I dare you to consider the fact that we were created

ok, the follies of science, sure, anyone will admit that science screws up just like the rest of us, but what are you basing your proof of being created on? You are nowhere from disproving evolution. But you wanna know the funny thing? Science is correcting itself, religion just sits there and is wrong the entire time and just bends REASON to explain its faults. The bible is literal, screw you people who have problems with it, no wait, that story is a parable meaning something completely different but check out the prophecies, oh see that word right there doesnt mean what it usually means, it means this, but god is all powerful, ok god is all these things and can be understood by me, but not you because god is outside logic. I am sorry for that unbelievable run on sentence.
Your site is trying to poke fun at evolution, good job, its a theory, the basis of it makes sense, now people try and find proof. Thats a theory, not proven. You sit back and say see you screwed up mine must be right, OFFERING NO PROOF. Come on now.

A little parallel, maybe it will help explain the concept of evolution to you. Christianity started with the Church, which went to Roman catholic church, which evolved into lutherans, anabaptists, and judaists. All of which evolving from their predecessor, changing in the slightest sense but still close to the original. nowadays you got baptists, catholics, protestants, johovah witnesses, non denominationals, and COUNTLESS OTHERS, all spawning from one. see how it can happen, in real life? make sense?
What made you decide to attack Christians, the site just disproves evolution. People won't let go of that faith in evolution because it doesn't judge sin and they don't have anything to replace it with.
Originally posted by Gomer
the site just disproves evolution.

No it doesn't.

You mean like The Big Bang was "disproven"?

Please please tell me what you consider "proof".

You DO know there is a difference between "proof" and "opinion of someone who agrees with you".
Don't you?

There is not one shred of proof against evolution on the site.
Please try and be at least somewhat honest and unbiased.

The site is someone offering his (or her) biased opinion that creationism is a more likely scenario than evolution.

The person cites some examples and extrapolates them to absurd extremes to try and make a point.
(and fails miserably, in my opinon)

There is not a single bit of PROOF FOR creationism at all on the site.
Simply biased attacks against the validity of the claims of SOME scientists that regard evoution as the most likely scenario.
The only reason i attacked the bible in my first post is that is personal experience of what people have said to me, or what i have learned from history class. You want me to tailor it to Allah and the Koran, or Odin and the Norse Gods, or the master spirit and Native American religions give me time to find the people and see what they say.

Second, the site doesnt disprove evolution, it pokes fun at the mistakes it has made over the years. Good job, on a side note, if religion only had 4 times as many mistakes as science over the course of history it may still look respectable. Too bad it has many more than that.

Third, if soemthing is disproven, throw it out the window, who cares if there is something to replace it or not. Why do they care?
Did you not see the example of the giraffe, how on earth would giraffes still be around if they had not been created.

Did you not read Darwin's quote.

"If it could be proved that any part of the structure of any one species had been formed for the exclusive good of another species, it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced through natural selection." - Charles Darwin

Well, I'm sure Charles would be humble and say, I guess I was wrong, no wonder he went through traumatic stress before putting out a book that contradicted the truth. CREATION
Yes, i went to the zoo and saw the giraffes. Let me try and illistrate soemthing for you. you go through a wierd day. Now looking from before that day what is the probability that that 'wierd' day is going to happen how it did? one in a million, one in a billion? probably even more remote than that. no look at it from the POV of the day after. No matter how remote it was from the POV of the day before it still happened. One of those billion HAD to happen, and that wierd one just happened to happen. Now we look at the giraffe, and you can just easily say that it was one of those 'wierd days'

On to the quote:
I am sure he didnt count on anyone finding them, and when people get confident they make mistakes. and negating the theory of natural selection doesnt nullify evolution in my opinion
It takes alot more faith for me to believe the probability of evolution opposed to creation.
To avoid any conflicting arguments let's assume for one second that we were created....

Ok, so we finally agree...

Now tell me what bearing that has on God, christianity, heaven and hell, a 2000 year old shepherd novel or anything else you subscribe to...

For arguments sake let's take any old scenario:

Aliens created us... They designed all life on the planet.

The next question is: who created them? Who's to say? Maybe a god- all powerful and all knowing.... If that's the case there's nothing to suggest he has anything to do with jesus or is even aware what christianity is. Our planet, and all on it, are so young in the universe. We are but a baby planet that has seen much less than whatever else might be out there. Would you state that if we were in fact designed there is absolutely nothing to suggest the creator/s didn't design life elsewhere aswell? There could be billions of planets with billions of inhabitants all pointing to some other creator. What makes you think you're right?

Or do you believe the all powerful being/s just put life on earth and ignored the rest of the cosmos?

