on their performance? Do serpants include all types of snakes, or a special venemous one?

Now it's news to me that we have the power to create life through sex over other animals. Actually, we are pretty lousy at it, I hear ants can drop a thousand egg at one pop. cats can give 5 or 7, ect.
The serpent in Genesis was "more subtile than any of the beasts of the field"
He was the missing link, between man and ape....
He was changed into a snake....after impregnating Eve with Cain.
Now you heflores should not be so quick to deny this, for in arabic to this day, one translation of the word serpent still means "ape".
I'm actually going to be the first to deny it. My Quran tells me that Satan is not a serpant but a star that is rejected, which means maybe a shooting star or something. There is no mention of a Serpant in the Genesis story. It was always Satan importing bad ideas into man's mind or trying to play with human mind with his powers and without needing to be close, Satan never had physical character in Islam.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but thats the reason Cain killed Abel.
God accepted Abel's sacrifice of blood, the blood of an innocent Lamb, He knew it was blood it the garden, contaminated by the serpent (an animal) not Satan, it was possesed of Satan.

Cain didn't believe it, he thought they ate an apple or something.
His offering reflected his revelation just as his brother Abel's offering reflected Abel's revelation.

He offered the grains of the field, with all kinds of fruits and flowers, a big pretty sight.
Just like in the big, pretty churches his children offer their scarifice of praise in today.
His offering was refused, and he became very wroth.
Even though he had no revelation, God offered him a second chance,and said "just do as your brother, and all will be well"
Instead he murdered his brother, and lied to God's face about it.

That's the same thing his children do today, murder the influence of the rightous in their heart, denying God's truth, just as they once murdered the true christians in the flesh...and will soon again. There's your mark.

The beast in the begining, is the beast at the end. Follow the "Trail of the Serpent".
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That site was absolutely asinine. I recommend you read a little more widely if you think that this informed, quality material.

The cleaner fish/shark "problem" is based on the premise that the shark will try to eat any fish in its vicinity. This is not the case at all , a shark will only eat a fish that is worth its while, nutritionally speaking. If the energy debt of catching and consuming the fish is greater than the benefits of eating it, then it won't bother. This is why the shark will not consume small fish or surfers. Even if we did not know this, we could still hypothesise how this evolutionary problem might be solved. eg. The fish evolved from a very small one that the shark could not kill. The fish used to be poisonous or spiky, hence unconsumable. After the symbiotic relationship developed the poison or spikes became vestigal and gradually disappeared. The rest of the site(I ran out of patience about 4 slides into it) seems to be a collection of strawmen and arguments from incredulity. The whole thing is rather sad.
Dare to be stupid?

Thanks for the laugh, here's a quick reply:

Cleaner Fish
Nice misrepresentation there. But as you can see here, http://www.dvfootage.com/oceans/search/search/Cleaner+Fish+Fish/
cleaner fish are rather too small for a shark (or a grouper) to bother with. Just as Lions don't bother with the insects and small birds that join in on their kills, sharks don't bother to eat cleaner fish because they are not worth the bother.

Another nice misrepresentation; The creationist assembles a impossible mixture of parts of different animals and then claims that such a composite creature couldn't function. Of course, no one claims this assemblage ever existed but the point is missed.

An infant's heart cannot support the needs of an adult body, if a child's body grew to adult size but the heart remained the same the creature would die, it's tiny heart unable to pump the blood quickly enough through the body. How do you suppose children become adults? Answer: The organism evolves gradually; the heart changing along with the rest of the body.

Evolutionary changes are very similar; the neck didn't just get 4' longer between one generation and the next, giraffes evolved gradually, the neck getting just a bit longer and the heart getting a bit larger along with other minor changes that compensated for these changes over many generations.

