'I can create Neanderthal baby'

Not really pertinent lol? Encephalization quotient is a very highly reliable indicator of intelligence. Brain size does indeed matter, since iirc Neanderthals were in fact smaller than us.

In fact 100,000 years ago or so some humans had significantly bigger brains than we do and therefore were more intelligent. At certain points in time there were hominids who seemed to have intelligence far greater than ours.

Some palaeontologists hummed and hawed at the time of these discoveries and came up with elaborate explanations and far-fetched theories about metabolism, or world climate at the time, or other things about how it couldn't possibly be so that they were significantly more intelligent than us. However I think it's fair to say the majority accept that we are NOT the most intelligent species that has ever existed. And why would we believe we were?

http://news.softpedia.com/news/Neanderthals-were-too-smart-to-survive-15264.shtml (claims Neanderthals were smarter)

All making the mass media billvon, perhaps you were too busy with the sports section or tv guide...

I've often wondered what it would be like to be a very intelligent animal like a porpoise. Nothing but flippers and an ocean to swim around and make a living in. Or how about the octopus with a lifespan of two or three years. Can you imagine what it could do if it lived as long as we do? A very intelligent animal.

But humans have arms and hands and a very social nature which allows them to learn and record knowledge to pass on to future generations. Without our society we would still be naked animals in the bush. We don't have to be the most intelligent animals to make a better life for ourselves so we can feel superior to all other animals.
There is nothing wrong with cloning Einsteins DNA however the child wouldn't be Einstein tough.

To scarymonster the neanderthals probably did create cave paintings http://www.decodedscience.com/spains-cave-paintings-neanderthals-uranium-series-tests-show/14805
They lived as far east as siberia.

They where also relatively tech savy being able to make boats and birch pitch (a sort of glue)

Wow, thanks for putting me onto the article. I knew that Neanderthals had a larger cranial cavity than Homo sapians so one would assume they were very smart people. Or maybe their brains were just wired differently? Or culturally they were different to modern humans which could have led to their demise? Can you put me onto the Siberian fossil finds it sounds interesting. I always associated them with Europe.
Not really pertinent lol? Encephalization quotient is a very highly reliable indicator of intelligence. Brain size does indeed matter, since iirc Neanderthals were in fact smaller than us.

In fact 100,000 years ago or so some humans had significantly bigger brains than we do and therefore were more intelligent. At certain points in time there were hominids who seemed to have intelligence far greater than ours.

Some palaeontologists hummed and hawed at the time of these discoveries and came up with elaborate explanations and far-fetched theories about metabolism, or world climate at the time, or other things about how it couldn't possibly be so that they were significantly more intelligent than us. However I think it's fair to say the majority accept that we are NOT the most intelligent species that has ever existed. And why would we believe we were?

http://news.softpedia.com/news/Neanderthals-were-too-smart-to-survive-15264.shtml (claims Neanderthals were smarter)

All making the mass media billvon, perhaps you were too busy with the sports section or tv guide...

I see no reaon why we wouldn clones modern humans also, if there ever was a genetic strands that has given us bigger brains why would it be wrong to recreate this, I believe there were also a australian tribe that would have easly ourun housein bolt and even why not Einstein and Hitler in Einsteins case it would be interesting to see how much genetics is involved in inteeligence and in Hitlers case yust don't tell hem and keep a close eye on him I seriosly doubt that being evil is genetic.
well cloning Hitler probably wouldn't be a good idea there are easier ways to show that genetics isn't solely responsible for certain character traits
Pretty cool idea, but I don't think the world is ready to accept human cloning as a legal practice, once we start with one exception we'll start going onto "Clone Einstein" or something. Yeah, slippery slope argument

And btw, wouldn't this baby easily die/be infected.

Yea, we wouldn't want to clone any Einsteins what with all our brilliant Snooki's and Micky D's lying around. :)
Has anyone asked the question if a human womb can even handle the robust and muscular body of a neanderthal fetus? One stretch during the 9th term, for instance, could rip through internal organs and kill the mother. Or did the geniuses' who proposed this not think of that?
Has anyone asked the question if a human womb can even handle the robust and muscular body of a neanderthal fetus? One stretch during the 9th term, for instance, could rip through internal organs and kill the mother. Or did the geniuses' who proposed this not think of that?

The fetus simply stretching wouldn't rip internal organs, I would be amazed to hear it's even considerd on the fact that it sounds absurd. Still the size of the head could make people play it safe and perform a c section and there are probably other hidden risks involved non of them involving chestbuster like scenario's
besides if most people have 2-4% neanderthal DNA then it's safe to say this isn't the first time this has happened
Has anyone asked the question if a human womb can even handle the robust and muscular body of a neanderthal fetus? One stretch during the 9th term, for instance, could rip through internal organs and kill the mother.

Just like in Alien!

Seriously, human fetuses get pretty rambunctious as well. They don't "rip through internal organs and kill the mother." And with our DNA so close there is unlikely to be much difference.
besides if most people have 2-4% Neanderthal DNA then it's safe to say this isn't the first time this has happened
It has been proven that everyone outside of Sub-Saharan Africans and full blood Australian Aboriginals have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA [Europeans have the most as a whole] and I am just curious who is most likely in the 3-4% DNA range. Which ethnic group has the most Neanderthal roots?
Has anyone asked the question if a human womb can even handle the robust and muscular body of a neanderthal fetus? One stretch during the 9th term, for instance, could rip through internal organs and kill the mother. Or did the geniuses' who proposed this not think of that?

You just made my day :D :D
Has anyone asked the question if a human womb can even handle the robust and muscular body of a neanderthal fetus? One stretch during the 9th term, for instance, could rip through internal organs and kill the mother. Or did the geniuses' who proposed this not think of that?

What evidence do you have that a neanderthal fetus is more muscular and robust than a homo sapiens fetus? I've never seen any proof that that might be the case. The only thing that might make a real difference is the size of the fetus and again I don't see a problem there either. You have to remember we could interbreed with them. Genetically we are very close to each other.
In what way? You mean like "funny ha ha, that cosmictotem's a funny guy" or made your day as in i'm a clown to you?

what did you mean with:
Has anyone asked the question if a human womb can even handle the robust and muscular body of a neanderthal fetus? One stretch during the 9th term, for instance, could rip through internal organs and kill the mother. Or did the geniuses' who proposed this not think of that?
I remember a scifi short story named "game of the century" by robert Reed that sort of described that situation and you should read it for it's enteraining value if you like

But the most obvious idea that comes to mind is the famous scene from the movie alien.

In truth you have probably between 2-4% neanderthal DNA so with the best of guesses this wouldn't be the first time that a (homo sapiens) women gave birth to a (hybrid) neanderthal and probably not even the thousands under stoneage conditions even today a lot of hybrids are created the most famous one among mammals would be the mule offspring between a horse and a donkey (and not a species of it's own). But more relevant the pyrenean ibex went extinct in the year 2000 and cloning attempt happened by using a domestic goat (Capra hircus) read the wiki for more.

The lesson was that yes indeed a live pyrenean ibex was born and a species was brought back from extinction However it had so many birthdefects it died minutes afther and that was with prestine DNA (the fragmented neanderthal DNA will need many more triks)