The fact is you, me, nobody can answer these questions.

What you have done is gone to a site with a guy who believes in something specifically. You have labelled that as proof to an unanswerable question. That is giving up the search you claim is an important part of life.

It is intriguing- the guy on that website has barely touched the surface of incredible things on this planet. At no stage in the game can you state for certainty that we were designed. At no stage can you state for certainty we weren't. The only fact is we do not know. To make claim that you know the absolute facts, the absolute truth is to descend into a world of stupidity.

To have your own beliefs and to look into them is all good. To claim yourself as undeniably right is pathetic and ignorant.

Do we agree that our understanding of the cosmos and the entire history of it is pretty vague at best? As such who are we to assume we're right when we don't really know anything about it?
I agree with the snake. How can one make themselves believe in something so complex, and think they are completely certain? That is EXTREMELY ignorant. We dont even have a grasp on understanding the planet we inhabit, how can we be so gullible. look at the universe and imagine what is still needed to be discovered.......The search is not over, dont stop now

I find it quite distrubing that even today people try to discredit evolution, if anything try to incorporate it into your beliefs, otherwise you tend to look like a complete moron.
There is a moth somewhere out there that digs a hole while in its early stages of development, goes to sleep in this hole for Thirteen [13] years, comes out of the hole, climbs up a tree, changes into a moth, has sex and dies.

Surely that points against a creator? Or at least points to a creator with some fucking funny sense of humour?

Man think of it.... 13 years sleep, some quick nookie and death- sounds like true perfection to me :D Well.... include a quick beer and ciggie and that would be the perfect life.

So.... given my story what does that contribute to our knowledge of the history of our planet, the universe and everything else?

Quick answer= fuck all.

It doesn't mean anything simply because we don't know the answer.

This isn't a game of Who Wants to be a Millionaire. it's not as simple as saying there's an A or B answer. There could be a million and one different reasons we can't even begin to comprehend with our limited knowledge. We sit here and say: It's either creation or evolution- just because we can't think of any other possibilities doesn't mean they don't exist. Can any of us really understand and comprehend the idea of infinity, to name but one example?

The easy solution is to say: "god did it. george the goat farmer said so, so that's true."

The only solution that has merit is to say: "We do not know. We do not have the facts. We can assume and summise all we like but at the end of the day there is no ultimate truth." To do anything other is to show pure self righteousness and ignorance.

Instead you close your eyes to possibility, you close your mind to study. instead you claim absolute knowledge thanks to a book, thanks to Bob the sheep shearer.
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"If it could be proved that any part of the structure of any one species had been formed for the exclusive good of another species, it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced through natural selection." - Charles Darwin (PS : Cleaner Fishes etc)

Don't know whether the above were the quotes of C.Darwin when he was not praying.

Gomer, for a change, u just let loose a cat among the chickens..!
could hear incoherent blabbering from the atheistic kids. their emotional agony is understandable. in the face one devastating evidence against natural selection they went off balance & started firing indescriminately God, Creation, Scripture, theists, religion etc.

More mature, logical atheists could speak out in support of Darwin. I personally feel Darwin should not be let down embarassingly..! as snakelord said God must be ****ingly funny guy..! (if u don't take alien crap):D
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Through my experience with theists (mainly Christains) that reject Evolution out of the box, it seems to be arrogance that causes ignorance in viewing evolution from a backwards standpoint.

Let me explain:

Christians believe that the earth was created FOR them, therefore it seems impossible that all these trillions upon trillions of variables over the billions of years that the universe existed BEFORE man happened just right by coincidence for this planet. not only to exist, but to be so perfectly suited to our form of life.

If the earth were created for us, if we were destined to exist, then I would whole-heartedly agree with them.

The odds for all those variables to fall into place exactly as required to suit this planet to our need the chances of it happening without an cognizant intelligent designer would be unfathomable at best, and in all likelihood impossible.

Problem IS they are putting effect before cause.
They are viewing the equation backwards.

The earth did not evolve according to a plan to suit our needs prior to out existence.

WE adapted to OUR environment here on earth.
It follows a natural, intuitive and logical cause and effect relationship.

They can't get over the arrogant notion that we HAD to exist, therefore in order for us to exist, all these factors had to come into play.

They think that if any one of the countless of crucial variables which determine our fitness to survive on this planet did not occur as it had, then we would not exist, therefore it MUST be all planned out.

Well they are HALF right.
We would NOT exist.
(or at the very least we would not exist in the form which we now do.)
We would have evolved differently.

