I believe the "came back from heaven" boy.!!!

I tried to get my story on the air or in a book but was told they weren't interested. I died once for over 3 minutes but never saw anything like white lights, voices or other worldly stuff. I wonder why his story is told but mine wasn't allowed?????
I tried to get my story on the air or in a book but was told they weren't interested. I died once for over 3 minutes but never saw anything like white lights, voices or other worldly stuff. I wonder why his story is told but mine wasn't allowed?????

because he is a child its more believable because people believe children to be more believable and honest althought its not only children that experience this trip the media always puts ratings first to keep their jobs.
because he is a child its more believable because people believe children to be more believable and honest althought its not only children that experience this trip the media always puts ratings first to keep their jobs.

So the doctors that brought me back to life wouldn't be asked if I was really dead? I'd think that asking those professionals that were there with me and revived me would be just as believable as a child. No one wants to show there is no "heaven" when given to opportunity to do so, keeping the truth away from the citizens.
So the doctors that brought me back to life wouldn't be asked if I was really dead? I'd think that asking those professionals that were there with me and revived me would be just as believable as a child. No one wants to show there is no "heaven" when given to opportunity to do so, keeping the truth away from the citizens.

when you die "breaking the covalent bonds" your energy frequency is released and is a different wavelength for different people so this will cause you to phase into the realm you belong by means of associated corresponded frequencies that you match up with. This is why a lot of Satanist worship Saturn because some can live on the ring of Saturn.
when you die "breaking the covalent bonds" your energy frequency is released and is a different wavelength for different people so this will cause you to phase into the realm you belong by means of associated corresponded frequencies that you match up with. This why a lot of Satanist worship Saturn because some can live on the ring of Saturn.
And you don't have to believe that child either. I don't. I know what happens after you die and no child is going to convince me otherwise.
He is a child in conflict you have to let it slide and believe what you know has happened to you because all experiences will be subjective because everyone has different energy signature like a finger print the only time all stories will be the same and constant is if they originate from the unified realm of oneness.
when you die "breaking the covalent bonds" your energy frequency is released and is a different wavelength for different people so this will cause you to phase into the realm you belong by means of associated corresponded frequencies that you match up with. This is why a lot of Satanist worship Saturn because some can live on the ring of Saturn.
What covalent bonds are you breaking when you die and how does the act of dying break them?

What is your energy frequency before you die. Where does that original from and how do you measure that?
What covalent bonds are you breaking when you die and how does the act of dying break them?

What is your energy frequency before you die. Where does that original from and how do you measure that?

Just read up on it I think there are many papers written but you cannot ask a question like "what is your frequency" because everyone will have a different one.
When did you first start this path into delusion?
If I am delusional what benefit would it serve you to even speak to me? would that not be wasting your time honestly and logically why would you waste your time? I am fine I did not ask for nor do I desire help with my life situation I am fine and know exactly what is going on.
2 days ago
Boy Admits He Didn’t Go to Heaven

The young boy at the center of bestselling book The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven has admitted that he made the whole story up. Alex Malarkey’s story of visiting angels and heaven after being injured in a car crash when he was 6 years old was billed as “a supernatural encounter that will give you new insights on heaven, angels, and hearing the voice of God,” but publisher Tyndale House is now taking the book “and all ancillary products” out of print. Malarkey wrote an open letter to retailer LifeWay explaining the situation: “I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to.


Anything for money. As I said I didn't believe him but some people did.