I can dream the future!!

Mr A,
That particular motto I usually hear in War films involving lots of G.I.'s (Frightfully UnBritish)

A better one would be "Who dares, Wins!"

Odd y'should say that - personally I usually run into these, both of them, in association more with Bikers than anything else - though undoubtedly both, as you say perfectly correctly, indeed have their original derivation from the military both sides of the pond: "Kill 'em all...." for some reason just appeals more. Everytime I think of that SAS motto lamentably I just get a visual of that actor (Martin Lewis, was it? The more thuggish looking one from The Professionals) and that truly awful 80's film of the same name he starred it...

Talk about a career-killer.....
I can see this thread taking a turn for quotes ad I for one are more than responsible for it.

I thought of one that would appeal to you 'Mi-laddo',

"Smoke me a Kipper, I'll be back for Breakfast" - Ace Rimmer, Red Dwarf
.... Oh dear. I really must be hanging around here far too much - you're beginning to know me.... :)

Indeed, I've toyed with bunging in "M'laddo" more than a few times. Now y'come to mention it, I think I might actually keep that one exclusively for either PJ or Meanwhile. Depends what mood PJ's in....

That being said of course, I do rather like Captain Haddock (from the Tintin comics) quotes - "Great Festering Fannies!", "Big Balls of Thunder!", "Large Leaping Lesbians!" - not, on reflection, actually from the Tintin comics in the first place - but always good as expressions of consternation I've always found.

Especially when talking at sderenzi for some peculiar reason....

I trust everyone is taking notes here, by the way... ?
But word is that you're not actually British - you're Estonian, or something. One of those Godforsaken Eastern Bloc countries anyway, where the men are all prettier than the women, and far less frightening.

So why the affected (and, to me, slightly irritating) persona? English blood? Or perhaps the claims of being Latvian (or whatever) are just a smokescreen? Or perhaps I misread, or am completely delusional?
I wasn't much of a Tintin fan, however I couldn't help but feel for that Asterix fellow. Especially the unique naming conventions of certain characters. (Which are actually different between languages)

[At a stretch you can see how I jump from one French Cartoon to another one]

On another note Craig Charles (Lister from Red Dwarf) actually did a voice over for Asterix on at least one occasion for one of the animated films which was far better than the actual film version, perhaps it lacked his dubbing talents.
Oh - I adored the Asterix books as a kid, they were like gold dust round our house - as soon as I'd pick one up from the library m'father would nick it... :)

Loved the pirates they'd always run across, gorgeous penmanship, Underzo and Gossini, marvellous writing partners - the one thing I could never fathom when it came to the animations was quite how the animators managed to get the scenes and characters looking so flat and lifeless in comparison to the original comic book artwork - it takes talent and no budget whatsoever to crap that up and everytime anyones ever had a crack at it they've managed...

Herge's TinTin was more a Asterix fix when there were no new Asterix books available - lovely artwork, in a very technical-drawing kind of a sense - but I could never really wrap m'noodle around this terribly young chap running around all over the place with a gruff old sea-dog - even as a kid I couldn't help thinking... Mmmmm, something unseemly going on there I'm not supposed to know about....

Plus, there was that whole collaboration deal with TinTin helping the Nazi's out under Vinci France... Looked the type, y'know? Viz Comics used to do a wickedly good send up, Black Bag or some such.

Nooo, give me an Asterix book over a TinTin book any day. Never been quite the same since Gossini pegged it, y'can kind of see in Underzo's later works without him how Gossini managed to keep his idea's focused, more in check - but back in the day they were streets ahead even against Disney during the 70's....

Marvellous stuff. Excellent taste
Yes I think that's it. I must be completely delusional.

You're probably more English than the Royal Family itself. [/Sarcasm]