Maybe we wouldn't be the dominant species on the planet.
Maybe we wouldn't have different races of people.
Maybe we wouldn't be here at all to defile this planet, and this world would still be a paradise.
Maybe the dinosaurs would not have become extinct, and we would be as inconsequential to the ecosystem and the well being of the planet as the housefly.

It is not coincidence that things worked out in this "master design".
There IS NO "master design" and EVERYTHING is cause and effect mixed with chaos, therfore EVERTYHING is coincidence.

I do not have the answers to the dawn of creation.
I do not pretend to (unlike SOME).
But I do firmly believe that no "God" is necessary for US to be here.

Even IF there IS a God required for "the beginning" (which I do NOT conceed), ALL this being would be required to do is create basic element, and basic energy.
It is a variation of what many Vedic scholars refer to as "The Absolute" (postulated MANY years before the "Big Bang" theory).
Simply stated:
Everything can be broken down to two core things; matter and energy.
IF a "God" entity created a single basic material (the smallest ("quantum" if you prefer) part of any atom) from which all compound elements can be made.
And "God" created basic energy (gravity) ALL other things - planats, stars, asteroids, black holes, life, rainbows, etc.- can ALL come to be without ANY further intervention.

Think about it...

This core material evenly dispersed throughout space in these tiny independent sub-atomic "specks" the size of a photon.
No light.
No heat (everything is at absolute zero).
No life.
Nothing but these quants of matter and gravity in the infinity of space.
Gravity begins to draw these quants together (that's what gravity does).
They attach to each other gathering more and more matter, getting bigger and bigger.
As this big ball-o-matter (The Singularity) gets bigger and bigger the quants in the center are under greater and greater pressure.
The core begins to heat due to the pressure.
The pressure and heat intensifies as the size of the singularity increases.
The center gets hotter, the heat spreads, the hot core gets larger, the cold wall around it get thicker, the cycles continues for billions of years.
the intense heat and pressure at the core causes chemical and thermonuclear reactions, which causes these quants to fuse and join together in different formations to cause different elements.
Eventually this singularity reaches a point where it runs out of quants to collect to retain the critical balance of the cold wall being thick enough to contain the immense pressure in the core.
The heated core grows and spreads outward, and the cold wall is getting thinner as a result.
When the wall becomes too thin to contain the heated growing heated core (filled with all types of elements, energies, heat, light, all the building blocks of our universe)... BOOM.
The great cosmic piñata throws all of its candy and trinkets outward.
"Let there be light."

The cycle has begun.
Eventually, all the stars will go out.
The universe will stop expanding (inertia from the "Big Bang" will die out).
Gravity will bring it all back together again.
There will be a HUGE black hole (The Singularity) at the center of the universe.
The pressure will begin building at the core...
You get the picture.

Maybe there are more universes beyond our borders that have gone through the same cycle.
Mybe there wasn't A Singularity.
maybe the force of gravity collected in a bunch of big balls all over very very far away from each other, and we are the result of this particular big ball.
Maybe the singularity started it, and the universe has gone through this cycle many times.
Maybe each time the universe(s) "go out" and beging to collect into a black hole, there will be another littler bang to follow and a new universe will be created.
Maybe we are on teh 27th cycle of little bangs.
Who knows?
Not me.
Not YOU either.

But the point is, all this is possible under the observable laws of our universe without "God's" plan or intervention in any way.

Any thoughts?
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Even if evolution were proven to be flawed in some way (which I am sure it is) or even (as unlikely as it is) proven to be complete BUNK, that doesn't mean it is a shoe-in for creationism.

If the flaws are pointed out, the model can be reconsidered.
Something else can be discovered to point to another option's validity (like the whole alien master-race thingy :rolleyes: ).

Rather than spending your energy looking for the holes (of which you will find some because Darwin was a person not an infallible God) why don;t you try and find evidence or PROOF of creationism?

Even if evoltuion was flushed down the toilet, that doesn't mean that everyone will say, "Ohhhhh, God MUST be the answer then" like some people who are unwilling to even consider alternatives do.

If evolution IS wrong (as you seem so sure it is) then you don't have to worry about tearing it down. That will happen in time with new discoveries.

You should use your time wisely and have solid evidence supporting YOUR theory so you can present people with a rational viable alternative when they are looking for something to replace it.

Cuz, I have to tell you...
If what you ahve NOW is still all you have THEN, you aren't going to win many converts in science. Or any critical thinking, rational, intelligent people at all, for that matter.
Originally posted by Gomer
"If it could be proved that any part of the structure of any one species had been formed for the exclusive good of another species, it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced through natural selection." - Charles Darwin

Well, I'm sure Charles would be humble and say, I guess I was wrong, no wonder he went through traumatic stress before putting out a book that contradicted the truth. CREATION

It doesn't matter in the least what Darwin WOULD say if he were alive now.

