I am going to be an Atheist Preacher

My advice to all atheists: Act like it's(atheism)normal.
M*W: Why is it important to "act" like atheism is normal. It's the most "normal" thing to believe in. We were all born atheists. Then our innocence and logical minds were brainwashed in one way or another by those who came before us who were corrupted.
And what are the High UnHoly Days?

You see that is the problem. I appears that this human brain works one way. We are pack animals until we are alone in the pack and then we become solitary creatures, plotting and panning but the reality is that we are solitary creatures born alone, die alone.
M*W: Why is it important to "act" like atheism is normal.

Emphasis on the word ACT. Not meant to be confused with a part in a play. No need to remonstrate. If it's the most natural thing to be then why treat it like it's something that makes atheism special...no need to party or be spiteful. Enjoy the moment, you've figured it out.
Emphasis on the word ACT. Not meant to be confused with a part in a play. No need to remonstrate. If it's the most natural thing to be then why treat it like it's something that makes atheism special...no need to party or be spiteful. Enjoy the moment, you've figured it out.
M*W: The atheist can send a card to anyone anyday for any reason. The atheist doesn't have to be limited to certain days of the religious calendar. We are happy all the time, and we revere all the days of the calendar. For example, any Wednesday or Thursday, we are not limited to sending a card to say friends who are not of our non-religious belief. We can send our friends a card anytime we want, and the only significance it has is our good thoughts to our friends. What's the harm in that?

Well wishes do not need a time nor a reason. We do things because we wish good tidings. There is no bitterness in our doings. That's what perplexes me so.

Why can't everybody send well-wishes to others for no reason? Why does there need to be any reason?

If there is a purpose of sending well-wishes to someone, then the thought is fake. It's a forced event. What is the truthfulness in that?
I guess what I'm trying to say is this.....atheism doesn't need to be preached. You've made a logical choice based on the evidence at hand, let it be all you need to do. Do we want the religious to think we're indoctrinated?

When I said act, I was thinking of a quote from an American football player who once said...'when you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before.' He wasn't talking about histrionics.
No, I want a day I can celebrate by sending cards to all my believer relatives.
M*W: Then you can send cards any day you choose for any reason. Anyday is a day of worship for atheists. Everyday is a holy day as far as we are concerned. Why should we be so limited? That doesn't make sense. We should always cherish our lives. Everyday we live we are blessed. Everyday we exist we should expound on our being.