I confirm with proofs that ALLAH(God) does exist.

Thanks Blackstone

thats was just a sample on the damage islam can do with the human brain.....
Yes I agree!
Re: Thanks Blackstone

thats was just a sample on the damage islam can do with the human brain.....
This isn't isolated to islam. A higher percentage of mormons and born-again christians that I know are very misinformed, and can't even answer simple questions about thier faith. I have a feeling that without religion, these people would just find something else to focus on that they wouldn't bother to understand.
Originally posted by Blackstone
ook...this is the last one he sent me...they are ones from green's new account "sami_uk" :
Though it will no doubt fall on deaf ears, I consider publishing the content of PMs unethical. I also find the argument:
  • because he's a close minded fanatic, because he never had a rational argument with any one, because he never started an article that he made by his own, because people are here for rational argument and really dont need a propagandist fanatic like him.
no less fanatic. If someone violates the rules of the forum, warn him then ban him. If he violates your sensibilities, ignore him.
Just make plagarism against the rules... Almost everyone of his posts I saw was just stolen
May God Bless you for announcing the existance of God (Allah, which is the rightful name). God is the Eternal, Almighty Power of the entire Universe, all things come from God; which is both male and female which is all. For God/ Allah is and what he says is and what he creates is. There is nothing more or less than God/ Allah. The way is Internal, the Heart is the messenger and Receiver of God. There is no hiding place, nothing can be hidden from God and likewise through understanding we may learn all there is to know about God. For the actaulisation of God within us is God's aim for the benefit of His/Her children.


Originally, Green_World violated the rules of the forum. He was repeatedly warned, and given several opportunities to modify his behaviour. He didn't do that, so he was banned.

Coming back under another name after you have just been banned and taking up where you left off does not sit well with moderators.
Originally posted by Persol
So since everything must have a cause, what is the cause of God?

It's unusual you should ask that. Thomas Aquinas stated that God was the primum movens immobile, or the first cause without cause.
He is basically the first cause, the cause of everything.