I cannot bring myself to keep supporting capitalism

I'm still a capitalist philosophically. My point is simply that capitalism will allow suffering; capitalism doesn't "create" suffering. The problem isn't capitalism; capitalism is perfect.

It's human beings that are imperfect.

Most systems of government are perfect. But you can't expect everyone to adhere to it perfectly. Why does it bother you so much? You can't just now have realized that people aren't perfect.
Most systems of government are perfect. But you can't expect everyone to adhere to it perfectly. Why does it bother you so much? You can't just now have realized that people aren't perfect.

I just now realized how truly imperfect people are. Thus I support the use of technology to.......alter the human being to better perfect the human being to better fit into society. Through the use of technology we can create a truly perfect, controllabe, and organized society.
There's always Scientology Norse then you can work of 'clearing' the earth of imperfect humans. Its perfect there is no god but you do have to get into extraterrestrials. They claim to be working towards a perfected human who will eventually build a perfect society through clearing the earth. But careful though, you may end up sounding as coherent as this one:


Seriously listen to his rant, he wants what you want but he's got zee technology!
Yes. Human beings are such a disease; they disgust me. The suffering........it is choice that is the problem. I want happiness for all, and for this we need a true social organism to be achieved.

And another one.
I must be doing something right.. :D
I just now realized how truly imperfect people are. ...

They are pretty damned bad, ain't they?! In the human world, if it can be fucked up, humans can do it, that's for sure.

Thus I support the use of technology to.......alter the human being to better perfect the human being to better fit into society. Through the use of technology we can create a truly perfect, controllabe, and organized society.

But why have humans in such a perfect society? Why take the chance of one fucked up human causing untold damage to that perfect society?

Just get rid of all humans, then the animals will live in peace and harmony with nature. Why keep humans in such a perfect world as that?

Baron Max
I just now realized how truly imperfect people are. Thus I support the use of technology to.......alter the human being to better perfect the human being to better fit into society. Through the use of technology we can create a truly perfect, controllabe, and organized society.
No dude.. you're just continuing and perfecting the disease!
Just get rid of all humans, then the animals will live in peace and harmony with nature. Why keep humans in such a perfect world as that?

Baron Max
Does the lamb live in peace with the lion? Is there harmony between flesh eating bacteria and whatever organism is unlucky enough to be infected? Is the spider wasp in peace and harmony with the spider as it paralyzes it and injects its young into the spider to eat it alive from the inside out?

Why are you so critical of human violence yet turn a blind eye to the savagry of the rest of nature? We are part of nature. Our violence, our depravity, all of our qualities (both good and bad) stem not from some demon or curse unique to humanity; they are simply part of our inheritance as inhabitants of earth. We are as nature made us.
Does the (gazelle?) live in peace with the lion?

Yes, there is ....well, all except perhaps the ONE unlucky gazelle. But after the lion has taken that ONE gazelle, the other gazelles are perfectly at peace with the lion. The gazelles don't all get together and create laws and rules for the lion, then amass huge armies of gazelles with nuclear weapons to keep the lions from killing a gazelle for food now and then! Yes, Mad, they're at peace with the lions ...in harmony with their natures.

Why are you so critical of human violence yet turn a blind eye to the savagry of the rest of nature?

There is little or no "savagery" in nature. The lion needs to eat, he kills. Few, if any, lions kill just for the sheer pleasure of it. Only man does that and worse, with man's intelligence, he even knows it's "wrong" and still does it!!

... We are part of nature. Our violence, our depravity, all of our qualities (both good and bad) stem not from some demon or curse unique to humanity; they are simply part of our inheritance as inhabitants of earth. We are as nature made us.

Then we should never complain about murderers, terrorists, rapists, or any other form of human savagery that some human wants to do. We should also not make any laws and rules that restrict that nature. ..... And yet we do.

Baron Max
Well said, madanthony.

No, it wasn't well said!

Conflict is the driving force behind improvement.

In humans, I think that might be true. But we should also add greed, selfishness, hate, intolerance, revenge, ...., and all those other nasty traits that humans have.

But just so you know, I question your use of the word "improvement". Perhaps human "improvements" aren't so good as you've implied ...if one looks at pollution and the slow destruction of Earth.

Baron Max
I'm still a capitalist philosophically. My point is simply that capitalism will allow suffering; capitalism doesn't "create" suffering. The problem isn't capitalism; capitalism is perfect.

