"I" captured Disc flying in the sky of Southampton, England !!

hey all
hiyya gil
the picture does not come out very well on my screen so i can not comment on it.
except to say that i have been buzzed by a U.F.O while i was driving into town one day so im a total believer ... as such.
im just extremely curiouse about who is actualy flying them :)

im sorry to hear about all the blood shed in your country.
i can only hope that the blood lust in all there hearts will not be fueled by there greed and desire for an easy/lazzy life :(
im talking about "all" people not any one country in that regard.
i do find it amazing how we still have soo many rascist people after WW2 and all the pictures and stories or sadism
yet people are so willing to go back to "that" place and try (without succes) the same thing over and over.

you cant fight brain washing with bullets!!!
because "that" is called genocide!
and that is frouned upon in the average family livingroom.
one thing i would like to see is intelegent people like your-self
accepting the fact that U.F.Os are real as such and stop
trying to convinve people who will not listen.
:) :) :)
keep groovin dude
peace, love... and missery to all greed merchants.

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