Creationism, on the other hand, fails to answer certain odd questions we come up with. Such as the fact that the laryngeal nerve in the giraffe travels from the brain all the way down to the heart and then all the way back up to the larynx. Why would God make such a wasteful design? Did he, perhaps, have some extra nerve tissue laying around that he wanted to use up or did he just make a mistake, forget about hooking up the larynx, then have to run a jumper back up from the heart? Of course, this odd arrangement makes perfect sense when we realize that the giraffe evolved from a creature in which this circuit makes more sense.

Try to understand the concept of intermediate steps.

(sigh) Same argument as above; intermediate steps. The squirrel depicted could have, in fact, made the leap provided it had just a bit more skin than the one presented. Such creatures actually exist; we call them (gasp) flying squirrels.

Nebraska Man
This makes me chuckle; if you use hoaxes and mistakes as disproof you'd better toss out religion too.

I enjoyed the site though, terribly funny. However, perhaps the author should have spent some of their time actually learning what evolution is and what it states rather than drawing silly, and somewhat demented, pictures.

Originally posted by Gomer
Scan through this slide show at this link, and you can't help but believe we were created.
heck I KNOW for sure I was created,
by a man and a woman,that is ;)no supernatural skydady needed!
you should read here me thinks
If you want to believe you came from monkeys, go ahead....
You might not be far from the truth.

Genesis means "Two seeds" and in the book of Genesis it talks about two races - monkey man, and God man.

The Serpent that seduced Eve was the "missing link" half way between man and ape.

The fact is some didn't come from God, and some did.

Which do you think you are?...think about that.
Genesis means "Two seeds" and in the book of Genesis it talks about two races - monkey man, and God man.

Gensis is just a translation of much older texts. It really doesn't matter what it says in Genesis.

All of the creation stories could be nothing more than fairytale in which case your comment is irrelevant.

If there is any truth it's gonna come from the original, not the badly translated copy.

The Serpent that seduced Eve was the "missing link" half way between man and ape.

I always wondered why i had a long dangly snake in between my legs :D

The fact is some didn't come from God, and some did.

Oh that's a fact? You have proof of this claim? If not it can't be regarded as fact. And no, Genesis isn't 'proof' of anything.

Which do you think you are?...think about that.

My birth had absolutely nothing to do with gods, nothing to do with serpents, nothing to do with monkeys. It was down to 2 humans. It's amazing how some people are unwilling to even accept they're of the human race.
TheVisitor: "Genesis" has nothing to do with "two seeds". You never really responded to my posts in Unanswered questions. What you are teaching is apocryphal and extra-biblical at best. From where do you get information regarding 'the serpent' or a race of 'serpents' that no-one else could find?

Snakelord: you read a few Sumerian epics and now suddenly Genesis is a translation of them? On one side, you disqualify Genesis based on its age, and on the other side you refute it using "much older" texts!

My birth had absolutely nothing to do with gods, nothing to do with serpents, nothing to do with monkeys. It was down to 2 humans. It's amazing how some people are unwilling to even accept they're of the human race.
Genesis wasn't included in the Bible for "background information", it was meant to teach you something. If you don't learn anything from it, its useless even to argue about it. Genesis is the story of how those first two humans came about. What is the Sumerian story? Does it say anything about a Creator?

Like TheVisitor, you seem quite willing to accept less substantiated ideas in stead of more authoritative versions. The point of Genesis is that we where created by God. You either accept or reject that.
Snakelord: you read a few Sumerian epics and now suddenly Genesis is a translation of them? On one side, you disqualify Genesis based on its age, and on the other side you refute it using "much older" texts!

I read whatever i can in order to learn and grow. We can delve into the actual meaning of texts to find answers of we can just accept the first we come across as true and ignore everything else.

The Enuma-Elish is a good example. It would appear to explain the beginnings of everything, (down to atoms, protons etc). It explains how the cosmos formed. The translation of 'god' actually means 'material'. Of course it's as open to interpretation as any other creation story is.

Other texts explain how a man was created by a being and told not to eat fruit etc and so on...