It's human beings that are imperfect.

Humans are certianly not perfect, but neither is capitalism. Capitalism if not restrained leads to economic collapse...witness our current troubles. Capitalism is a great engine of productivity. However it does have its flaws. The chief weakness of a truely capitalist system is that capital tends to over time accumulate to only a few individuals and oligopolies and monopolies are formed restricting progress and development. That is why some level of income redirection is needed. Government needs to ensure that markets stay competitive (e.g. anti-trust law).
Does the lamb live in peace with the lion? Is there harmony between flesh eating bacteria and whatever organism is unlucky enough to be infected? Is the spider wasp in peace and harmony with the spider as it paralyzes it and injects its young into the spider to eat it alive from the inside out?

Why are you so critical of human violence yet turn a blind eye to the savagry of the rest of nature? We are part of nature. Our violence, our depravity, all of our qualities (both good and bad) stem not from some demon or curse unique to humanity; they are simply part of our inheritance as inhabitants of earth. We are as nature made us.

Not good comparisons Mad. You are using interspecies examples of violence. The OP was refering to humans damaging other humans. Believe it or not there is a difference.

p/s Humans are social animals. Alone we are weak. Collectively we are the most powerful species on the Earth.
Yes, there is ....well, all except perhaps the ONE unlucky gazelle. But after the lion has taken that ONE gazelle, the other gazelles are perfectly at peace with the lion. The gazelles don't all get together and create laws and rules for the lion, then amass huge armies of gazelles with nuclear weapons to keep the lions from killing a gazelle for food now and then! Yes, Mad, they're at peace with the lions ...in harmony with their natures.
You can be sure that if the gazzelles had the capacity to prevent the lion from eating any of them, they would. Or do you think they enjoy being eaten?
There is little or no "savagery" in nature. The lion needs to eat, he kills. Few, if any, lions kill just for the sheer pleasure of it. Only man does that and worse, with man's intelligence, he even knows it's "wrong" and still does it!!
Come on, Baron. You know better than that. Nature is cold, uncaring and savage. It destroys the weak, turning them into food for the strong. It destroys the strong, just for the hell of it. It allows creatures to be born only to suffer.

As to individual animals, surely you've seen cats torturing some small animal they've caught just for the hell of it with no intention of eating the animal? Surely you've heard of rape, infanticide, and murder among monkeys (and other animals). Ants have wars.

As for "damaging" the environment, photosynthesizing plants did more damage than humans ever have when they began releasing a toxic gas (oxygen) into the atmosphere which killed off the majority of lifeforms on earth at the time. And guess what? Those species which survived adapted to the new environment and even used toxic gas to improve the efficiency of their metabolism. Other times, nature has decided to slam a giant asteroid into the earth and kill 99.9% of all life. Each time, life has recovered. In the same way, nature will adjust to anything man can do. And it's quite unlikely that we could inflict anywhere near the harm to the earth that nature itself has repeatedly.
Then we should never complain about murderers, terrorists, rapists, or any other form of human savagery that some human wants to do. We should also not make any laws and rules that restrict that nature. ..... And yet we do.
The laws and customs we institute are there to allow us to live together for our mutual benefit despite the savage instincts nature has endowed us with. That we endeaver to rise above the savagry that is our nature is to our credit. That many of us fall short of this goal is predictable.
You can be sure that if the gazzelles had the capacity to prevent the lion from eating any of them, they would.

They do, Mad, they can run faster and jump higher and further! Only the weak are ever taken by the lions. As to the rest of the gazelles, they'll often graze right beside a whole lion pride because they know the lions have just eaten another gazelle and they aren't hungry.

Come on, Baron. You know better than that. Nature is cold, uncaring and savage.

No, nature is not "savage" ...not in the sense that you're meaing! Nature is simply being natural, that's all. The lion has to eat, the gazelle herd needs culled of the weak and sickly. There's nothing savage about that ...it just is.

.... (Nature) allows creatures to be born only to suffer.

Nature does not "allow" anything or plan anything ....nature just is, that's all.

As to the rest of your post, Mad, I think it's funny ....you're defending the humans destructiveness of the planet and environment by showing that some other animals/plants/creatures are even more harmful???? ...LOL! Isn't that like defending a vicious murderer in a trial by point out another murderer who is even more vicious? ...LOL!

Baron Max