I am there.

There are sections on schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. I just read a thread in which someone is seriously depressed. The others are browbeating her into praying and submitting to god so as to rid satan and demons from her body. Lunatics.
Yeah, we need at least one punching bag here. christianforums is a farce anyway. too many deluded fools there for ab to have to deal with. too many deluded fools that disagree with his/her particular bent on the whole "christ" thing.
That looks like a fun place to go under an alias and act like a dumb american christian.. can't wait!
These pagan/heathens/atheists/demonists/cultists/evolutionists/ whatever, need to know too.

Yet, we know more about your religion than you do, why not go there, learn something, and then come back and show us what you've learned?
These pagan/heathens/atheists/demonists/cultists/evolutionists/ whatever, need to know too.

LOL I just noticed you put evolutionists there... This is what I don't understand, you are happy to scrape the barrel of science if it can in anyway support your ill founded beliefs on abortion or the existence of a soul, but even though there is substantially a lot more science on evolution, you suddenly become blind... because of course God put humans on Earth 10,000 years ago fully formed :rolleyes:
water said:
And this is why your life remains depressing: you got used to it.

No, you are wrong. I became aware of it. Being aware of something and being "used" to something are wholly different things. I've had lots of money. I've driven a Porsche for years. I've saved, "saved," "invested," thousands of american dollars a month for years at a time. I've had the good life. It's a fucking crock. corporate america is a crock of fucking shit. Being aware of something is wholly different than being "used" to it.

i am signing up, however on the sign-up agreement it says

"By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, hateful, harassing, libelous, pornographic, abusive, obscene, profane, invasive of a person's privacy, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. We reserve the right to delete any message, topic, to ban a username, IP address, domain name, or email address for *any reason* that we feel is deserved.

You also agree that you will not post links in our message boards that try to persuade others against Christianity. "

I will let you know when they delete my acount
Update - when i tried to log in it said that the administrater had not yet approved my login

I don't think that they will like the fact that i put Atheist in the religion field

I've been a member there for a while but I was honest about my position so they won't allow me to post anything that doesn't support their beliefs.
What else would one expect from theists? Religion breeds fear, ignorance, hatred, alienation. It just goes to show that atheists would welcome theists to their forums to say whatever they wanted, yet they won't allow atheists to join their forums.