These are all ideas and stories to justify our being here. As religions and races go through the ages stories and ideas/beliefs are handed down generation to generation.

By looking at older influences and writing we can see how and why stories ended up as they are not only to fit new beliefs but as a result of multiple translations and vocal hand downs.

If i wrote a story which someone translated several times and 'copied' from word of mouth etc would you expect that story to remain exactly the same as the original? Even after a millennium? In order to ever come closer to an answer we must read and look at them all. The older works are extremely significant, but i guess you can't understand why.

As for refuting.. That's not my goal- i like to look at alternatives based on any evidence that can be found. I will not instantly accept something as fact because i can't be assed reading anything else. Have you read the Enuma-Elish? I have read Genesis, i have read the Enuma Elish and many other 'creation' stories. If you haven't how can you comment on the validity of Genesis or otherwise? Without comparison it's no surprise people just 'accept'.

It's like that website Gomer posted showing obvious creation because giraffes dont explode. I am under no obligation to agree with them. If we dont questions, seek, and attempt to find answers we can never claim to already having the truth because we know no other possibility.

Genesis wasn't included in the Bible for "background information", it was meant to teach you something.

Yeah i've read it. I've also read many of the other creation stories also there to teach something. Have you? If not.....

If you don't learn anything from it, its useless even to argue about it.

As such.. How can you even think of saying:

you seem quite willing to accept less substantiated ideas in stead of more authoritative versions.

How would you know what 'more authoritative' is? Go with the flow if that's how you are, fine. I prefer truth over following the herd. As such i question instead of just accepting one as 'more authoritative'. As for less substantiated..... Why dont you read them and then discuss the issue with me?

The point of Genesis is that we where created by God. You either accept or reject that.

it pains me that you feel this way. Nobody should just 'accept', as you have done, and nobody should just 'reject'. That's why i ask questions and debate issues- to find the truth, not just to accept whatever my version of the truth might be.

You have read it, accepted it, and fail to notice there are alternative possibilities. I mention some of these other possibilities and you instantly label them as unsubstantiated. By that basis, they are no less and no more than Genesis- as such we should view them all before 'accepting' anything.

What is the Sumerian story? Does it say anything about a Creator?

Shows you haven't read any of it so why feel you can dismiss it off hand?

When skies above were not yet named
Nor earth below pronounced by name,
Apsu , the First One, Their begetter
And Mummu Tiamat, who bore them all,
Had mixed their waters together,
But had not formed pastures, nor discovered reed-bed;
When yet no materials were manifested,
nor Names pronounced, nor destinies decreed,
Then the materials were born within them....

The materials of that generation would meet together
And disturb Tiamat, and Their clamour reverberated.
They stirred up Tiamat's belly,
They were annoying Her by playing inside Anduruna, (an-durana, the spherical shape of the nucleus).
Apsu (the emprisoned mater) could not quell Their noise
And Tiamat (the cover) became mute before Them;
However bad Their ways, She would indulge Them... And so on.

This seems to be an understanding of the basic behaviour of particles and matter etc.. It might be, it might not be.. It might have relevance, it might not. As i've said countless times now it's all a case of 'mights or might nots'. As such i feel compelled to ask and search instead of just accepting.

This is further related text:

"... Let me put blood together and bones too, let me set up primeval man: Man shall be his name...", "... The work of the gods shall be imposed on him..." "... Nintu mixed clay, with her flesh and blood, they heard the drumbeat forever after, a ghost (soul) came into existence from the god's flesh and she (Nintu) proclaimed it a living sign." Later on "... I myself created (it), my hands have made (it)..."

The 'blood' that is mentioned would be worded as Adom.

Ghost is- etemmu, intelligence is-temu so it's possible the above reads: "An intelligence came into existence from the god's flesh.."