Once you put an idea out for absorption and scrutiny by the masses you no longer own that idea.
It has a life of its own.
You can't just say, "I take it back. I was wrong." and expect the idea to die.
As I said above Darwin was human.
All humans are fallible.
No Replies?

Nobody replied to my last three posts here.

Are they that good that the creationists can't refute them and the others feel I have succeeded?
Or are they that bad that the creationists don't feel they need to bother to acknowledge them and the others are too ashamed of me to?
I agree entirely that the whole evolutionary process is being reversed by those who favour creation.

"A giraffe can't exist without being created because it's head would explode when it bent down."

That's really the wrong way of looking at it...

Giraffes didn't just 'appear' as tall animals. They are the evolutionary cycle of an animal from times long past. They started off as small creatures and gradually 'evolved' as time went by.

You see.... it's perfectly possible to have both- On your side of the argument God created everything- and yes it's possible he did create the very basics of life... the single cell protozoa and stuff. Gradually through natural evolution that which god created started to grow and change- develop alone.

Genesis would have you believe life started off with all animals/plant life already developed when science can show otherwise. The bible would date the beginnings of this world way way after the dinosaurs, or the primordial soup this planet once was. The belief that god created everything then and there is but a mere lack of scientific knowledge and evidence on the authors side. 2000 years ago=not much knowledge. An answer was found- call these guys the worlds first scientists. As such they claim everything created 'as is', instead of realising the millions upon millions of years of development and evolution that had come before.

When you look at it from that point of view it certainly does seem remarkable. Giraffes dont explode, bees unwittingly reproduce flowers- flowers unwittingly feed bees while getting reproduced- it seems in all likelihood that this is the most perfect state a planet can be in. Of course we only compare this with the fact this is the only planet we have. Perhaps it's far from perfect. Look at the diseases we and all animal/plant life succumb to, look at the frailties that are inherrent in all life. This is far from a perfect system but it does develop, it does evolve.

There is a certain stick insect that no longer has a male counterpart. The female has adapted and is now able to reproduce alone. As such the guys all died out.....

This is a recent evolutionary change. I doubt God was sitting down sometime 30 years ago and thought: "Hmmm im gonna kill of all male stick insects." So you see.... life evolves and moves on by itself. By that what is to suggest even the very beginnings were created? All it was was atoms, single cell ameobas and stuff like that. Now the creation doesn't seem quite as glorious? Well in my eyes even the existence of single cell protozoa seems fascinating but that does at the very least show that guys website as worthless. He's taking the assumption the animals were 'just there' in their current state and is obviously way off the mark.

He's arguing creation against evolution yet doesn't know what evolution means.

Read up on the Coleacanth for fun- a fish that became extinct 65 million years ago but has been found alive and well in recent years. Life finds a way..... it doesn't require godly intervention.... animals know how to survive and evolve.
You see.... it's perfectly possible to have both- On your side of the argument God created everything- and yes it's possible he did create the very basics of life... the single cell protozoa and stuff. Gradually through natural evolution that which god created started to grow and change- develop alone.

Genesis would have you believe life started off with all animals/plant life already developed when science can show otherwise.

{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}

Exactly, God created life, and may have used evolution to assist Him.

Genesis is interpreted by some to be impossible, But I say the truth is in there....absolutely.

It's hidden in Shadows and Types, spoken as parables such as Jesus always used with the masses.

It takes His supernatural revelation to reveal what He meant by it....

That's why He chose the foolishness of preaching for the perfecting of His saints.
So........ when exactly did god create adam/eve and all other life?

Let's not take into account the older Sumerian text, the original genesis, where the name Adam was taken from, (meaning= earth/dust).

In your version of the story when did this happen? (try to be specific please- dont say "at the beginning of time"). If possible a year/era/time period would be more helpful.
The reason to refute Bible or Koran or any other religious scriptures can't be the defacto reason to refuse the existence of God.

Evolution - natural selection theory did lead to so many materialistic / atheist idealogies. If ur atheism based on the above theory or/and big bang theory, etc u might be committing a mistake. Theories too evolve.

If u don't agree with the concept of God as depicted by religions u still could find out the truth, if u r interested, without outright rejection of God's existence. Cuz either God is oversimplified or made aweful & fearful by religions - intentionally or lack of words to describe.

Search the God with heart not with gathered knowledge alone. God does not seem to care about our intelligence , our defintions of Him. Faith & knowledge have their own reasons and limitations.