I confirm with proofs that ALLAH(God) does exist.

Everything must have a cause. It is impossible to continue backwards to infinity with causes, therefore there must have been a first cause which was not conditioned by any other cause. That cause must be God.
So since everything must have a cause, what is the cause of God?
Originally posted by Sami-UK
Now, it is the atheist turn to prove that God(Allah) does not exist !
Don't be silly. I do, however, have a question: Which of your arguments exclude Enki, Enlil, Ishtar, Nanna, Nammu, Anu, Ea, Marduk, Nintu, Tiamat, Anat, Baal, El, Mot, Shapsu, Horus, Isis, Nut, Osiris, Re, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Hades, Poseidon, Brigit, Cernunnos, Epona, Medb, Morrigan, Freya, Nanna, Odin, Thor, Tyr, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoato, Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc, Xochiquetzal, Ah Puch, Chac, Ixtab, Kinich Ahau, Kukulcan, Brahma, Krishna, Rama, Shiva, Vishnu, Amateras, Hoderi, Izanami, Kagutsuchi, Uzume, etc., in favor of Allah?
Philosophers having been trying to prove or disprove the existance of god for centuries. It's not possible to do with logic. It is however very easy to disprove the usual proofs.
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
I'd love to hear a good argument for selecting monotheism over polytheism.

1) People believe in god(s)
2) It is a sin to forget your god(s) names
3) God(s) do not want you to sin
4) People can not remember much

Therefore there is only 1 God

Originally posted by Persol
So since everything must have a cause, what is the cause of God?

God is the first cause.

You need to be careful not to apply earthy laws on divine dimensions.
Re: Re: I confirm with proofs that ALLAH(God) does exist.

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Don't be silly. I do, however, have a question: Which of your arguments exclude Enki, Enlil, Ishtar, Nanna, Nammu, Anu, Ea, Marduk, Nintu, Tiamat, Anat, Baal, El, Mot, Shapsu, Horus, Isis, Nut, Osiris, Re, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Hades, Poseidon, Brigit, Cernunnos, Epona, Medb, Morrigan, Freya, Nanna, Odin, Thor, Tyr, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoato, Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc, Xochiquetzal, Ah Puch, Chac, Ixtab, Kinich Ahau, Kukulcan, Brahma, Krishna, Rama, Shiva, Vishnu, Amateras, Hoderi, Izanami, Kagutsuchi, Uzume, etc., in favor of Allah?

My argument was for the ONENESS of God, the God of the 3 abrahemic religions: Judaism, christianity and Islam.
someone must have created god...that was supergod...some god created supergod...that was superdupergod....someone created superdupergod...that was me, i admit it.
Divine actions!

Originally posted by Sami-UK
God is the first cause.

You need to be careful not to apply earthy laws on divine dimensions.
Interesting, Sami_UK.
What did you used in starting this thread, …an earthly keyboard? Or a divine dimension that we should know about it?

Can I ask you something if it isn’t too much trouble? What’s your real opinion on Islam radical Muslims fanatics??
Re: Re: Re: I confirm with proofs that ALLAH(God) does exist.

Originally posted by Sami-UK
My argument was for the ONENESS of God, the God of the 3 abrahemic religions: Judaism, christianity and Islam.
No, your argument was for a First Cause of what you perceive as the Universe. What is there in your argument that selects Allah and deselects all others?
If your god does not need to obey logic then don't try and prove (a function of logic) that he/she/it exists... but just for kicks

Originally posted by Sami-UK
I claim that ALLAH ALMIGHTY does exist and here is why:

Insufficient Universe:

Now that the limits of the universe have been established, it is possible to calculate whether it is large enough and old enough to produce life by natural processes. The universe contains no more than 1080 nucleons (basically protons and neutrons) and has been in existence for no more than 1018 seconds.

the universe has only existed for 17 hours? Happy 17 hour birthday everybody!
Compared to the inorganic systems comprising the universe, biological systems are enormously complex...
The bottom line is that the universe is at least ten billion orders of magnitude (a factor of 10 *10,000,000,000 times) too small or too young to permit life to be assembled by natural processes.

How do you know the size needed for such complexity?
Researchers, who are both non-theists and theists and who are in a variety of disciplines, have arrived at this calculation.
Who? Sane stamps required past this point.
Invoking other universes cannot solve the problem...