You see..... we're all questions without answers. I cannot, no matter how much easier it would be, just accept the first thing i hear. I continue to search, ask and look for answers. If you resent the fact i ask instead of accepting thats also fine but you cannot condemn a story if you haven't read it.
Wonderful. To me, it's another source confirming that people knew about a Creator, and that they were created and seeked to put it in words.

Isn't it self-evident that the time of actual Creation predates all written material about creation?

Would you say that the Sumerian was the first or oldest religion? Were there any religions inbetween Sumerian and Abrahamic that followed one God? Was the Sumerian religion translated/adapted to briefly describe a single Creator, and then continued to form all the different gods and religions?

You say these are 'alternatives'. Yet these Sumerian gods seem to be totally overtaken en enslaved by their creations.

Apsu , the First One, Their begetter
And Mummu Tiamat, who bore them all...

Apsu (the emprisoned mat[t]er) could not quell Their noise
And Tiamat (the cover) became mute before Them

As a religion, it did not seem to know its god(s) very well. Have you considered that maybe Cain's descendents were looking at Abel's God and didn't know Him?

It's very comforable to be "always looking, never-knowing", and making no decisions - you can never be wrong. But sometimes you have to make up your mind and continue your journey from there. I'm not afraid of being wrong, because the God I belong to is the only One who survived all 'religions' and is still alive in the same form as when He created the earth.
Isn't it self-evident that the time of actual Creation predates all written material about creation?

Ok then, isn't it self evident that the beginnings of time can only be speculated about? Assumption isn't an answer. We all need answers and 'accept' whatever we choose. I cannot 'accept' on the basis of speculation.

Would you say that the Sumerian was the first or oldest religion?

Dunno, might be, might not. I guess it's pretty much the closest we've come to so far.

Were there any religions inbetween Sumerian and Abrahamic that followed one God?

From what people can tell it was a fairly slow transition. The Akkadians and Babylonians kept most of the Sumerian beliefs- handed down those stories etc.. Eventually the 'Gods' were turned into 'God'. I guess there comes a time where people just accept what they want to and regard it as truth. Sounds familiar? The funny thing in translations is the word Elohim. Commonly misunderstood that it is actually a plural. Gods, not God. Some attributed it as being like the word 'sheep', which has no plural but the singular of Elohim is Eloah.

But we can see upon looking many 'hand-downs' from the Sumerian language. Some examples:

Allah- the name of God in Arabic comes from Alla who was a Sumerian God of the netherworld. In Akkadian it was Allatu.

A Hebrew month, (Tammuz), comes from the name for a Sumerian god Damuzi..

Utu, known as Shamash in Akkadian is a god related to the sun. In Hebrew sun is Shemesh.

E-din: E=house din=righteous/pure. In Hebrew Din is law. Moujahadin is an arabic word for a holy or righteous warrior.

Languages are so interconnected and as you will know with your own spoken language is a compilation and hand-down of many many different languages.

By understanding just how much our languages and system have been built by all different creeds, people, countries, religions etc we can see that everything's not quite as straight forward as we would want to believe.

If you're interested further read Samuel Noah Kramers 'History begins at Sumer'.

It's like superstitions such as throwing salt over your shoulder, not walking under ladders and so forth... To understand them we must find the root cause.

There were stories of old that the devil was allergic to holy water. Many vampire legends sprang from this story... One thing contributes overwhelmingly to other things. It's a hard task to find the source of beliefs, superstitions, words even but every little will do you no harm. It widens our knowledge and understanding- i'm quite sure god would not be dissapointed if we were willing to learn and search for ourselves.

(Btw- superstition derives from Latin meaning to 'stand above'.)

Was the Sumerian religion translated/adapted to briefly describe a single Creator, and then continued to form all the different gods and religions?

As shown above things do adapt and change tremendously. This is not to deny your belief in a creator, but to look at where that originated from. If Sumerian is the oldest we currently know it is worthwhile to study it because of the possible hand-downs. To understand what was handed down and why serves our thirst for knowledge and might just give some answers. It might not, but it might.

