I can dream the future!!


This afternoon I was sleeping after a long and arduous night of doing my homework, when my girlfriend woke me up. From a dream about pecans, no less.

Then when I went to the cafeteria for food tonight, they were serving pecan pie!
What are the odds!
not as amazing as me.
last night i had a dream about a cult of people that rolled in mud and worshipped some dead guy (they had his body) named frank...and before they could speak, they had to say "All Hail Frank!", and salute his corpse.
i seriously didnt make this up. i woke up very disturbed.

anyhow, this afternoon, i drank a cup of coffee that was the same color as the mud in my dream.
ask frank.
not as amazing as me.
last night i had a dream about a cult of people that rolled in mud and worshipped some dead guy (they had his body) named frank...and before they could speak, they had to say "All Hail Frank!", and salute his corpse.
i seriously didnt make this up. i woke up very disturbed.

anyhow, this afternoon, i drank a cup of coffee that was the same color as the mud in my dream.
ask frank.
Frankly, I agree. You are very disturbed.
This afternoon I was sleeping after a long and arduous night of doing my homework, when my girlfriend woke me up. From a dream about pecans, no less.

Then when I went to the cafeteria for food tonight, they were serving pecan pie!
What are the odds!

Y'know, talking about weird, but only last night I was dreaming about reading you exact post, exactly as you've written it - and now here I am today.

Isn't it just the tinniest of worlds....?
Last night I dreamed about beating the shit out of drunk frat boys.
Today is the last day of classes, everyone's drunk, and I'm stuck in a frat house.

Do you think my dream will come true?
Fuck, this keeps geting weirder!
I just got a care package from my mom, and guess what was in it?

This afternoon I had a dream that schoolgirls were coming into our front garden and peeing in a corner of it (just like some local dogs do) so I went and shoo'd them away. I've been up for more than 2 hours now and I still haven't seen any schoolgirls jumping over the garden wall. Maybe 'm just not psychic enough.
I actually shat the future once, y'know. Came as something of a surprise at the time, I freely confess - but, on the upside, at least I didn't find myself dreaming about merely shitting it...

Frankly, that'd be just unpleasant. Best of luck with the frat boys, by the by. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out. It's a motto.
Mr A,
That particular motto I usually hear in War films involving lots of G.I.'s (Frightfully UnBritish)

A better one would be "Who dares, Wins!"