"I am a jealous God"

A simple experiment comes to mind.
If you wore a mask with eyes at the side, would animals not run away as much?

Regarding Jung, didn't he say something along the lines of:
"No person has ever recovered from a psychological illness without undergoing some variety of religious conversion"?

My own view on religious belief is that it is a vital part of what it is to be human.
If science thinks it can just pluck away religious belief without something replacing it, it is wrong.
Human nature abhors a vacuum.

Yes, well many who have no religion can be susceptible to this. Think Aliens.

They have no religion but believe that there are super advanced ET spying on us and ready to save us from ourselves. Maybe there are.

Humans will often replace one with another, but I think it is the goal of many to be able to live in a world where reality is king and we move with the better information.

I think if we don't there will be hell to pay.
Hi folks.

I've been wondering why God subscribes to human emotions? Or could it be that we are gifted with Godly emotions...

He is said to "suffer" from jealousy, anger, wrath and love amongst other things. Are these needed to be perfect? In a diety are they perfectly in balance? Certainly he doesn't seem to mind "smiting" people now and again.

I find the whole thing rather curious.



LOL @smiting people now and again. oh that is so true.
I think we are gifted with Godly emotions.
and I think he has to follow his own rules as well. in order for things to function perfectly. I think it's more of a Act/React law (like karma) rather than him actually deliver his wrath or kill someone.
A simple experiment comes to mind. If you wore a mask with eyes at the side, would animals not run away as much?
Interesting experiment indeed. The only animals in this region that are small enough, plentiful enough, and brash enough to do this without having to spend several days trying to encounter one are squirrels. Maybe I'll try that one day. Not the squirrels in my yard because they all know me and would not be fooled, but the ones in some other part of the neighborhood.

Of course we have a huge population of "hooved rats," as deer are called on the East Coast. But since we killed off all their predators natural selection has been breeding them for intelligence instead of speed, and they've figured out that city folk aren't going to harm them as long as we're not driving cars. I have (no exaggeration) seen them standing on the curb with the pedestrians, waiting for the walk light to turn green.
My own view on religious belief is that it is a vital part of what it is to be human.
So my wife and I and my entire family are lacking in human vitality?
If science thinks it can just pluck away religious belief without something replacing it, it is wrong.
I can't speak for other scientists or other atheists, but I personally have never advocated for trying to pluck it away. That seems like a really good way to get shot, since literal-religionists are some of the most violent, easily-angered people on earth. I think we're going to have to wait for it to fade away by attrition.

America's Religious Redneck Retard Revival notwithstanding, in many parts of the world Christianity has settled into a genteel sort of wink-wink collection of inspiring metaphors, like urban Hinduism and the Dao. Even in much of Latin America it has lost its iron grip, and in many congregations Judaism has long been a religion of law rather than doctrine. These days it's primarily Islam that is regarded as literally true by (perhaps) a majority of its members. Taken collectively, all of these observations seem to indicate that when a population becomes more educated they begin to (at least unconsciously) understand the difference between metaphor and literal truth.

So what we need is to simply improve and expand education, and let the truth set people free.
I'm a biologist so you wouldn't expect me to believe in God, but I do believe we have a spirit or soul or whatever you want to call it. I say this because long before we were born we had an undeniable potential to be.
M*W: What I call it is genetic memory.
Hmmm It looks like God is something of a metaphor for what we find in ourselves in this respect. I find it extrordinary that the human brain has a dedicated area for handling spirituality..I wonder if other primates have the same thing? It would be wierd to find that chimps had the same thing.

If science, and philosophy had no observers then surely it would become irrelevant? Science especially relies on experiments being repeatable. You can't repeat something accurately if its details are not recorded. Is philosophy not the same in this respect?
Hmmm It looks like God is something of a metaphor for what we find in ourselves in this respect.
Bingo! All religions are nothing more than collections of metaphors.

Jung points out that all of the traditional polytheistic religions had the same pantheon, and each god seemed to correspond to a specific component of the human personality: the Lover, the Healer, the Warrior, etc. We actually have multiple "spirits" and we have to make sure the right one is in charge when a situation demands it: you'd better be the Parent, not the Reveler, if the Crips are trying to recruit your kid. Also, they vary in strength from one person to another, which is why we each choose different careers.

The problem with monotheism is that it squashes that rich model of humanity into a pathetic one-dimensional scale where everything falls on a line between "good" and "evil." Some of our spirits are found to be "evil" so we repress them into our Shadow where they fester and eventually erupt out of frustration.
I find it extrordinary that the human brain has a dedicated area for handling spirituality.
Cause and effect. We have a brain center for belief in the supernatural, so we invent religions. Duh?.
I wonder if other primates have the same thing? It would be wierd to find that chimps had the same thing.
We're already talking to them in ASL. One day we'll probably be having that conversation.
.... Duh?.We're already talking to them in ASL. One day we'll probably be having that conversation.

I don't know, I'm skeptical, they would need some evolutionary pressure to increase brain size and complexity etc. still it may happen in a few million years...