I Am A Pedophile

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Once you reach 21 and can go to "the bar" 13-20 just isn’t the same. I'm 22 and the thought of someone that can’t legally drive gives me a big rubbery one.

but hey. if there’s no grass on the field play in the mud
Danzinger: Okay guys, I just want to lay a few things out on the table and see what you all have to say.

I am a 16 year old male living in Canada, so I believe it's alright (LEGAL) for me to have sex with a female as young as 13. (FYI, I'm a virgin.)

Now all I'm saying is, from around when I turned 11 I started to find girls of the ages 13-20 years old attractive. It's pretty much the same for me now. As time has progressed, though, I have found much older women to be attractive as well. (MILFs, Diane Lane.)

But back to the pedophile side of me.. In truth, I can even see myself being attracted to a well-developed 12 year old girl, if she was dressed in slutty clothes, y'know? Because Junior High is around the age that girls start wearing mini-skirts and crop-tops.

Now none of this may sound that shocking because I'm only 16, but I can honestly tell you all, right now, that I will probably find teenage girls attractive when I become 30. :(

OBVIOUSLY I will not act on those primal urges by that age. (Hopefully I'll have married a MILF by then.) But I'll still enjoy LOOKING at them.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that girls become attractive after purberty, and puberty DAMN WELL doesn't come at the age of 18.
M*W: It's too bad you're coming of age in the 21st century. Had you lived a mere hundred years ago, marrying a 13 year-old girl wasn't uncommon especially in rural areas nor would it be a crime.

In cultures where arranged marriages take place, the girl's parents often make the arrangements while the child is still an infant!

I don't think you're a 'pedophile' per se. You're just a puppet of your raging male hormones. But seeing as how this is the 21st century, if I were you, I'd keep my hands off of jail bait.
Legally underage but post-pubescent girls can be attractive, and it is perfectly natural to look at them (especially in slutty clothes).
Medicine Woman said:
I am a 16 year old male living in Canada, so I believe it's alright (LEGAL) for me to have sex with a female as young as 13. (FYI, I'm a virgin.)

Wow, that's worse than Texas.
Seriously, kid. As you grow older, the attractive qualities of 13-14yo girls (namely, physical development) will be more and more outweighed by the unattractive qualities (personality, legal repercussions, ethical repercussions).
Females around the age of 13 have clear skin, round, high breasts, a nice, feminine appealing shape. Only a pedophile will have sex with or feel attracted to a 13 year old. Any points of resemblance between a 13 year old girl and a man's chosen partner, whatever her age, mark him as a pedophile who should be destroyed.

This means that the face must have some wrinkles and sags. It must not have the fresh color to it. The skin must be slightly grey, bluish, or just lack fullness and that healthy grow. Breasts absolutely must sag. The belly absolutely must pooch out. Just below, I can't describe here, but it must not look young! If the legs do not at least show a few blue veins, preferably varicose, a thick coat of hair is acceptable to cover them up.

It is not actually required that the woman have a mouth that tastes like an ashtray. It does however, have to taste "off" in some way or the other. If she has reached the age where she can't get her teeth completely clean by brushing, and who over 40 can, that will slide by. If her nose is crooked that is a definite plus. Her hair absolutely must smell of artificial ingredients of some kind. If there are no grey hairs at all, and no small mustache on her lips, you just might be a pedophile.

I didn't say a guy could have sex with this woman, either. Pedophiles have sex with women, so we can't either.
MetaKron said:
Any points of resemblance between a 13 year old girl and a man's chosen partner, whatever her age, mark him as a pedophile who should be destroyed.
You, sir, are a prude. :mad:
I'm trying to make this literally true. It's really just intellectual masturbation because there is no safe position. The last person who accused me of sexual harassment did this because I stayed as far away from her as I could. I don't even want to know what she told the boss.

The next person to accuse me of sexual harassment or rape is going to have to work even harder. I'm not going back to that job.

The person who accuses me of pedophilia is going to have to do it with no pornography (of any kind) on my computer, when I have no contact with anyone at all. They are also going to have to do some work to find me because I am shutting my mouth for good. Bad society. No input. No contribution. No treat. No donut.
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Yeah, like I ever could shut my mouth.

If you like smooth skin that doesn't reek of tobacco smoke...

You might be a pedophile.

If you like women who have all their teeth...

You might be a pedophile.

If you like breasts that don't sag down to a woman's pants pockets...

You might be a pedophile.

If you like parking your mini in a space that is suitable for a mini, rather than two schoolbuses side by side...

You might be a pedophile.

If you like a woman who actually looks up to you and treats you with respect...

You might be a pedophile.

If your woman has a mustache that is thinner than your mustache...

You might be a pedophile.

If you live in Kansas and your woman is still a virgin...

She's faster than her brothers.

Thank you, thank you.
That's not pedophilia. Pedophilia is an physical attraction towards one that has child-like physical characteristics.
Pubescent and post-pubescent females definently do NOT have child-like physical characteristics. ;)

Exact. Paedo's are people who desire sexual engagement with children either 14 or 12 and younger.

Baron paedo's are defined as those with a strong urge to act on the above. Not acting on it still makes one a paedo. The problem with it is that they are generally unable to control the urge and given the opportunity would act on it. Its not being a paedo that's illegal its act.
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