No one suggested that here.
Thus the only explanation for how living organisms received their highly complex and ordered configurations is that an intelligent, transcendent Creator personally infused this information.
Trying to shoot down one idea does not automaically mayke the rest invalid and your idea valid.
The Moral Argument - our sense of moral values points to the existence of a moral Creator .
Or they could be for the preservation of our species by ensuring cooperation. But I guess you have to understand evolution first.

Another set of proofs:

1. The fact of change proves an ultimate agent of change!
Who says that WE are not the agent of change?
2. The chain of causation proves a first cause that needs to be uncaused to end the otherwise endless chain of events!
This is a flaued arguement. Who chooses where to end the chain? You are randomly picked the spot right before the universe, when you might as well pick the universe... which is something we can prove.
3. The contingent facts of the world require an ultimate Being!
What contingent facts?
4. The fact of graduation of things as higher and lower suggests Perfected Being at the top of the hierarchy!
No... it just suggests that not everything/everyone is exactly the same... we imply most hierarchies.
5. The order and design found in nature suggest a highest Being at the Source!
Or the process of evolution.

Another set of proofs:

1. Ontological:
It is possible to imagine a perfect being.
It is possible to imagine fairy dust and little green martians too.
Such a being could not be perfect unless its essence included existence.
Flawed argument. Why? We have never seen something perfect, so we don't know what it needs to include.
Therefore a perfect being must exist.
No, you just proved that it is possible to imagine one.
I personally believe in little green martians who are perfect and created the universe with fairy dust. Mars is the center of the universe.

2. Causal:
Everything must have a cause.
I agree!
It is impossible to continue backwards to infinity with causes
i agree! We don't have nearly enough time
, therefore there must have been a first cause which was not conditioned by any other cause.
NO. We you just aren't willing to consider going back more then a couple causes.
That cause must be God.
One again... why? It could be any number of thing.

Animals, plants and planets show clear signs of being designed for specific ends, therefore there must have been a designer.
They have designed THEMSELVES to reproduce thru evolution.
3a. Modern design argument:
the Anthropic Cosmological Principle. This is the strongest card in the theist hand. The laws of the universe seem to have been framed in such a way that stars and planets will form and life can emerge. Many constants of nature appear to be very finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical.
There may be other places where these laws didn't work out as nicely.... of course the place that this conversation would spring up would have to have these condidtions.

A very large number of people claim to have personal religious experiences of God.
A large number claim to be abducted by UFOs. A large number a claim to BE god. A claim doesn't prove anything.
Religious argument:

The most direct argument for the existence of God is that which claims actual experience of God. Such an argument is the oldest form of religious justification but is also arguably the most controversial. Whereas the other arguments rely on some form of logical persuasion, the religious experience argument relies totally on the authenticity of such an experience.
How do you prove this authenticity. Some people who think they are god are very convincing:)

From the point of view of the potential...
No proofs here

However, criticisms of the argument are primarily concerned with the possibility of such an experience, and secondarily with how it might be possible to authenticate another's testimony but history witness that such experiences did take place.
Genuine history does no such thing. The bible does not count as history.

Now, it is the atheist turn to prove that God(Allah) does not exist !

I think not... I just need to point out the flows.
Originally posted by KarmaChameleon
Green World alert!

I swear this is Green World back in another ID.

Green World, I have annihilated you before, don't think I won't do it again. I will seek out the CORNERS of the friggin world if I must to seize and burn out your mind and soul into dust.
easy zero please
let the man tell us his ideas
whats the proplem with that ? is it such coz u dont like his openions
Now, it is the atheist turn to prove that God(Allah) does not exist !
He exists,but only in the minds of people like you!
If he really exists,why does he need people like Bin Larden to carry out his fight for him?
Its just another race god,ie make ME victorious over my enemies,
help ME fight them etc etc!
They are the Great Satan,I am good.
Why not ask the OBVIOUS questions

Now that the limits of the universe have been established
The limits of the Universe have been established? Has someone called NASA?

That said, I now turn to the opposition faction in this topic: don't stretch yourselves, obviously it's not part of the routine. In the end, what is absolutely easiest is to simply make Sami-UK do the necessary work.

For instance: When the hell did we establish the limits of the Universe?

Now then--I always wonder what's going to happen to the religious folk the day we find the first cause of the Universe and it looks no more like God than the expression 2+2.

Tiassa :cool:
I have to admit that something so outrageous quickly attracted a massive response.

It almost seemed a shame to have green world (sami) banned again. But I'm sure we all know what 'logic' would have followed.
Someone track GW down and ban him again. Please.

GW get your flamy ass out of here before I kick it out. Your arguments have been shot down with such ease before. Don't think we can't do it again.