I believe rape is worse than murder and people should be allowed to kill their rapist

you are confusing torture with death. you cannot say that death is worse than everything else just because it's final. if that were the case, we wouldn't humanely euthanize either when one is suffering too much or for prolonged or indefinite. you also do not know if most people say murdered. it all depends on the situation and there are cases of sexual slavery where it would have been better if they were killed rather than tortured. you can't just equate the finality of death as being the worst in relation to actual real suffering and degree of suffering. you are only wronged by being alive, duh. it would also depend on how one was killed and the suffering involved. if the finality of death was so much worse, there wouldn't be people who commit suicide to escape pain or wish they were dead because of pain. heck, there are those who would go for the death penalty than suffer years or life in prison. as far as PRACTICALITY of the judicial system, murder is supposed to have the utmost punishment but there are other heinous crimes besides death that cause extreme damage.

I was not saying death was worse because it was final, just that generally people would take rape over death, jeez arguing up the wrong tree aren't you?
Revenge killng is not a magic wand. It might help the victim "take back her perceived loss of power" or it might not. It might just make her feel worse.

I'm all in favour of rape being a mitigating factor. A rape victim should sometimes get a lesser sentence for murdering her rapist than for murdering her hairdresser - but not necessarily always.

"Allowing people to kill their rapist" is a simplistic response to a complex problem. That's usually a bad idea.

You are purposefully not understanding my point. A rape is a murder. I've made that clear. There isn't a choice between murder and rape. They're just two different forms of the same crime.

Your definition of the justice system is clearly important to you, more so than admitting that an individual stands to lose more from a personal attack than does society.

There's not much of a point in continuing the argument since you've clearly never experienced any level of suffering in your life and trying to find common ground here for contextualization is likely impossible. Perhaps once you've lost something or someone important to you then you'll understand what human beings go through.
So if you had to choose for a friend of yours, and the only two choices were her being raped and her death - you'd prefer her death?

Both rape and murder are heinous, awful crimes. However, it is possible to recover from rape, making it the lesser crime.

Agreed. But the change you will see in her after her death will be even bigger.

Of course not. It just covers many.

Nope. The justice system may not work perfectly but it's the best we have.

By the counter argument, society didn't collapse because a woman got raped, either. That's not an argument for "therefore it's OK."

You are purposefully not understanding my point. A rape is a murder. I've made that clear. There isn't a choice between murder and rape. They're just two different forms of the same crime.
Why is it that you seem to have more trouble or issues with what happened to your friend than your friend does, seeing that she appears to have moved on with her life and is now looking forward to a future as a nurse?

Is rape a destruction? Yes, it can be, if you let it. If you blame yourself or allow society to blame you. Being raped is not the worst thing that can happen to someone. Any rape victim can tell you that. The worst thing that can happen to them is that they are killed.

Of course you won't walk away from it unchanged. Having said that, however, everything we experience in life changes us, either for the better or for the worst.

Perhaps you should stop defining your friend by what happened to her and instead, recognising her for who she is now and embracing the fact that she is here to move on and look forward.

Killing her rapist won't restore that. I think it does your friend a disservice to suggest that her strength of character is what it is because she killed her rapist. Do you think she would not be who she is now had she not done it?

As much as I want to praise your friend for her actions, she has caused harm to others as well. Certainly, he was a rapist, a bad person. But I am sure his loved ones may now be in a position where they fear your friend and worse, may feel that they have a right to kill her now for revenge. Because losing someone you love in such circumstances does rob you of your personality. Would you approve if his loved ones now hunted her down and killed her?

Where does the cycle of violence end? At what point does it become not acceptable?

And if his family decide to do the same thing to your friend, is it okay? Is it set right for them?

There is no defined end point for necessary violence. It is necessary until it is not. That's up for the victim to decide.

If you're willing to defend your family member even when they're a rapist then your feelings on the matter are no longer relevant. Note that in this case the victim is still alive. Likely, the rapist's family were the first people to realize that he was worthless as a human being and better off dead.

Once reprisals are being taken against reprisals, then the police would likely be involved. In reality, law enforcement is more like a referee for personal justice. Sometimes these things can go on for a long time but hey, that's life.

You seem to think that losing a loved one is on par with being assaulted in such a violent and destructive way. It's not. There is no suffering like your own suffering and only the individual can determine what amount of vengeance is necessary for their own peace of mind.
You are purposefully not understanding my point. A rape is a murder. I've made that clear. There isn't a choice between murder and rape. They're just two different forms of the same crime.

No. They are, in fact, not the same crime. I have (unfortunately) had people in my life who were raped, others who were murdered. The outcomes are not the same, nor are the crimes.

Let's hope you never learn this the hard way.
There is no suffering like your own suffering and only the individual can determine what amount of vengeance is necessary for their own peace of mind.

And as many people who took the path of vengeance have found out the hard way: there is no guarantee that vengeance will bring one peace of mind.