I am there.

Religion breeds fear, ignorance, hatred, alienation.

Cottontop3000 said:
No, you are wrong. I became aware of it. Being aware of something and being "used" to something are wholly different things. I've had lots of money. I've driven a Porsche for years. I've saved, "saved," "invested," thousands of american dollars a month for years at a time. I've had the good life. It's a fucking crock. corporate america is a crock of fucking shit. Being aware of something is wholly different than being "used" to it.

That life is depressing is still just a matter of perspective.
True, you became aware -- but of what? That life is depressing, or did you become aware of your perspective that life is depressing?
(Q) said:
Religion breeds fear, ignorance, hatred, alienation.

What breeds fear, ignorance, hatred, alienation is people clinging on to the material and perishable.
All people start out this way, and some remain this way all their lives.
What breeds fear, ignorance, hatred, alienation is people clinging on to the material and perishable.

Of course, you can't possibly substantiate that ridiculous statement because it is little more than a childish, kindergarten grade, ' I know you are, but what am I?'

(Q) said:
What breeds fear, ignorance, hatred, alienation is people clinging on to the material and perishable.

Of course, you can't possibly substantiate that ridiculous statement because it is little more than a childish, kindergarten grade, ' I know you are, but what am I?'


No, this is just what you read into my statement.
Q, so eager to find fault. Q, so eager to be angry.

Think a bit of the impermanence of everything material, and you'll see where suffering comes from.
No, this is just what you read into my statement.
Q, so eager to find fault. Q, so eager to be angry.

Another predictable kindergarten response. Your one-dimensional thinking process knows no bounds.
No, Q.

He/she is enlightened. As history shows, people with his/her faith are good, enlightened, peaceful and are continually pushing the forefront of human knowledge.

Water is just one of those people.
Pi-Sudoku said:
Update - when i tried to log in it said that the administrater had not yet approved my login

I don't think that they will like the fact that i put Atheist in the religion field
Isn't that illegal, though? Not allowing someone on a board on religious bases? That's borderline breaking the law (First Amendment). They should be shot.
Saint said:
I moved to
please come to join me.

you gotta be kidding me. honestly as cool as it sounds when i see a topic called "WOW Shrimp is a SIN! I'm in big trouble!, Leviticus chapter says so! "
i kinda just want to not look any further into it.

you know though, shrimp being a sin has crossed my mind before, cause anything that delicious just has to be the devils work.

what the fuck.
There is a thread on baptist board about whether the world is 6000 or 10000 years old
I'd say 6,000. For sure. It's completely unscientific to think of the world as 4.5 billion years ago, anyone who says that is speaking under the guidance of satan.

By the way, is it true that only 48% of yanks think that God created humans fully formed on Earth 10,000 years ago? How stupid can you get - that number should be nearer 100%.
KennyJC said:
I'd say 6,000. For sure. It's completely unscientific to think of the world as 4.5 billion years ago, anyone who says that is speaking under the guidance of satan.

How can you believe "the world" is only 6000 years old?
What do you mean by "world", do you mean the physical earth, matter, human consciousness, or something else?
Why is it unscientific to think the world is 4.5 billion years old?

Explain how it can be scientific to think the world is 6000 years old...
I don't need to explain. God has guided me to the conclusion that it is and satan has guided you to accept the conclusion of scientists who work for him.

What do you mean by "world", do you mean the physical earth, matter, human consciousness, or something else?

God created the "world" 10,000 years ago, but he did not create humans until 6,000 years ago, and along with that came consciousness.
kenny are you schizophrenic or being sarcastic,
one minute you sound like an atheist and the next a bible puncher

from this

kennyjc said:
There are a few options about Jesus I can think of:

1. A virgin mother gave birth to the son of God, who could perform miracles etc
2. He was not right in the head
3. He was a magician/showman
4. He existed but his actions have been greatly exaggerated over the generations
5. He never existed and it is all a myth.

and this
kennyjc said:
LOL I just noticed you put evolutionists there... This is what I don't understand, you are happy to scrape the barrel of science if it can in anyway support your ill founded beliefs on abortion or the existence of a soul, but even though there is substantially a lot more science on evolution, you suddenly become blind... because of course God put humans on Earth 10,000 years ago fully formed

to this
kennyjc said:
I'd say 6,000. For sure. It's completely unscientific to think of the world as 4.5 billion years ago, anyone who says that is speaking under the guidance of satan.

By the way, is it true that only 48% of yanks think that God created humans fully formed on Earth 10,000 years ago? How stupid can you get - that number should be nearer 100%.
That just shows you how easy it is for Gods words to reach us all. Atheists worship satan and that explains Natzi-ism or whatever. So there you go. I am fundamentally right in my understanding of how life came on earth.

Don't forget, 48% of yanks believe Humans appeared fully formed via the hand of God 10,000 years ago... That's around 140 million people in one country alone that believe in the divine wishes of their creator. I don't think 140 million can be wrong.
KennyJC said:
Don't forget, 48% of yanks believe Humans appeared fully formed via the hand of God 10,000 years ago... That's around 140 million people in one country alone that believe in the divine wishes of their creator. I don't think 140 million can be wrong.

You forgot that 52% don't believe in it and you forgot that 52 is a larger number than 48.

I also doubt those 48% believe in God the same way as you do.
52% are all of seperate divisions. They don't share the same opinion. The 48% of inland (proper) america have a good basic understanding of it all... But I guess you are too close to an ocean to understand that, c7ityi.

48% of people all sharing the same view versus 52% of satan worshippers. It is no contest.
KennyJC said:
The 48% of inland (proper) america have a good basic understanding of it all...

I am not one of you Americanos, but people in my country sometimes say that Americans are stupid.

But I guess you are too close to an ocean to understand that, c7ityi.

I like the ocean, but unfortunately, i live at the center, so there is no ocean to be experienced.

48% of people all sharing the same view versus 52% of satan worshippers. It is no contest.

But according to you, the 52% are satan worshippers, so they share the same view, and 52 is more than 48. Are you saying that 48% is more than 52 because God is better than satan? Isn't satan the opposite of God? Wouldn't that mean that he is as "strong", just in a different way, like the opposites hard and soft, good and evil, light and darkness.
KennyJC said:
52% are all of seperate divisions. They don't share the same opinion. The 48% of inland (proper) america have a good basic understanding of it all... But I guess you are too close to an ocean to understand that, c7ityi.

48% of people all sharing the same view versus 52% of satan worshippers. It is no contest.
you will be pleased to know that of the 295,734,134 million americans, 75% beleive in god, and 48% of those are christian, which is 36% of the whole of america, and made up from 34,000 different sects, which equates down to 0.295% each roughly working it,(yes I know theres a more catholic ratio to baptist and mormon to presbyterian etc, this is just averaging it out) means 417,000 thousand per denomination.
when you compare that with the other 52% of other religions(satan worshippers as you call them ) 153,781,000 million, and the non-believers 35,493,000 million, totals to 189,274,000 million in america, you arguement becomes invalid.

some questions
so are mormons correct? and are they your equal? and are catholics, the same? because they beleive as you do.
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I am not one of you Americanos, but people in my country sometimes say that Americans are stupid.

Are they comparing Americanos to you?