You say these are 'alternatives'. Yet these Sumerian gods seem to be totally overtaken en enslaved by their creations

Doesn't make it any less or any more possible. Sitchins belief in basic was the stories of creation by chaos. The twelve planets and the 'war' that raged in the cosmos between planets which eventually settled and created what we see in the sky at night.

The Sumerians explained the cosmos in extreme detail. They explained the orbit patterns of the planets, they explained how some planets had multi-moons, they even explained the Kupier belt.

We didn't 'find' Pluto until 1929? or thereabouts. The discovery of the Kupier belt is a recent historical finding.

This is just basics but surely we must look into this? The Sumerians knew all about the cosmos 5000 years ago... we only found Pluto 80 odd years ago.. Doesn't that leave a bunch of questions that must be answered? We know they explained the cosmos in accurate detail.... we dont know how. I can't rest at night knowing there's questions like this that need answering.

It's like the shroud of turin. It is left as 'an image of jesus'. They don't study it, they just accept it in accordance with their beliefs. Some people have studied it and dated it. The religious establishment denies it even if shown the details. That is the difference: One studies, in a search for truth, whether its what we want to hear or not. The other just accepts and will not hear anything else.

As a religion, it did not seem to know its god(s) very well. Have you considered that maybe Cain's descendents were looking at Abel's God and didn't know Him?

I gave you but a passage or two of old texts. I couldn't debate to your belief based on the bible if i'd only read the index. Agreed?

One problem i do find within the bible is a large lack of detail which causes all sorts os untold problems.

As an example we can question the lack of mention towards women in the bible, especially in Genesis. Cain kills his brother, goes off into the land of nod... (next sentence:) Cain lays with his wife... Ummmm. You see it causes conflicts whereas the Sumerian texts don't really do so...

Look at Noah vs Ziusudra.... In the Noah story everyone got drowned, Noah had all clean animals on the ark... etc etc.

In Ziusudra the lowlands were flooded. People ran to highground but Ziusudra was caught on a barge, (carrying animals to the market). He floated off down the river and ended up in a sea where all around him 'was flooded'. It puts it in realistic perspective. I don't think for one second anyone truly agrees with the drowning of all mankind, and the sudden reappearance of mankind afterwards whereas the Ziusudra story is a lot more valid in its detail.

To me it's a great start in understanding. Study, Search, ask and seek. Acceptance is premature.

It's very comforable to be "always looking, never-knowing", and making no decisions - you can never be wrong

It's far from comfortable- frankly it's painful. I can always be wrong, and might very well be. If i am i might also be doomed to eternity in hell, (at gods command), but i must search for truth.. it's a part of me. Sometimes i consider just sitting down and accepting in order to 'save myself', but it's not in my nature. I can't commit to something unless it is true.

But sometimes you have to make up your mind and continue your journey from there.

I'll make up my mind when i know the truth.

I'm not afraid of being wrong, because the God I belong to is the only One who survived all 'religions' and is still alive in the same form as when He created the earth.

Exactly my problem... You're not afraid of being wrong- because you aren't, (as you perceive it). I don't have the luxury of 'faith' and acceptance at the cost of truth.

(Apologies for the long post)
Originally posted by TheVisitor
If you want to believe you came from monkeys, go ahead....
You are the only one here that believes we descended from monkeys.

Genesis means "Two seeds" and in the book of Genesis it talks about two races - monkey man, and God man.
A rather loose and questionable translation IMO. Many words are polysemic; Hebrew, in particular, is rife with such words. That is not to say that one can simply retranslate any word in any manner simply to suit one's fancy, one must have an understanding of the language, its grammar and syntactical conventions in particular. Translation occurs within context.

The fact is some didn't come from God, and some did.
Fact? What fact? Looks like idle supposition and fantasy to me.
